3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

scardera wrote:
i have enleighten lvl 4 but i cant run all the aura from the tanky setup. any clue what im doing wrong ? i have 1 905 mana total

Cant see your character with your settings however its typically the same thing.

Spend the 4 skill points in the top left of your tree to pick up Soverignty, and keep in mind, majority of us are running an extra aura b/c we get our vulnerability free in our gloves;

you dont need, need that though, you can play just fine with pride/discipline/blasphemy+vulnerability/banner until you can afford corrupted gloves.
scardera wrote:
i have enleighten lvl 4 but i cant run all the aura from the tanky setup. any clue what im doing wrong ? i have 1 905 mana total

Make sure you have taken all of the Sovereignty cluster on the tree.

I have problem, I put in my tree thread of hope and im not able to allocate Ravenous Horde and Cruel Preparation. Circle didn't even reach this points.
What im doing wrong?
Last edited by elbowndg on Feb 1, 2020, 4:59:14 PM
elbowndg wrote:

I have problem, I put in my tree thread of hope and im not able to allocate Ravenous Horde and Cruel Preparation. Circle didn't even reach this points.
What im doing wrong?

you need one with a different radius. medium is the right one if i remember correctly
Mathil Fan Girl
Last edited by HorribleSubs on Feb 1, 2020, 5:15:26 PM
crazypearce wrote:
elbowndg wrote:

I have problem, I put in my tree thread of hope and im not able to allocate Ravenous Horde and Cruel Preparation. Circle didn't even reach this points.
What im doing wrong?

you need one with a different radius. medium is the right one if i remember correctly

oh god, i didnt realize they have differenet radius, thanks dude.
elbowndg wrote:

oh god, i didnt realize they have differenet radius, thanks dude.

made the same mistake lol, paid extra for a reduced mana one and it was small radius and didn't work
https://pastebin.com/yARUf0yZ That's my current POB and I also use the POB

fork. Saying my zombie default attack damage with impale is 2,291,836 per

zombo ^_^;;

Edit: Also not including ravenous horde and the minion damage and movement

speed above it due to Thread of hope in that dps number.

Also playing around with the idea of another thread of hope in the top left

jewel node and dropping fearsome force and just getting death attunement and

unnatural calm while also running stampede w/ Champion of the cause to still

keep the auras up. All of that is to run Might of the meek right next to

Stamina in the bottom left jewel socket. If I upgrade my belt and boots I think

I can make the stretch to 1800 str w/ 17 zombies and pushing the dps even


Edit #2: If anyone has a bad ass Lethal pride they want to sell or know of

someone selling one for the nodes around Faith and steel/Devotion I'm in the

market for one.
Last edited by DanteTDH on Feb 1, 2020, 5:59:20 PM
I still have an open suffix on my 130% minion dmg crafted weapon. I'm running either geoffri's or victario's setup so I don't think I should beast craft Avian on there as I should not be using it anyways. Would you guys slam it with a redeemer's orb for possible movement speed or what would you do?

Edit: can also just get Avian on there and sell for around 14ex so I can buy another one with a nice resistance roll on there or strength. Or maybe I should hit it with a redeemer bcus my rolls so far are perfect (130%, 6% increased area of effect, 28% cast 28% IAS)
Last edited by 3ScoopsCmon on Feb 1, 2020, 5:54:23 PM
Hello again. I have more questions now xD

1. I slowly move forward and start to receive currency so my main question is what to buy first (I plan a balanced build) - 6L Plated Maul with Fortify or Saqawals Nest? Or should they be equipped only together?
PS: I checked in PoB and he showed a huge drop in survival rate (about 1.5k armor and 1.3k eHP) when changing armor, even compared to the newby build. It worries me a little bit.
2. What is the adequate price for a 6L Plated Maul with Fortify? Is it worth to buy it for 8-12 exs or is it better to try craft it by yourself? How many spheres are approximately necessary for a successful attempt? I don’t really believe in my luck but it should be damn interesting lol.
Last edited by MahouSensou on Feb 1, 2020, 6:31:52 PM

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