[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

i do have this to start with the cluster jewels, for the mantle what gem should i remove from the 6 links?
What do you think, which watchere eyes mod is better:

hatred crit + hatred pene
hatred crit + hatred add cold damage
hatred pene + hatred crit

Or maybe something with multiplayer percision?

I'm really close to done 37 challenges which is my usually end of the league and have to spend exalts for something.
Depends on the rest of your build, so I'd try POB if I were you.

Hi everyone, I know this is a Freezing Pulse Totem guide, but there are some big totem experts on here and I desperately need help with this shield.

I know its crazy good for Divine Ire Totems, but I don't know what to price it at.

Using harvest you can "reroll suffix, keep prefix" and aim for T1 dmg Suffix slots. Crafting life on the shield means you end up with a nearly perfect shield for a lightning totem (just 30 life off max), especially Divine Ire as I assume it benefits greatly from gem levels.

I need to upgrade my wands, my weighted search generated with PoB Item Tester (https://github.com/VolatilePulse/PoB-Item-Tester) shows many items with % Cold Damage as extra chaos damage or other kinds of mods which convert damage to chaos.
I wonder if that's a wanted mod or if it works with totems since I couldn't find it listed in the wanted mods list.

So far this is a wonderful guide and build, I think I never went that far in the game, thank you all!
It improves your damage, and that's all that ultimately matters. There are a couple of others too, like increased effectiveness of hatred.
Last edited by NoImagination on May 6, 2021, 7:09:03 AM
I wonder if you guys can share a pointer or two for me as well.

I'm very satisfied with the build's performance in T16's. I *think* I am now at a point where most of the cheap&easy upgrades are done. Sitting at 180k hideout dps (196k before the recent respec to clusters + double curse). Need to squeeze out the remaining 2-3 levels I guess, to fully embrace the cluster life and get another medium.

I wonder what other decent upgrades am I missing at this point? Any ideas would be very, very welcome.

Here's the char in question:

rurt wrote:
I wonder what other decent upgrades am I missing at this point? Any ideas would be very, very welcome.

A few small things first, as these add up when you're on high enough DPS:

- You may as well corrupt your 20/20 DPS gems, and buy 21/20 if you miss.

- You probably gain from taking Hatred 21, though check the wiki as you get 1% from 20 to 21, but not another until 24 to 25.

- It's worth perfecting your First Snow jewels, with crit chance or cold pen corrupts. The former is higher DPS in most cases.

Then bigger things:

- When you're high enough, it's more efficient to route differently from the starting nodes, like on my char. I compensate with stone golem for the life regen, %life on my jewels, and would like to get mana regen on boots when lab is decent next.

- Your clear-mind replacement jewel isn't very good. You can use POB item tester to improve jewels too, any 4-node damage jewel is probably better, or 3 with life. The same goes for the one you have in the 2nd medium cluster jewel slot.

- It's 100% worth getting two good medium cluster jewels. Four is even better.

Then you'll be into things like wanting awakened hextouch 5, corrupted soul mantle, corrupted veil, corrupted belt, double-mod eye. The expensive stuff.
Last edited by NoImagination on May 6, 2021, 8:26:44 AM
NoImagination wrote:

A few small things first

Good catch with the small improvements on supports. Hatred I'm one level short for it to matter, indeed. If I find a unicorn weapon (i.e. better than the one with no +1, but *with* +1) I'll pop a 21 for sure. I'm happy with how cheap the weapons were, both were sub-1ex purchases (one was someone's bricked experiment with Heist weapon ench that I crudely cleaned up w/ Harvest).

Jewels, I stubbornly tried to roll myself w/ Harvest. These are a small dps increase over Clear Mind, but I'm looking to upgrade them as well.


Then bigger things:

I considered this. Can't decide though which to take as my second: totem medium (Sleepless Sentries QoL!) or curse for Unnerve?

I noticed four entries on poeninja's build page running with Breathstealer to get a second anointed passive. Here's the link to one of them (Playername: UltimatotemZ). With this, we can run both Flash Freeze and Whispers of Doom. If you have enough projectile speed, there are so many other options for a second anoint.

Tried it out myself just for kicks. Turned out pretty strong against Ultimatums, especially given how limited the size of the arena is. In Protect and in Slay modes, you can easily complete the entire run without moving. This is even with Ruins running, because the entire sequence finishes before the little phantom can swipe at us.

The auras from the spores we get from Breathstealer are a great boost to tankiness. Instead of a zippy Protect/Slay mode run, here's a video of a Survive one so we can see the auras contributing the most.

I'm also testing a Watcher's Eye with chance to recover 10% mana on skill use here. It definitely helps to keep the mana pool healthy given how many skills we're constantly casting. Also, I'm running Arcane Cloak to proc a lvl 20 Arcane Surge for the 20% MORE spell damage here. The cooldown on Arcane Cloak and duration of Arcane Surge are nearly perfect, at 6.03 seconds and 6 seconds respectively.

More testing to come.
Last edited by limevan on May 6, 2021, 11:31:21 AM

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