Moment of silence for people who died in volcanic eruption on New Zealand’s Whakaari/White Island

Farystar wrote:
There should be more warnings, of possible small eruption bursts.

this is a commentary. aka an opinion piece.
by the sounds of it, the company that is responsible for the tours and safety is one of the strictest and safest places in new zealand. and while there was a bump in activity it seemed to be minor and not enough for the experts to decide to shut down the tours.

its eruption seemed very abrupt and pretty unpredictable, as is the nature of some volcanos.

i know in times of tragedy people would really like to know who to point a finger towards, but sometimes it just isn't anyones fault.
Last edited by xMustard on Dec 10, 2019, 4:18:33 PM
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Looks like a Masonic sacrifice to me. Wouldn't be surprised if they put bombs in the volcano.
jackof8lades wrote:
Farystar wrote:

There should be more warnings, of possible small eruption bursts.

More warning? If you don't understand you should not visit volcanic areas no ammount of warning is gonna help.
If you want to visit a volcano you should accept any and all possible consequenses.


People are free to do as they please, even if its potentially dangerous, so long as they only endanger themselves.

And honestly, visiting a volcano is probably a lot safer then a lot of other hobby's people do nowadays. This is just extreme bad luck, probably caught the people monitoring the area off-gaurd.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
jackof8lades wrote:
If you don't understand you should not visit volcanic areas no ammount of warning is gonna help.
If you want to visit a volcano you should accept any and all possible consequenses.

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Queen of Padlocks
Visit a volcano???

Lemme post a picture of how big the Yellowstone Supervolcano is...

You wanna put up some 'dont visit' signs for this one? Also, scientists believe it's past due.
Yes the world is dangerous not sure what the point of those post were, tourist were killed in new zeeland as in these ppl willingly walked into a dangerous area.
Some dangers can't be avoided but those deaths were totally avoidable.
Tourist think the world is some safe place for them to frolic around without a care in the world, well it isn't thats why so many of them die each year.

Seems that it was widely and long known this was very dangerous.
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Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Last edited by jackof8lades on Dec 12, 2019, 7:09:46 PM
Rachel wrote:
jackof8lades wrote:
If you don't understand you should not visit volcanic areas no ammount of warning is gonna help.
If you want to visit a volcano you should accept any and all possible consequenses.

Wait a minute, we can banter as long as we use gifs to do so?

This was not well explained in the ToS Rachel!
i know what you mean, but just for banters sake
did you just call auckland people stupid?



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
KalAthar wrote:
It's too bad, hopefully they got everyone else out in time and it's not a running total.

One of my biggest irrational fears is one of the big Calderas going up in my lifetime. Well, maybe not irrational but there's nothing you can really do, so no point in dwelling on it :P I'm nowhere near Taupo but close enough to Yellowstone for it to suck lol.

If yellowstone erupts ever, it would be a, global catastrophic event

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