[3.10] Herald of Agony Mana Guardian | 2.5 Minute Sirus 8 | Deathless T19 100% Delirium

Covenant wrote:
TheChosenOne_ wrote:
Can you guys tell me which gems to switch out so I can have enough mana preservation to be able to use skitterbots? I'd switch out flesh and stone for skitterbots. I don't have a +1 glove, helm enchant, corrupted jewels with - mana preservation or lvl 4 enlighten yet.
Running 6W Skin, drop Vicious Projectiles for Maim.

Is 17 Precision active? Enlighten 3 and conqueror's efficiency I think should allow HoA/Hatred/Skitterbots as is. If not swap Vicious Projectiles for Maim is a lot of mana. (also less damage)

Edit: From your PoB Maim for now will be 1% unreserved. Enlighten 4 or +1 gloves will allow Vicious Projectiles.

yeah precision is active. If I swap vicious projectile for maim but switch flesh and stone for skitterbots, overall my damage should be higher right? And recently I made most of my lvl 20 gems into 20 quality. Besides hoag and raise spectre gems are there any other gem worth going to lvl 21 for?
My first corruption room ever and this is what I've got ....

Maybe colors are not perfect but I believe this should boost my dmg by quite big amount?
zaboleqqq wrote:
My first corruption room ever and this is what I've got ....

Maybe colors are not perfect but I believe this should boost my dmg by quite big amount?

Nice hit! 4g 2r is workable. Use Hypothermia and skitterbots and you should be good.

Every level your HOA gems gets adds a nice amount of damage and that is exactly what this corruption does.
Well this is my problem in general...I can't get skiterbots without huge investment like lvl 4 enlighten or I'm doing something wrong...

I have Conq efficiency and even if I will get charisma on amulet + perf circle of nostalgia it is still not enough :/. Lvl 4 enlighten + shaper's touch +1 gem is really expensive...

I was thinking about getting skin of the lord with mortal conviction but the only one available is 3R3G (so need to use Maim). Not sure if there is any other option...
I checked again and again, but can somebody tell me why we use Feeding Frenzy on our Spectres?

The Support Gem description says clearly:
"Minions from supported skills deal (5-14%) morge damage while you have feeding frenzy"

That means only supported minions are buffed.

Am I understanding this wrong?
Man this build is not the easiest to cap resist. And do people run discipline in this build at lower budget? Also does anyone know at what ES Sirus becomes facetank-able. Obviously will try to dodge but last phase can be rough sometimes
Kaweechelchen wrote:
I checked again and again, but can somebody tell me why we use Feeding Frenzy on our Spectres?

The Support Gem description says clearly:
"Minions from supported skills deal (5-14%) morge damage while you have feeding frenzy"

That means only supported minions are buffed.

Am I understanding this wrong?

Feeding Frenzy grants all allied minions 10% more minion damage, this 5~15 is a bonus to the supported minions.
Kaweechelchen wrote:
I checked again and again, but can somebody tell me why we use Feeding Frenzy on our Spectres?

The Support Gem description says clearly:
"Minions from supported skills deal (5-14%) morge damage while you have feeding frenzy"

That means only supported minions are buffed.

Am I understanding this wrong?

The gem allows Minions (in this case the specters) to grant YOU, the character, Feeding Frenzy.

When you have Feeding Frenzy active on your buff bar, all of your minions (including the Crawler) have 10% more minion damage, 15% increased movement speed, and 15% increased attack and cast speed.

Read more here

Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Jan 23, 2020, 5:59:16 PM
zaboleqqq wrote:
Well this is my problem in general...I can't get skiterbots without huge investment like lvl 4 enlighten or I'm doing something wrong...

I have Conq efficiency and even if I will get charisma on amulet + perf circle of nostalgia it is still not enough :/. Lvl 4 enlighten + shaper's touch +1 gem is really expensive...

I was thinking about getting skin of the lord with mortal conviction but the only one available is 3R3G (so need to use Maim). Not sure if there is any other option...

check my set up. https://pastebin.com/hjgdR5U7

I am running Hatred and Skitterbots with only an enlightened 3 and regular shaper gloves and I am not using charisma as my annointment.

I did pick up a corrupted jewel that gave 1% more mana reserved reduction which was enough to pull it off.

Other than the corrupted jewel, the rest of my gear is just the basic package.

Went for a balance between offense and defense.

16131 ES at level 96. Lethal Pride gives me 20% fire res, +44 Str, 10% inc Str, 1% life regen/second. I'm at 76/76/77 max res, 70/48 block unbuffed, 70/68 block if I recently cast a spell (so always), capped with Rumi's (obviously). 48% chance to evade attacks with flasks up, 10/10 dodge chance with flasks up, 85% phys dmg reduction unbuffed, 90% with Rumi's up. Full ele ailment immunity.

Spider, Hatred, Deathmark HoAg, Clarity.

Tri-curse setup with Enfeeble on hit from gloves, Poacher's Mark (weapon trigger -- can be replaced with Frostbite or Temp Chains for endgame boss fights), Projectile Weakness.

I can swap to 5/20 woke Vicious Proj (with a lvl 1-ish clarity) for 6 million tail spike dps (3 spider stacks, which is kinda unrealistic), 5.6 mil at 1 spider stack, no bullshit enabled.

Could also fit in a war banner if I put the hatred in my gloves, would need 2-3 more 1% reservation jewels and would have to get rid of inc duration for VMS. Not really worth it. Neither is a +2 ammy imo, too much defense is lost--maybe for deep delving.
Last edited by b1os on Jan 23, 2020, 6:15:33 PM

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