What do you collect?

Aim_Deep wrote:

Best Investment is let masters on wall street build your savings. Even if they lose sometimes (2008) they win.

I would never trust my money to Wall Street.

CrazylikE wrote:
Collected stamps as a kid, but never had any interest in it so stopped at some point. No idea how I even got started with that, must have been something my parents started for me or something.

Played MTG at some point as a kid as well, but never saw myself as a collector, just had a few decks that I played with.

I don't collect anything now, don't see the point/fun in it. Getting clos to 400 games on Steam, if you could call that a collection.

Well 400 Steam games is quite a collection I would say and it doesn't take much space.

Although I created this thread, if you would see my apartment, you would think I am pretty minimalist. It is not that I am cramming it full with stuff.

666lol666 wrote:
@OP: I collected old computer hardware but the older I became the more I felt like wasting my time. Now I "only" collect great moments with my daughter and my life really entered the next level. Collecting good times with the people you love > everything else. Give it a try!

Well obviously but you got to do something with your cash right? Just so boring to see a digital number on your screen. And in my case spending cash on books is a good investment education-wise.

DoubleU wrote:
Coins, rather haphazardly.

Do please post if you can/want.

Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
I would never trust my money to Wall Street.

You can not beat them. Show me one investment, small business, coin collection, gold (metals) let alone collectable trinkets which are usually depreciating assets that has increased by 1,091,899% like Berkshire Hathaway in 50 years. Granted brk is one of the best but even index funds beat anything you can collect. It's foolish not to trust the masters on Wall Street IMO.

source https://finance.yahoo.com/news/warren-buffett-apos-biggest-blunder-100600660.html
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Aug 28, 2019, 4:09:49 AM
Aim_Deep wrote:
I would never trust my money to Wall Street.

You can not beat them. Show me one investment, small business, coin collection, gold (metals) let alone collectable trinkets which are usually depreciating assets that has increased by 1,091,899% like Berkshire Hathaway in 50 years. Granted brk is one of the best but even index funds beat anything you can collect. It's foolish not to trust the masters on Wall Street IMO.

source https://finance.yahoo.com/news/warren-buffett-apos-biggest-blunder-100600660.html

My goal is not to beat Warren Buffett lol.

There is no golden rule that states that index funds always go up, they can very much go down as well.

I personally got stocks that shined and also stocks that went nowhere actually. And those last came from "financial expert advice". It is all just smoke and mirrors. They talk about 'technical analysis' but it is just gambling really. Economics is no science although economists very much envy real scientists. No idea why they get so much attention. They are basically a modern priesthood.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Bill Gates got a journal of Leonardo Da Vinci himself in his collection.



The more you learn, the more your inner knowledge framework gets interconnected. You also realize that the more you learn, the more you get to know you hardly know anything.

Honestly Bill Gates would have been nothing though if physicists didn't invent the transistor in the 20th century. His entire billion dollar empire has been built upon that discovery.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
"...the more you learn, the more you get to know you hardly know anything..."

That sounds like a cliché and —how can I put it— an artificial thing one says almost automatically in certain situations, like the "everyone is equal under the law" bullshit, which by the way's gotta be the most... conventional lie of our civilization, at least one of them. Nonetheless, IT IS SO TRUE, whether one likes it or not.

I wonder is it a fruit of... labor of love, as in empirical self-awareness of a soul on the path of wisdom, or is it pure cynicism?

In any case it's a... three-pointer, since we're in basket-ball season. By the way Tencent is all over the place, it's almost palpable, speaking of the devil eh?
Ἀρχή Σοφίας ἡ τῶν ὀνομάτων ἐπίσκεψις -Ἀντισθένης ἁπλοκύων
I have a small collection of old bottles and some cutlery I’ve found under water. My oldest piece is small plate from 1830s it’s nothing expensive but I like it cos I’ve found it;) and some cool bottles too;) I have some pictures but have no idea how to post them from my phone lol..
And also I collect mushrooms but they don’t last long co we eat them straight away:D
"There is only one true god in PoE and that is Greed... "

I don’t need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off!
Last edited by KOrchann on Sep 9, 2019, 1:31:31 PM
Seriously, none of you will post any coin pictures? I do understand those who have gold and silver, we're paranoid, but normal coins? My father collects this stuff, from the earliest ~500 BCE coinage, through roman empire/republic to some interesting designs from British Colonies, I bet he'd like to see what do you guys have.

I have a number of small boxes, mostly with old Canadian pennies, nickels etc.
Hardly worth posting pics of imho.

My oldest is a 1917 Abe Lincoln penny.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome

This is my collection of bread bag clips. I hope to one day fill at least many jars with these things and hand them down to my grandchildren. Maybe.
Travel mugs. I make a cup of coffee in one every morning to take to work (the coffee at work sucks) and each mug is a memory of a vacation or something I did with my wife. Good little pick-me-up in the morning.
Games, I have around 700 on steam. I use to collect physical games back when I used a console more, last console I bought (other than switch) was a launch PS3 since it was backwards compatible. I always knew EB and Gamestop were a rip off so I never traded any of mine in and have quite the collection of PS1, PS2, PS3, Dreamcast and Switch games.

I guess I also collect tools since I do a lot of home projects and DIY stuff, I have a few 6ft cabinets full. I'm super organized so they are all organized and the smaller ones are in bins with labels.
Last edited by TwiztedPrince on Sep 18, 2019, 7:27:10 PM

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