[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Shuggananas wrote:
Does anyone know what method people use to craft +1 intelligence gems, +1 strength gems, and +1 socketed gems on a bow? I figure you get the strength and intelligence mods through fossil crafting and annuls, then craft cannot roll attack modifiers and exalt slam, then removed craft mods, then multi mod as normal.

It's not worth it anymore anyway

i use it, i craft with faceted fossil, only faceted, try to get strengh and intel, then craft "suffixe cannot be changed" (maybe u'll need to annul to obtain a free prefix) then scour it. craft cannot reroll atttack damage, slam e, then u have free suffix for multi craft and can put support buff and DoT damage :) enjoy pm me if u wanna see what a end game build look like

IG: Yavurtss
Yavurts wrote:
Shuggananas wrote:
Does anyone know what method people use to craft +1 intelligence gems, +1 strength gems, and +1 socketed gems on a bow? I figure you get the strength and intelligence mods through fossil crafting and annuls, then craft cannot roll attack modifiers and exalt slam, then removed craft mods, then multi mod as normal.

It's not worth it anymore anyway

i use it, i craft with faceted fossil, only faceted, try to get strengh and intel, then craft "suffixe cannot be changed" (maybe u'll need to annul to obtain a free prefix) then scour it. craft cannot reroll atttack damage, slam e, then u have free suffix for multi craft and can put support buff and DoT damage :) enjoy pm me if u wanna see what a end game build look like

IG: Yavurtss

Thank you! I just might. I’ve been browsing Poe.ninja to see what some of the higher dps ED/contagion builds look like. Most are LL with >10K eHP and using strength+intelligence bows. This build is great and there’s definitely room for me to min max and increase my DPS, but end game bosses are a grind for me right now. Still, I can do fully juiced and sextanted T16 40% delirious maps without dying, so it ain’t to bad either :)
Just back from a 5 year hiatus and picked this build to try out in standard. However, as I've recently become aware, cluster jewels only exist in the new league.

Is this build still viable without them? Anyone have a standard version for talents anywhere from this thread's history? Tried looking can't find one.
Yes very much. You can look up the Guidepart "what to upgrade next" and see that clusters are relativly late ^^
Shuggananas wrote:
Does anyone know what method people use to craft +1 intelligence gems, +1 strength gems, and +1 socketed gems on a bow? I figure you get the strength and intelligence mods through fossil crafting and annuls, then craft cannot roll attack modifiers and exalt slam, then removed craft mods, then multi mod as normal.

It's not worth it anymore anyway

I would be interested to hear why you think this

I would be interested to hear why you think this
You should compare dps gain from going lvl 29 -> 31 ED and from 35% dot multi.
Viktranka wrote:

I would be interested to hear why you think this
You should compare dps gain from going lvl 29 -> 31 ED and from 35% dot multi.

I’ll crunch the numbers in POB. I’m just going off of what I’ve seen from many of the top ranked ED tricksters on Poe.ninja
Viktranka wrote:

I would be interested to hear why you think this
You should compare dps gain from going lvl 29 -> 31 ED and from 35% dot multi.

I’ll crunch the numbers in POB. I’m just going off of what I’ve seen from many of the top ranked ED tricksters on Poe.ninja

I already compare different bow, i get 15K on ED more than the normal bow, lvl 31 contagion is insane that's all ^^

Yah but the mind over matter build is good for the tankiness, i can clear all boss and map in 5min, i have 15 fps and a lot of bug but this build is insane when u don't want to die. Ive got near 2M dps without a full optimisation of the dps ^^ so yeah that's a pretty cool build
Last edited by Yavurts on May 9, 2020, 1:06:02 AM
Hey, thanks again for this amazing guide.
I think I'm done now. Last upgrade I see as an obvious one is the helmet.
Any other suggestions? Thanks!

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