[3.10] ED + Contagion Max Block CI Trickster | 1+M DPS | All Content | Super Tanky | Awakener Farmer

This is definitely going to be my 3.10 league starter.
Are you considering making it into a complete guide?
Str0ng wrote:
Is this DPS enough to clear legion on t15+ maps easily?
You will clear anything everything kinda easy honestly. Combined with Vaal blight your dps is very high for map boss.
Wondering where actually this enormous dmg difference compared to mtx versions come from despite of spiders stack and despair?
Erys11 wrote:
This is definitely going to be my 3.10 league starter.
Are you considering making it into a complete guide?


due to the corona situation i will most certainly not find the time to make a full guide out of this. But you can easily level it like any other variation of ED/Cont, ED/Bane, Blight or mildly related chaos dot build that uses trickster as it's base. This is all in all just one very specific endgame gearing/skilling branch of being "just a chaos dot trickster". I think the most important parts of this guide are covered: It explains the chosen defense (aka max-block/ES-on-block) and if you read the comments of me and also other people you can get a very good grasp of all mechanics needed to play any chaos dot build in the game.

I will most likely leaguestart with this build and may or may not update the guide accordingly. The patch notes had exactly no nerfs in them and a few minor ES buffs in the early tree nodes. The chaos dot specific cluster nodes are brutal and i cannot wait to play around with these to reach really good damage way more easy than by having +1 chaos/int on every item that allows it :D

I wish all of you a good league start :-)
Just letting you know that I referenced this thread in my guide, and gave a link to this thread.

I believe it is the best for players seeking the most tankyness for ED tricksters, so there's that. The damage is very low since 3.9's boss life patch, but that's the price of spending all resources in defences...
Anyways. Build is good, so I'd like to recommend it in my thread for players seeking something like this instead of redirecting people every 3 pages ^^'

If you want me to not link this thread in mine, please contact me on my thread or via DM. Sorry for the inconvenience if you feel like this is intrusive.

Gl hf in delirium!
Feel free! I also always tell that this version is just one variation of an ED/Cont Trickster :)

Though you downplay the final damage quite alot in your contra points :D I could easily kill a buffed t16 Metamorph in under 10 seconds while facetanking it. I wouldn't say that is very low damage and I wasn't maxed out, still missing 2-3 ED Skill levels :) (that's just very expensive to build for)

Nonetheless thank you for the link :)

Sidenote: ED/Cont feels great in Delirium even with no real gear at all, just a bit squishy with my current gear :D
I am also starting with this build since it was my most successfull build in POE besides summoner yet. Very nice for delirium and I too have shitty gear so far. I find block & es recovery to be very helpful against those delirium hordes.
Loving this build, but I was wondering what you would prioritize on the passive tree while leveling, I have most of the damage related nodes, but wasn't sure whether to get all the aura related nodes or to just pick up as much energy shield as I can.

This is my league start so struggling to get the ball rolling on switching to CI, and also wasn't sure how important Zealot's Oath is for switching, been a LONG time since I ran CI and its pretty isolated (unless I go for the aura nodes too).
The manareserve/aura nodes are very lategame when you can min-max the build with enlighten 4 and stuff like that. i would focus on getting your ES up and damage if it is lacking too much behind, since the build isn't the strongest dmg wise.
Belvince wrote:
The manareserve/aura nodes are very lategame when you can min-max the build with enlighten 4 and stuff like that. i would focus on getting your ES up and damage if it is lacking too much behind, since the build isn't the strongest dmg wise.

Tried this build now for league start, and i still like the idea of this block/es gain mechanic.
But damage wise this build is a catastroph....if you dont have

1. chaos skill amu (SHITTY ones cost 1 exa)
2. Wand +1, + DoT multi + crafted spell damage (min. 1 Exa)
3. +2/+4 skill body armour (doesnt even exist on rares, only +2 tabula rasa)
4. Lethal Pride (about 4 exa)
5. Dmg auras LL/ES builds use
6. and all this fancy items like apsect on spider on helmet (5 exa), aspect of spider on ring with some res, but no other ehp (1 exa minimum), gloves with dot multi (5 exa), empower lvl 4 (7 exa)

So what i want to say, this build i guess works, but for sure not as league starter. without all/most of these items above i even struggle with red maps T13/T14. Even some rare mobs and some boss mechanics are a pain in the ass with that dmg.

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