[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

arikshkol wrote:
ty horned and grim you really helped to understand, didn't knew about the combination of the watcher's eye and self-poison, nice defense layer.

Another question isn't divergent malevolence is better for us, as we loose 1 in radius but +10% for damage with ailments? (especially for those who have Asenath's)

Both alternate quality versions of Malevolence are better. Skill effect duration for QoL, Damage with Ailments for pure Damage.

thanks, that's what I thought. I am looking at your profiles from time to time to learn a bit and I didn't see anyone using it that's why I wondered if it's really a good choice
This is my first time with this build so I am still learning a lot about it. I would appreciate any pointers as to what I should be aiming for next with what I have currently. I would rather prioritize defenses because I am playing on a potato of a computer so I stutter and lag a lot. I have to play at min settings, so I can't really see much of what's going on for the most part.

Here's what I have going for me currently:

grimjack68 wrote:
HungryBagel wrote:
I'm not seeing Withering Step in a lot of people's builds here--any reason why? The video guide mentioned it resets the Elusive buff, and it also grants phasing (if not using a Quartz flask). Is it still strong?
It's another key in the keyboard finger dance, and I can't get used to the rhythm.

We get Elusive on every crit, and we crit ... a lot. :) I'm using a Quartz flask as well, not so much for the phasing, as the extra dodge. I actually specc'd into Freedom of Movement and dropped the Quartz for a Jade to boost evasion earlier, and still felt way squishier than running the Quartz for the extra dodge. Phasing itself isn't that big of a deal, I mostly use whirling blades to get around, and that goes through enemies anyway. Furthermore, whirling blades grants fortify when linked to it, so I like it over WS.

Elusive on crit has a cooldown even when we crit all the time, meaning we can reset it and ALWAYS have it up by placing wither step on left click. It's no more buttons to press. IT automatically casts when you hold left click which is nearly always.

(3.9) | Poison BV Assassin (Crush T15 Metamorphs on a budget)

(3.9) | Burning Arrow Starter build
Gejjzer wrote:
tlambert01588 wrote:
So what’s the secret with this build and Sirus? I mean obviously this is probably one of the best map clear builds in the game, but I just got worked by Sirus 8. Granted I was a little sloppy with the mechanics. Wondering if anyone has any swaps they do specifically for the Sirus encounter.

Same here, maping is super fast but solo damage against bosses like Syrius suck arses.

First of all, run a pair of cold iron points in your offhand weapons with duplicate spell gems, or swap in a second one instead of Bino's for Sirus. There is no benefit to having poison proliferation during the Sirus fight, might as well go full DPS.

Second, my largest challenge has been tracking where he is, he 'ports around a lot, and during the 2 clone phases it's tough to pick him out of the crowd. Keep your spell totem with wither up, that will point you in the right direction.

Third, equip a true teleport skill to get past the circling quad beam. That damn thing will debuff you in a big way, even if you use whirling blades to 'port through it, it'll still get you. Flame dash works wonders there, I run with both so I can maintain a fortify buff and 'port through the beam to maintain blade vortex on him.

The only other thing is, keep moving, especially with a movement skill, and you're unlikely to get tagged by the DIE beam.

Buddy of mine suggested fitting a desecrate gem for the Sirus fight. That would give Feast of Flesh from the helm something to proc on during the fight. Sounds like a great idea to me, I'm going to try that next fight!
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Last edited by grimjack68 on Oct 8, 2020, 11:01:02 PM
Gr0bbs wrote:
grimjack68 wrote:
HungryBagel wrote:
I'm not seeing Withering Step in a lot of people's builds here--any reason why? The video guide mentioned it resets the Elusive buff, and it also grants phasing (if not using a Quartz flask). Is it still strong?
It's another key in the keyboard finger dance, and I can't get used to the rhythm.

We get Elusive on every crit, and we crit ... a lot. :) I'm using a Quartz flask as well, not so much for the phasing, as the extra dodge. I actually specc'd into Freedom of Movement and dropped the Quartz for a Jade to boost evasion earlier, and still felt way squishier than running the Quartz for the extra dodge. Phasing itself isn't that big of a deal, I mostly use whirling blades to get around, and that goes through enemies anyway. Furthermore, whirling blades grants fortify when linked to it, so I like it over WS.

Elusive on crit has a cooldown even when we crit all the time, meaning we can reset it and ALWAYS have it up by placing wither step on left click. It's no more buttons to press. IT automatically casts when you hold left click which is nearly always.

There's a bunch of other factors to consider.

Withering step is a blink skill, so it shares a cooldown with others - and it's not a short cooldown, either, 3 seconds. Using any other skills cancel it, and you can't re-use it for 3 seconds after it expires regardless.

Regular elusive doesn't have a cooldown that I'm aware of, it lasts 5 seconds and degrades to zero effect over that time. When it hits zero effect, the next crit will re-apply it at 100% effect.

Ideally, you would kill a pack, boost your blade vortex count, hit withering step, and run through the next pack, rinse and repeat. I wouldn't want it on my left click, I think that will put me in a situation where I don't have it up when I want to be killing a pack because it's on cooldown. I can't figure out a way to gain fortify on hit with this setup either, and using Unleash in with BV means we should be casting BV every couple seconds to maximize the number of blades we get with each cast, which would cancel withering step.

Personally, I kill a pack, tap BV, whirling blades forward into the next pack to grant fortify, repeat. If I need the withered buff, I'll throw down my spell totems.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Tricen wrote:
This is my first time with this build so I am still learning a lot about it. I would appreciate any pointers as to what I should be aiming for next with what I have currently. I would rather prioritize defenses because I am playing on a potato of a computer so I stutter and lag a lot. I have to play at min settings, so I can't really see much of what's going on for the most part.

Here's what I have going for me currently:

I was recently running into the same problems. At home, I'm fine, I have a wicked PC and an internet connection that's seriously overpowered. However, I went on vacation with my family to their lake cabin, so I was reduced to playing on a macbook running bootcamp on a connection that stuggles to maintain 5mb/s. Lag spikes, framerate challenges, etc, put me at several deaths per session, it was impossible to gain levels.

So I respecc'd my character for survival. Bought a bunch of regret orbs, pathed over the top to Mind over Matter then down to the Scion life wheel, instead of the typical tree where you spec around the bottom of the tree.

Then I picked up a golden rule gem for self poison. Used a Maw helmet initially, for uneffected by poison, switched to a watcher's eye when I could afford it. Atziri's flask suddenly makes a lot more sense than a life flask, gives you life, damage, and extra chaos resistance. Apep's slumber grants you enough energy shield recharge that Mind over Matter is essentially pulling from an unlimited pool of mana, and it boosts your max resists, including chaos resist.

With this setup I have higher than typical max resists, including chaos, a bunch more effective life from MoM, and a bottomless "mana" pool for casting from.

My survival rate skyrocketed. Instead of dying a dozen times an hour, I went to maybe once every few hours. I leveled from 75 to 90 on a potato computer running off the worst internet I've had to deal with in many years.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
So I've decided that I want to play more defensive way (damage is absurd any way) Kintsugi works just great. So I end up with following gear


Next step is to replace one of the jewels with watcher eye, and get decent enchantment for helmet and boots.
How are people running all of these auras:
1. Malevolence
2. Despair
3. Herald of Agony
4. Skitterbots
5. Flesh and Stone

I have a Diadem and Enlighten lvl 3 and I lack mana to run them all.
Don't forget that withering Step also debuffs the enemy group. So if you have it on your left click, and it activates even for a second, you inflict 6+x Withered Debuffs on the mob group. That means at least 36% increased damage. And you can scale that even higher. For normal maps, you don't need wither totems, so you can link Anomalous Withering Step (level 20) + Enhance (level 4) + Empower. Since there's no increase from WS level 23 to 24, you either have WS level 21 + Empower 3 or WS level 20 + Empower 4 to reach max.

That would give you Withering Step level 23 = 7 Withered Debuffs. "Anomalous" grants you another 0.1% Withered Debuffs per Quality - 20% from the gem and another 24% from Enhance, so you get another 4 Debuffs on top and debuff a mob group with 11 Withered Debuffs = 66% increased Damage - for free.

I even keep that Setup for Conquerors and only switch to Wither-Totems for Sirus or Uber-Elder.

When he does his circle of copies of him, dash into the middle of it after he used his beam immediately. That way you see the real copy of him flicker for a second and can see, in which direction he ports afterwards.

_Elminister_ wrote:
and Enlighten lvl 3

There you have your answer ;)
_Elminister_ wrote:
How are people running all of these auras:
1. Malevolence
2. Despair
3. Herald of Agony
4. Skitterbots
5. Flesh and Stone

I have a Diadem and Enlighten lvl 3 and I lack mana to run them all.
You need a corrupted Enlighten level 4. Socket that in the helm with Malevolence, Skitterbots, and either HoA or F&S. The remaining gem gets socketed elsewhere.

This drops your reservations to:
0% Despair
34% Malevolence
17% Herald of Agony
24% Skitterbots
25% Flesh and Stone
100% total
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.

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