[3.8] CI Mjolner CoC Ball Lightning Assassin - up to 6M Shaper DPS, 11k ES, 5k+ ES Recovery/s

faytte wrote:
I've noticed some people using the withering step gem. Question! Is this instant? Can it be used while you are cycloning for a stronger elusive effect? Considering a last socket on the build and I'm torn between elusive step defensively or maybe even vaal righteous fire (might be overkill, but overkill is fun).

While you can use withering step to reflesh elusive, I used it mostly to move fast between mob packs. You can use phase run instead if you don't like withering step sharing CD with flame dash.

Vaal righteous fire is a good option. I didn't write about it in the guide because our DPS was more than enough without it in previous leagues. You can drop withering step or faster casting support to use it.

MrRuLight wrote:
Please tell me which gear to update next? Thanks!

Your gear is pretty good except for your belt. Keep in mind that the "increased ES from body armour" mod is trash. I would look for more flat ES and strength and replace Efficient Training with a rare jewel.

faytte wrote:
Another question I have is I seem to be missing attack speed somewhere. If I take the 3.9 updated PoB and turn off Unatural Instinct and Elusive (and remove the 20% ascendency edit on the mark of the shaper the OP included) and Silver Flask, the build has has an attack rate of 3.93 attacks per second.

Why did you remove the 20% attack speed edit? You get it from the Assassin Ascendancy "20% increased attack and cast speed while elusive". Your attack speed is decent now.

Equipaje wrote:
Any idea of how I can get more accuracy right now? My next level im going to be taking the mana reservation node near CI so I can fit in discipline with an enlighten 4. Doing this makes me have to drop my precision down to level 5 and I go down to 93% hit chance with that. Outside of leveling which would take me to 97 to grab another jewel I dont know how to fit in anymore accuracy without ruining my resists or something else. https://pastebin.com/aU2jQySt is what im looking at down the line. Still need to get 6l and the enlighten 4.

The Utmost intellect cluster gives you +3% hit chance for 4 passive points. Or Unnatural Instinct.

Shigesato wrote:
Could anybody give me some guidance on what to upgrade next? I'm a little lost, dont know what to focus on. Build is great so far. Here is my gear:

Beastcraft Aspect of the spider on your shield. Another upgrade would be your belt, because it does not have the flat ES mod. If you don't mind the current belt you can slam Crusader's exalted orb on it to find the increased maximum ES or lightning damage mod.
N0esy wrote:

Why did you remove the 20% attack speed edit? You get it from the Assassin Ascendancy "20% increased attack and cast speed while elusive". Your attack speed is decent now.

You can turn on 'Elusive' in the configuration menu in POB and it will count the ascendancy bonus is why. With the mod on the ring if someone checks elusive they are going to see the bonus added twice is all. I removed the crit bonus for conc ground you hard coded as well, and just checked it on in the configuration area. Checking things on/off in the configuration area helps me realize where I might be missing something is all.

Speaking of which, I cannot for the life of me understand why my attack (not spell) crit is so much lower than your PoB. I even removed your watchers eye to not account for the fact I don't have one, and PoB has my pre lucky crit about 10% behind your PoB, and my lucky crit a few points behind as well. I'm not missing any crit nodes that I can see, and even if I get a 6th Power Charge I'm still behind your PoB by a fair amount. For reference I have max crit hit corrupted shapers gloves, and I don't see any other crit chance sources on your items (crit multi but not crit chance) or passive tree I don't have. Only difference is 23% quality vs my 20% quality increased critical strikes, but that hardly accounts for the delta.

Help would be appreciated, since my crit/procs feel a bit off atm.
Firestrike9 wrote:
Do you guys reckon it's worth spending 3 passive points to get
95% critical chance for spells
15% critical multiplier for spells
5% chance to deal double damage

It's all about DPS, and you can check it in your PoB. Generally speaking, we have crit chance for spells almost capped, so this cluster sucks. I guess the cluster is not efficient even with the double damage mod.

dado_hd wrote:
the build works perfectly for mapping also in T16, the problem is the single target, the bosses in T16 die really slow not and the metamorphs even worse . What can I do to improve the single target? This is my pob:https://pastebin.com/aV53AQHR

1. 21/20 or 21/20 ball lightning gems. (btw you can level up skill gems in the weapon swap slot. This way you can level up 6 ball lightning gems).
2. Your attack speed is low. You should spend some attack speed nodes after you level up.
3. Get more strength from your gear to use Tranquility anoint.

Frieske1 wrote:
metamo666 wrote:
Frieske1 wrote:
Just wondering if it's worth running a second Awakened Elemental Focus support on the Mjolnir rather than Energy Leech - anyone tested and noticed a drop in survivability?

You should only use energy leech until you have it on the tree(Soul thief/Light eater). After that it doesn't really do much, especially with the thread of hope setup.

Yeah I'm running both of those on the tree. Not using a Thread of Hope setup at the moment - thought about it but not too sure if it's worth for me

Even 0.2% ES leech from the passive tree is more than enough to keep max leech rate. Therefore, you should not use energy leech once you spend your passive points on ES leech. As you know, you are almost always on full ES, so the damage bonus from the energy leech support sucks.

metamo666 wrote:
blingi wrote:

As a general question, is it really worth the 4 points to get retribution?
I don't know how good the 2 10% aoe nodes I'd have to take to get it are and it kind of seems like a waste.
Currently using 3 points in arcane swiftness instead since it's 9% more dps (3% per point) which seems like a decent return.

The wiki has this calculator linked if you want to see if its worth it in your case(File menu - Make a copy, then just fill in):

Probably will add slightly less damage because this likely considers the optimal case(so the ball is cast the farthest away from the mob). I would say its something like 2-3% more damage per radius.

I believe that the aoe nodes are good both for damage and QoL. In my opinion, the calculator underestimates the benefit of increased AoE for this build.

DixonBush wrote:
I am admittedly terrible at using POB effectively, but I can't seem to figure out how anyone gets near 6 APS. It always tells me I am at around 4.

Maybe I dont check off right things. Idk.

Does anyone have a very good up to date POB link to share that I can compare with?

You can check my PoB in the "Suggested change for 3.9" section of the guide. You can also find useful information in the "DPS calculation" section.
@N0esy - Worth switching to Level 5 Awakened Added Lightning Damage to replace Energy Leech, or another Awakened Elemental Focus?

The +1 Lightning Gems from Added Lightning seems nice, but I dunno
faytte wrote:
N0esy wrote:

Why did you remove the 20% attack speed edit? You get it from the Assassin Ascendancy "20% increased attack and cast speed while elusive". Your attack speed is decent now.

You can turn on 'Elusive' in the configuration menu in POB and it will count the ascendancy bonus is why. With the mod on the ring if someone checks elusive they are going to see the bonus added twice is all. I removed the crit bonus for conc ground you hard coded as well, and just checked it on in the configuration area. Checking things on/off in the configuration area helps me realize where I might be missing something is all.

Speaking of which, I cannot for the life of me understand why my attack (not spell) crit is so much lower than your PoB. I even removed your watchers eye to not account for the fact I don't have one, and PoB has my pre lucky crit about 10% behind your PoB, and my lucky crit a few points behind as well. I'm not missing any crit nodes that I can see, and even if I get a 6th Power Charge I'm still behind your PoB by a fair amount. For reference I have max crit hit corrupted shapers gloves, and I don't see any other crit chance sources on your items (crit multi but not crit chance) or passive tree I don't have. Only difference is 23% quality vs my 20% quality increased critical strikes, but that hardly accounts for the delta.

Help would be appreciated, since my crit/procs feel a bit off atm.

Strange. I heard some people are using a modified version of PoB, so I guess you are using it? For me, I don't even have the elusive checkbox. The consecrated ground effect is not calculated either.

Your character and mine have almost the same crit chance when I check them in my PoB. I guess you are double counting something.
Frieske1 wrote:
@N0esy - Worth switching to Level 5 Awakened Added Lightning Damage to replace Energy Leech, or another Awakened Elemental Focus?

The +1 Lightning Gems from Added Lightning seems nice, but I dunno

awakened added lightning and ele focus are close, I don't know. In this league, some maps have the "immune to elemental ailment" mod, which makes the decision making even harder. Awakened lightning pen is a good choice, too because metamorph bosses have higher chance to have high resists than other bosses. I would say awakened added lightning (level 5)> awakened lightning pen > awakened elemental focus.
N0esy wrote:
faytte wrote:
N0esy wrote:

Why did you remove the 20% attack speed edit? You get it from the Assassin Ascendancy "20% increased attack and cast speed while elusive". Your attack speed is decent now.

You can turn on 'Elusive' in the configuration menu in POB and it will count the ascendancy bonus is why. With the mod on the ring if someone checks elusive they are going to see the bonus added twice is all. I removed the crit bonus for conc ground you hard coded as well, and just checked it on in the configuration area. Checking things on/off in the configuration area helps me realize where I might be missing something is all.

Speaking of which, I cannot for the life of me understand why my attack (not spell) crit is so much lower than your PoB. I even removed your watchers eye to not account for the fact I don't have one, and PoB has my pre lucky crit about 10% behind your PoB, and my lucky crit a few points behind as well. I'm not missing any crit nodes that I can see, and even if I get a 6th Power Charge I'm still behind your PoB by a fair amount. For reference I have max crit hit corrupted shapers gloves, and I don't see any other crit chance sources on your items (crit multi but not crit chance) or passive tree I don't have. Only difference is 23% quality vs my 20% quality increased critical strikes, but that hardly accounts for the delta.

Help would be appreciated, since my crit/procs feel a bit off atm.

Strange. I heard some people are using a modified version of PoB, so I guess you are using it? For me, I don't even have the elusive checkbox. The consecrated ground effect is not calculated either.

Your character and mine have almost the same crit chance when I check them in my PoB. I guess you are double counting something.

I'm using one of the forks of PoB, which might be the issue. The fork corrects a lot of bugs and adds features, but maybe introduces other issues. Glad to hear my crit is not 10% behind then.
Last edited by faytte on Jan 5, 2020, 12:09:52 AM
can someone help me with DPS calculation
my lethal pride have 90 strength and 10% chance to deal double dmg

The build is really strong right now with 10k4 es
I am going to buy the jew to replace to a rare boot with high resis and +1 shield
If i can affort a jew with + crit chance Wraith and LGOH Discipline, can i replace zealo with Wraith becus it give more damage or its better to buy a zealottry and Discipline Jew

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