3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Animaura wrote:

I like the hat though lmao. I was just wondering dps wise which of the two were better.

skeletons require recasting and this build goes low mana with aura, the helm would be a possible easy answer so say good bye if you want skel. The DPS is ~45% more per but 2 minion less on my level 34 gem build since 3 zom from baron and the next skel breakpoint is level 39, oof. didn't optimize at all and there are some skel only cluster stuff might be worth a look.
Almost at 10% of max hp healing per second. As well +20% physical reduction, res capped on all elemental and chaos res. The minion are geting very tanky.
Elorathiel wrote:
mangalower wrote:
My post in this topic from Mar 25[/url](maybe it's hard to read, sorry )

Everything you say necromancer isn't capable in your post on Mar 25, we're doing right now. You could sell just your belt and you'd be doing AFK T16 blights. The problem is that you wanted to do all of it cheap and that was never going to happen post nerf and the nerf was warranted. All builds have to invest currency to do the hard content. It's as it should be now. The only change I would like them to fix is changing Feeding Frency back to it's previous state or removing the gem entirely and just making minions aggressive by default. It feels like only necromancers are forced into using a 5L.

i have a 12 ex build, at most ....brand build
i am doimng 12 milion per brand pop, and i ahve 6 brands

gtfo with ur rhetoric of most build need investment to do all content, i understand u invested a lot of curency in your lame zombie no skill build an dfeel to defend it now, but it is not defendable
12 ex , archmage and brand = insta phase ubers, 2 second kill all conquerors, 20 wave sumulacrum, 5 way ez pz, Imune to all ailments, bleed and corrupted blood
12-14 ex
so, gtfo
To all those the build is expensive crybabies:
This is my first char this league and I'm currently only at awakening lv6 on my atlas with my First Sirius Kill (ever) at that level.
I did a Wave 20 DoubleBoss Simulacrum with this setup (2 Deaths, was my first simulacrum ever and didn't even realize I had Double Bosses at first thus died once for free, 2nd due to failing). Cleared 2 t16 (only tried blue yet) 5 Simulacrum orb maps with one death combined due to a Simulacrum Boss attack fail.

Yes my Bow is expensive (cost me about 7ex to craft) but I didn't have the atk.speed until today (so not for the simulacrums) and did all red maps and Sirius with a 6l Femurs of the Saints, no Cluster Jewel and a 5l rare chest. I still don't have lv4 Empower/Enlighten

I highly prefer the tankiness of Geofri's + Shapers Touch but I got those last after dying a few times in t14+ maps with the 5,5k HP I had beforehand. Now I'm immortal again unless standing still inside one of the big explosions (9,2kish combined HP/ES).
I suggest going for the tankyness before upgrading the weapon. Could most likely do all this with Femurs aswell, just slower. I got to 1k Strength at about Map Tier9/10 and it's probably desireable to get earlier considering how much of a quality of life buff it is.
I enjoy this build and although it was lacking with Dying Breath in maps (I bought a 6L for 10C for levelling once I could afford it), Femurs carried me hard in terms of currency, speed and fun.
Last edited by Watipah#4849 on Apr 5, 2020, 11:52:40 AM
damoose222 wrote:

i manually cast desecrate to move my minions. it has no cd so i just spam it to move them around

rough playstyle :( not gonna stick with that, back to 1 button... this molten shell on left click change is too nice
KopaKabana wrote:
Elorathiel wrote:
mangalower wrote:
My post in this topic from Mar 25[/url](maybe it's hard to read, sorry )

Everything you say necromancer isn't capable in your post on Mar 25, we're doing right now. You could sell just your belt and you'd be doing AFK T16 blights. The problem is that you wanted to do all of it cheap and that was never going to happen post nerf and the nerf was warranted. All builds have to invest currency to do the hard content. It's as it should be now. The only change I would like them to fix is changing Feeding Frency back to it's previous state or removing the gem entirely and just making minions aggressive by default. It feels like only necromancers are forced into using a 5L.

i have a 12 ex build, at most ....brand build
i am doimng 12 milion per brand pop, and i ahve 6 brands

gtfo with ur rhetoric of most build need investment to do all content, i understand u invested a lot of curency in your lame zombie no skill build an dfeel to defend it now, but it is not defendable
12 ex , archmage and brand = insta phase ubers, 2 second kill all conquerors, 20 wave sumulacrum, 5 way ez pz, Imune to all ailments, bleed and corrupted blood
12-14 ex
so, gtfo

your playing new skill new build.. and they re always OP

and in no way he came out offensive or anything like you right now, you dont got the money to play the build dont, just go out and quit like a newb and go do ur 12 ex build.. this is for people who still wanna play high end game with NECRO'S if u dont theres other builds for you out there.

i spent as much him and i like doing necros, i mean isnt this the point of the game? if i do all content with 12 ex i stop playing day 1 cus thats how long it takes to farm that.
Nchi wrote:
damoose222 wrote:

i manually cast desecrate to move my minions. it has no cd so i just spam it to move them around

rough playstyle :( not gonna stick with that, back to 1 button... this molten shell on left click change is too nice

ya using desecrate to move minions definitely takes getting used to. i use it when needed but most of the time i abuse convocation
damoose222 wrote:
Nchi wrote:
damoose222 wrote:

i manually cast desecrate to move my minions. it has no cd so i just spam it to move them around

rough playstyle :( not gonna stick with that, back to 1 button... this molten shell on left click change is too nice

ya using desecrate to move minions definitely takes getting used to. i use it when needed but most of the time i abuse convocation

Right now I have convocation on my left button. I hold left button down all the time while moving, convocation fires off after cool down, they are always near me :)

any tips on what I could upgrade next? :)
damoose222 wrote:
Nchi wrote:
damoose222 wrote:

i manually cast desecrate to move my minions. it has no cd so i just spam it to move them around

rough playstyle :( not gonna stick with that, back to 1 button... this molten shell on left click change is too nice

ya using desecrate to move minions definitely takes getting used to. i use it when needed but most of the time i abuse convocation

Right now I have convocation on my left button. I hold left button down all the time while moving, convocation fires off after cool down, they are always near me :)[/quote]

Doesnt that make whitering step pointless in ur setup since casting a skill stops the aura effects and extra m-speed immedietly.

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