After WoW "Classic" launch success, Diablo 2 "Remastered" is only a matter of time.

... on top of Diablo 4. And other ARPGs, that casuals might play, that just don't have the time to get into POE.

Super interesting ARPG times. Also good for POE players, as GGG is not tempted to rest on its laurels.

And GGG said itself, there will be no 'POE 2' anytime soon, and a POE 2 would take away players from POE, splitting the community unnecessarily.

On the other hand, the success of "Classic" and "Remastered" Editions, give POE players hope for a "POE: (Chris Wilson) DIRECTORS CUT", some time in the future. In the future. As GGG at the moment just doesn't have the resources for anything else than POE.

Last edited by RPGNoobANKA on Aug 31, 2019, 10:35:24 AM
Last bumped on Sep 25, 2019, 3:08:54 PM
You define "success" differently than Blizzard would. Wait until the numbers on the spreadsheets come out before declaring a game a success, and even then be careful. Blizzard got its rep by being innovative. They set the bar for other games to meet. They've quit doing that, and lost a lot of fans.

PoE evolves a lot more than the D2 era games could. Don't know why we would need a PoE 2 if PoE 1 is flexible enough to grow into a new version of itself. Hope their engine is up to that type of change.

Probably would play D2 remastered just for the nostalgia, but it wouldn't hold me for long.
Last edited by Shagsbeard on Aug 31, 2019, 10:34:50 AM
If they do D2 remastered it will be one of the biggest mistakes in all Blizzard history.

D2 was good for its era but now it's very far away from what people expect from an arpg.
Shagsbeard wrote:
Don't know why we would need a PoE 2 if PoE 1 is flexible enough to grow into a new version of itself. Hope their engine is up to that type of change.

That is the biggest hurdle at the moment. The engine. But if I am not mistaken, GGG did say in a Podcast, that they made progress in hiring dedicated engine programmers.

And the Global Illumination addition 6 months ago (Betrayal) was a step forward. And 4.0 could bring much more gfx improvements.
Why would anyone play Diablo 2 in these days? People play WoW classic because there is barely any MMORPG worth playing nowadays (MMORPG "market" is in that bad condition). You cant say the same about ARPG. (Especially considering Lost Ark western release in 2020)
RPGNoobANKA wrote:
Shagsbeard wrote:
Don't know why we would need a PoE 2 if PoE 1 is flexible enough to grow into a new version of itself. Hope their engine is up to that type of change.

That is the biggest hurdle at the moment. The engine. But if I am not mistaken, GGG did say in a Podcast, that they made progress in hiring dedicated engine programmers.

And the Global Illumination addition 6 months ago (Betrayal) was a step forward. And 4.0 could bring much more gfx improvements.

I still remember when they nerfed all buff aura graphics saying the engine couldn't handle someone running 6+ auras at the same time. POEs engine can barely handle the game as it is right now.
Biovital wrote:
POEs engine can barely handle the game as it is right now.

So thats why they gave BErserker 40% more attack speed in 3.7? I must say, Berserker Flickerstrike was my favorite Flicker Strike build I played.
You know there's actually a fair number of ARPG's out there, right? Diablo 3, Grim Dawn, Wolcen, Torchlight 2, Last Epoch, Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor, etc. to name a few. PoE has outcompeted all of them, I don't see why it won't outcompete a mere remaster of a game ARPG veterans have already played to death and ARPG newcomers will probably find clunky and outdated.
After 10+ years I tried to play D2 again, game is straight hot garbo in 2019. I wanted to relive my memories but man, big mistake. Gameplay is horrible, graphics are horrendous and both have 0 options to tweak. Game is barebone and is almost unplayable in 2019.

All the more reasons a remake would be awesome to get.
I would play d2 remastered

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