[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

How do you get two fractured mods? I never played that league, so some of those items are new to me.

You'd be replacing +spell damage with #chaos damage, which is probably a bit worse. I think your first route is the best plan, having max cast speed (without essence anyway) is a very useful stat.
Pieces I've crafted so far:

zweckform wrote:
how would you guys start crafting, if you have a wand with fractured chaosdamage/castspeed?

altspam +all skill gems, regal, and start harvestcrafting?
or maybe altspam, then add 4 high tier modifiers and hope for the best?

That's a bricked wand or you're making a chaos dot wand to sell.
Do you think this jewelry will work for this build?

I also have this crazy idea of using a vaal orb, but it could ruin it.
i'm from Argentina and I speak only spanish
Hi, can the craft that removes a cold modifier and adds a new cold modifier in harvest give +1 to cold spell skill gems? And is it possible to get it in harvest otherwise?
Thx for the build, mate!
I finished this league with it quite nicely.
One and only build for the whole league (i'm quite lazy at EXPing new chars).
dRosenHammer wrote:
Hi, can the craft that removes a cold modifier and adds a new cold modifier in harvest give +1 to cold spell skill gems? And is it possible to get it in harvest otherwise?

Yes, but it's hard because there are a lot of other mods that share the same tags. You'd need to read a more involved guide to how crafting works in Harvest, but to get tag info: https://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Wand

There have been a couple of posts in this thread about crafting amulets & wands too. Amulets are easier because the +gem mods are influence mods, so you can awakwner's orb them together.

LordHarek wrote:
Do you think this jewelry will work for this build?

I also have this crazy idea of using a vaal orb, but it could ruin it.

You can get jewels that are better than clear mind, but you need crit - ideally multi - and cast speed. Any other mods and the jewel will often be worse.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jul 26, 2020, 12:54:22 AM

So I have the this wand that already has the +1 to all spell prefix, how do I craft the +1 to all cold spell? I believe someone said, I need to craft "Cannot roll attack mod" first and then what do I do after that?

Also, before I craft the +1 to all cold spell, I'll try to increase the tier of the cold damage mod first.

Thanks for your help... pretty new at this craft thing.
You don't want cold damage on the wand because of its tag. You want:

Pre: Cold skill gems
Pre: All spell skill gems
Pre: Spell damage (some others are OK, like spell damage + chaos)

Suf: Cast speed
Suf: Crit multi
Suf: Crit chance for spells

Cold skill gems has a cold tag only, but lots of other things do. So, I'd do the suffixes first, because removing cold resist and cold damage from the cold-tag pool improves your chances.

Remove cold damage. Craft 'prefixes cannot be changed' and add/remove caster until you hit a good T1 cast speed. This is going to be hard - there are 11,750 weighting points in caster suffixes, only 250 of which are in cast speed. You can improve your odds somewhat if you keep the spell crit, aug caster, and remove speed if you miss. This is going to be pretty painful however you do it.

This is why I bought a wand with all spell skill & t1 cast, and some people have fractured the all spell skill into place instead, and chaos spammed or similar until they hit t1 cast.

Now you have:

Suf: Cast speed
Suf: blank
Suf: Prefixes cannot be changed

Add caster once more, and it'll add spell crit. The tier can be low - we can go back and add/remove crit tags at the end. Remove 'prefixes cannot be changed' and add 'cannot roll attack mods'. Now we have:

Pre: +1 spell skill gems
Pre: blank
Pre: blank

Suf: Cast speed
Suf: Spell crit
Suf: Cannot roll attacks

We can only add +1 cold skill gems with add/remove cold because spell skill gems has a caster tag too. The problem is that there are 39,461 non-attack cold tag weighted mods, but we need one with 1150 weighting.

I forget what I did here - perhaps trying to block add cold damage to spells with a bench craft beats cannot roll attack mods, then block e.g. fire resist on the suffix, or add another crit. But I hope you are getting the idea of how this works now.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jul 26, 2020, 3:55:59 AM
40, finally. Possessed Delirium boss was hard for me, forced exorcism only worked one time from five or something (or I'm a moron and did it wrong of course).
Last edited by NoImagination on Jul 26, 2020, 9:31:42 AM

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