[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

Build is cool, I tried to do a T16 Minotaur Map and I couldn’t damage him and kept getting 1 shotted? Can anyone tell me why that is?
hi Guys
Check this video.
I experiment with Inspired Learning Crimson Jewel.

It cost me 430 life - what do you think ? Is it worth it?

I said im still taking damage from ES first because of chaos res. With golden rule you are getting all %78 resistances. I played two version. without MOM and with MOM but i guess im gonna stay with MOM. i lose some life. But at the end i guess its better like this. My map clear is not that perfect beacuse i dont have asenath or explo chest. So i have to use bino's. But im ok with single target.
RWJaraxxus wrote:

I said im still taking damage from ES first because of chaos res. With golden rule you are getting all %78 resistances. I played two version. without MOM and with MOM but i guess im gonna stay with MOM. i lose some life. But at the end i guess its better like this. My map clear is not that perfect beacuse i dont have asenath or explo chest. So i have to use bino's. But im ok with single target.

oh so are you running the MOM version now then

are you running a weapon swap for bosses then? CIP + apep for bossing and bino + apep for mapping?

do u think i can get away with having CIP + epep for bossing and mapping if i have explode chest? is it possible to see ur tree too. that would be much appreciated

and u killed A8 sirius with this build right?
Last edited by Harri8551 on Apr 6, 2020, 3:09:10 AM
Hi Grobbs,

I've started learning Poison BV this league by following your guide. You have some great tips and gear choices. However, after playing this build for over 2 weeks, I have some issues with your way of building poison BV:

1. PoB has really unrealistic boss DPS. During Uber Elder and especially Sirus fight you will not have enough flask and charge uptime. 20Mil+ looks cool, but it is not real ( 8M+ with your current gear )
1.a) Without Coralito, your poison chance isn't 100% percent. Again, this is issue in longer boss fights with low amount of adds ( and those fights are usually the hardest )
2. This build have some stupid damage, so investing in more of it kinda seems pointless ( talking about Skitterbots ). I prefer investing in more evasion ( Atziri Step, Grace + Vaal Grace to cap dodge and spell dodge, also I like Arrow Dancing a lot, projectile attacks are deadliest, with full buffs I have 88% projectile evade chance, 50% melee evade chance and 75% attack/spell dodge ) and life.
3. Cluster jewels are very strong, 2 sets of large -> 2 medium -> 2 small are stronger than what you can get on passive tree.

EDIT: If some1 wants, I can share my PoB, but keep in mind I experiment a lot ( I'm trying Steelskin and Flame Dash currently ) and my setup isn't minmaxed at all ( except Carcass Jack, lucky double corruption result xD ).
Last edited by DavorMarin on Apr 6, 2020, 3:27:24 AM
I'm trying to decide what type of chest to use. The options are:

+1 curse/+1 sockets

+1 curse/explodes

Which is the better option for this build?

I currently don't have asenaths but have the money for the gloves and the chest.

Here is my pastebin:


Other suggestions are appreciated.
I see that everyone is shifting towards MOM and Apep's right now. Since I'm struggling to kill bosses like Sirius and Catarina right now despite being able to run T16 maps smoothly, I'm about to switch as well.

I was wondering how much ES do you guys have? I'm currently sitting at 500 and that seems quite little. Am I missing something?
I'm going for +skills/curse as the explode seems unnecessary. Just want more dps for sirus and the 20th simac phase really. Only place where I even want more.
After switching to MOM+Apep's w/ Watcher's Eye and Golden Rule I'm constantly running into the issue that my mana and ES depletes until both are 0 and then they stay at 0 so I can no longer use any skills. What's causing this. Has anyone else run into the same issue?
After switching to MOM+Apep's w/ Watcher's Eye and Golden Rule I'm constantly running into the issue that my mana and ES depletes until both are 0 and then they stay at 0 so I can no longer use any skills. What's causing this. Has anyone else run into the same issue?

This has been mentioned a couple of times in the thread so I don't think you are the only one. Your profile is private so we can't see your build.

Are you using items that explode your corpses? When you do that, you can starve Diadem of corpses that it needs for Feast of Flesh and can lead to this mana issue.

Some people have tried to experiment with Desecrate to cover this issue but I have not read if they have been successful or not.

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