3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

noel1234 wrote:
how do you run physical reflect maps

i struggle that my zombies die when i run physical reflect maps

keep one of these on swap
Collum3 wrote:
Hi Brunowa
First, TY very much for your great work and your help to the noobs;)

I like your build, special with strength 1000+ - it feels good not to dy always;)

But my 1.) question: You write why you use the blood magic. Is it really better as an Empower level 3/4 in this slot?

And my 2.) i had no chance against Sirus - even after watching some youtube's. Is it the Chaos Resistance what makes the different or is there another hint for this build to keep alive?

Ty for your answer - or any other who can help:)

0) defenses - for mapping / delving you can use
90%+ armor granite flask + soul ripper + vaal molten shell

it kept me alive on T19 double beyond maps. its op but requires extra clicking

2) use 1 jewel with corrupting blood cant be affected to u (costs 2-3c)
Work on chaos res ( there is watcher eye with 50% chaos res. costs 6ex )
Vadash wrote:
Swiftlard wrote:
I'm gonna switch over to Geofri for more survival. What auras would you run if you cant afford lvl 4 enlighten and 6L?

geofri sucks balls. Go with avian (op aura, +stats, -reserved mana)

would you prefer avian over skitterbots? currently struggling which one is better

My gear

I want say i can smash everythink all mods are ez ale boses except sirius, i know that i probatly lack of dodge skils there but do i can upgrade something to get this bastard wo taking sercice?
thorpownsu wrote:
So new goal is to make a zombie build capable of killing sirus , can anyone tell me how to get the 17k energy shield the other poster mentioned? I've still got about 100 ex so looking to also max out my chaos resistance for the fight linking gear below

Any tips on auras are also appreciated I was deb as ting running maybe purity of elements olus discipline

Other then swapping your belt and mana flask for something else I don't really see much to fix. You should be able to kill him. Just make sure you have a flask that cures bleeding with enough uses.

Personally I prefer running a skeleton setup in my armor for bossing. I have killed sirus A8 7-8 times with that, and the last two times were deathless. Learn his mechanics and you're good to go. I'd recommend watching cute dogs guide on how to kill him. It showcases his jugg boss killer as well, but he still goes through every part of the fight and how to deal with it.

Just a reminder that your minions will agro him, AND his storms. Make sure you use convocations and resummon skeletons out of their range to not cause problems yourself.

Also, if you're having issues with your zombies dying and you don't want to go for a skeleton setup, you might want to spec into indomitable army to give them immunity to bleeding.

Good luck!
Vadash wrote:
noel1234 wrote:
how do you run physical reflect maps

i struggle that my zombies die when i run physical reflect maps

keep one of these on swap

Been playing through the build and i've got a 2 questions, where do we get resistances to cap it and seeing as astramentis is absurdly high in price(atleast for me) whats a good replacement, is a rare amulet good enough?
PowerfulX99 wrote:
Been playing through the build and i've got a 2 questions, where do we get resistances to cap it and seeing as astramentis is absurdly high in price(atleast for me) whats a good replacement, is a rare amulet good enough?

Rare neck with lots of strength. If you can avoid it, don't get one with a ton of resists since you want to pick up astramentis as soon as you have the money. You can look for other good modifiers like life and es.

Almost all of your resists can come from your rings and your passive tree. You'll overcap from spirit offering which helps with elemental resist reduction maps. You can take a look at my necro in the profile to see how I've done my resists.

Good luck!
Hi all, I'm looking around for a summoner build, I had a Scourge arrow so far this league but I see that summoner is the way to go when it comes to endgame this league...
I wanted to ask if this build is capable for endgame with 8-10ex budget

Hi Exiles, noob here - would someone kindly do a quick what gems to get by Act number please? I get really confused (easily) and being able to follow along Act by Act would be super useful! Thanks in advance to any kind soul(s) out there willing to write it!

Even someone pm'in me would be greatly appreciated!

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