[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Meowington707 wrote:
I'm struggling a bit with my PoB to figure out my true DPS. My friend and I both had varying numbers and neither of ours 100% lined up with my actual character's stats.

Passive Tree: http://poeurl.com/cF0l

Pastebin for the build sharing import: https://pastebin.com/8mQWRGSV

In-game Offense stats in my hideout: https://i.imgur.com/0jDx2zN.png

In-game Defense stats in my hideout: https://i.imgur.com/f7JHhbc.png

I've configured it like the guide says but I don't feel like 820k DPS is accurate as my buddy has about 450k with his build and it feels like he does more damage than me. His says my DPS is somewhere in the 300k's which makes sense to me. Trying to figure out which one of ours is correct or if none of them are and why the discrepancy.

Screenshot of what my PoB shows: https://i.imgur.com/nmQdfcj.png

Loving the build so far deathbeam, thanks.

In game tooltip is pretty much useless, but after configuring the PoB you shared it is indeed 863k dps, so that looks correct.

Bootters wrote:
I'm confused of how are we supposed to sustain HP with this build in long fights like Sirius?

Plenty of options, regen, flasks (and ryslatha pantheon on top), leech (with e.g soul raker annoint), some lgoh from elder/hunter ring (or circle of nostalgia implicit if you find one with it), the new hunter mod every 5 seconds regen 15% of life is pretty good too.
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Bootters wrote:
I'm confused of how are we supposed to sustain HP with this build in long fights like Sirius?

could do what i do and use warlords mark instead of despair (or just change something like inc duration>self cast warlords mark,that way you get end charges+life/mana leech per attack)
brumba wrote:
FG523 wrote:
hello I am kinda new, can someone explain to me why we need frenzy quiver when we have blood rage?

On kill effects typically aren't great for bossing, since you need to well, kill. The frenzy effect on the quiver lets you have frenzy charges when there are no extra enemies.

thank you, in that case, should i get rid of blood rage when i have my frenzy quiver? or we need both for mapping and bossing?
does pob calculates Poisons you inflict deal Damage faster?
isnt that a damage boost? or am I wrong on thinking it is a damage boost?

is this good to go? or I should try to craft again?
how interchangeable is toxic rain and scourge arrow
Valkirth wrote:

actually i been armor+molten and you dont survive as long as evasion,ofcurse your welcome to play how you wish but even when i had 8.5k armor my hp was being deleted in 2 secs flat,now i've swapped a few armor pieces to evasion and went back to evasion and survive much better.

If you had a decent amount of armour (invest in IR, armour nodes, armour on gear - easy to reach 15-20k) instead of 8k then it would feel better lol. I have 50k with flasks up and my molten shell alone let's me face tank metamorphs with plaguebearer and scourge arrow spam. feel free to look at my tree and gear for ideas.
Last edited by dandan88 on Dec 25, 2019, 7:11:53 AM
Bootters wrote:
I'm confused of how are we supposed to sustain HP with this build in long fights like Sirius?

I have no problem with using 3 life flasks + qs + coralitos. A lot of the damage is avoidable and just need pots when you do get spiked. Only death last time was to a black ball on invul phase.
How do you guys get the helmet enchant? Farming it yourself, buying it or buying it on another base than lion pelt?

Found it on int/str bases rather cheap compared to lion pelt...
got lucky with 6linking my Darkscorn in ~100 fuses so i tried 6link balista then i had to run clarity cause of mana issues(on summoning balistas, i got -15 SA chest) but the balistas absolutely destroy. Using the rain of splinters jewel too.
Overall the divine flesh variant of the build is very good imho- cant ask for much more survivability from a ranger anyhow
Last edited by Acs on Dec 25, 2019, 4:52:54 AM

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