[3.24] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, fun to play


my current gear. very fun build. but hard on sirus. i need some stragety for dodge when facing boss.can't catch this shit. random spawn black hole.

what a nice quiver, how can I get one like this?

Hoping to get some feedback on my gear and where to go next. Really enjoying it so far, thanks for the write-up. I plan to endgame with the divine flesh variant. Thanks :) POB: https://pastebin.com/9FQkBw6L

I was wondering where you find the chaos damage multiplier craft for the bow? all ive found is one for non-aliment ones which dont work on poison? I just threw +damage over time on mine for now.

Last edited by Swoosh20 on Dec 29, 2019, 2:21:35 AM
thank you for the guide. Build has decent damage, but with my current 6.6k hp it’s kind of rippy on t15+, one shots left and right when you get too close. I need to get better gems. Hopefully it will get better.

CowKiller wrote:
thank you for the guide. Build has decent damage, but with my current 6.6k hp it’s kind of rippy on t15+, one shots left and right when you get too close. I need to get better gems. Hopefully it will get better.

It seems that everyone have quite a decent crafted bow rather than buying Darkscorn.
May I know how much does it take to craft such a bow?

Sorry, I never crafted anything at all, so I don't know how to do it.
Any video or guide show casing crafting such a poison bow?
Or is there any crafting services out there?
Last edited by mual12345 on Dec 29, 2019, 4:59:30 AM
Swoosh20 wrote:
I was wondering where you find the chaos damage multiplier craft for the bow? all ive found is one for non-aliment ones which dont work on poison? I just threw +damage over time on mine for now.


most likely using Aberrant fossil's


It seems that everyone have quite a decent crafted bow rather than buying Darkscorn.
May I know how much does it take to craft such a bow?

Sorry, I never crafted anything at all, so I don't know how to do it.
Any video or guide showcasing crafting such a poison bow?


there generally isn't a single set price,it depends on the method used but these days most use fossil's rather then the old method,also syndicate warehouses are HUGE for that,league or 2 a go i actually made a 6L bow which i sold for 4ex (look up a guide on syndicate warehouse crafting,first time i screwed that up as had no idea about it),unless your really unlucky its generally cheaper to craft a bow then to pay 10ex+ for darkscorn,if your not using the multicraft method (that is 2ex alone,thankfully this build doesnt use that) i'd assume atleast 2-5ex to be safe,the author has a endgame optimisation on the first page,take a look in there to get a idea what resources you are gonna need.
Last edited by Valkirth on Dec 29, 2019, 5:00:33 AM
I have questions about the Divine Flesh node Is it worth it with out a darkscorn my current bow is better/as good as a darkscorn. I really don't want to spend the 8ex on one if i don't have to.. I am not really having any issues on any content yet, But if the Divine flesh is worth it for a good amount of damage reduction then I'll make it happen.
Valkirth wrote:
Swoosh20 wrote:
I was wondering where you find the chaos damage multiplier craft for the bow? all ive found is one for non-aliment ones which dont work on poison? I just threw +damage over time on mine for now.


most likely using Aberrant fossil's


It seems that everyone have quite a decent crafted bow rather than buying Darkscorn.
May I know how much does it take to craft such a bow?

Sorry, I never crafted anything at all, so I don't know how to do it.
Any video or guide showcasing crafting such a poison bow?


there generally isn't a single set price,it depends on the method used but these days most use fossil's rather then the old method,also syndicate warehouses are HUGE for that,league or 2 a go i actually made a 6L bow which i sold for 4ex (look up a guide on syndicate warehouse crafting,first time i screwed that up as had no idea about it),unless your really unlucky its generally cheaper to craft a bow then to pay 10ex+ for darkscorn,if your not using the multicraft method (that is 2ex alone,thankfully this build doesnt use that) i'd assume atleast 2-5ex to be safe,the author has a endgame optimisation on the first page,take a look in there to get a idea what resources you are gonna need.

I think I do tried syndicate crafting before, but since now that league has ended, encountering syndicate warehouse is not as easy as it used to be.
I' currently trying to make up my mind to just buy a Darkscrone or crafting a poison bow.
And of course, since I havent done any crafting before, I worried I might mess up, ending spending more than just buying a Darkscorn.
Also, do you think i should directly buy a Circle of Nostalgia Synthesised Amethyst Ring with :

#% increased Chaos Damage while affected by Herald of Agony
Herald of Agony has #% increased Buff Effect?

Will this increase my damage significantly?
I didnt craft mine. I bought it for 2.5 ex during the first week of the league.
I like the gameplay and hiding in HO is not my thing.
markuskanada wrote:
Valkirth wrote:
markuskanada wrote:
I see many people going Despair + Blasphemy and Impresence amulet...
Is that so we can have another curse on the enemies>?

no,its because impresence allows you to run despair+blasphemy support without reserving any mana for the curse (blasphemy also gives increase area of effect for the linked curse.)

well, ok, i have despair on hit.
im still using this amulet now, as the prior one was to cap my resistances, which i totally overcapped by now.
impresence still gives me around +6% total poison dps and some chaos resistance, why not...

Using Impresence gives you the possibility to use Enhance+Empower on your Despair. On my character with level 4 gems that's about a 7% difference in overall DPS compared to a straight level 20 Despair, which is pretty significant. If you put it in a 6 link, you can also use inc AoE and add Plaguebearer, which also receives a significant boost from Empower. Though, that means you won't be able to use a 6link ballista.

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