[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

R.I.P Shaper

Here is my crap gear time for upgrades if i dont switch to golemancer i will try go for uber ulder

LYC14 wrote:
Shockwave248 wrote:
Time for big DMG

How do you get high enough accuracy to hit most of the time? Was planning to use crafted claws in endgame but could not find a way to get enough accuracy in the tree to have high hit rate

Later i'll multi mod 2 rings with 220 accu each, with precision level 10 it gives me 93% hit chance.

Edit: After change the difference is huuge + mana on hit is fantastic.
Would Despair on Hit be worth it on one Claw?
And when is a Claw with "60% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage" better than a Wasps Nest?
Last edited by Tadian on Sep 11, 2019, 2:20:54 PM
Lev 87 and still loving the build. Only 4k life but almost never die due to using whirling blades to launch venom gyres blades all the time.

Is there reliable way to apply withered with withering touch support? I tried cwdt - blade vortex - withering touch - spell echo, but its not reliable.

Totem maybe?
Lunartuna wrote:
Is there reliable way to apply withered with withering touch support? I tried cwdt - blade vortex - withering touch - spell echo, but its not reliable.

Totem maybe?

The only good way outside of withering step/plague bearer is the helmet enchant for venom gyre. Wither is such a short lasting debuff that any other way of applying it will wear off before you start dealing damage again.
Could you imagine if we could Ranged Attack Totem Toxic Rain with this build. The amount of poison we could put out there would be nuts. Silly "bow or wand" rule. Heck even put Cobra lash on the totem....Venom Gyre on chest, best of both worlds.
Why some ppl use summon skitterbots with this build?
grumania wrote:
Why some ppl use summon skitterbots with this build?

Cuz of shock and chill they bring.
That is not my fault!
Надо запомнить -> https://ficbook.net/readfic/11740362
lagsmoke wrote:
is the helmet enchant for venom gyre.

zomg i didnt know that existed, thanks!
Hey guys,

What should my gear upgrade prioritization be? I just got to maps, so I still have very basic gear, but friend found a HH card last night so I have ~4ex to work with to upgrade myself & get the ball rolling.


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