[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

So is the divine flesh darkscorn build the all-around best build to go for? I've been saving up exalts and have been trying to decide which to play.
Enjoy the build thus far but I seem to struggle damage wise vs the end game bosses (T16). Not sure if my build is missing something or if I am playing incorrectly but some of the fights are incredibly long. Anyone able to check out my character and note anything?
I hit a bow like this:

Is it worth to keep it or without the flat added Chaos or a Lioneye's would be better? I could try to craft another one, but buying fossils and resonators is annoying as hell
Last edited by murilomuka on Dec 23, 2019, 9:43:24 PM
Hello there,

Any advices for the upgrade of my current gears!

Last edited by moonaz on Dec 23, 2019, 9:26:08 PM
brumba wrote:
FG523 wrote:
hello I am kinda new, can someone explain to me why we need frenzy quiver when we have blood rage?

On kill effects typically aren't great for bossing, since you need to well, kill. The frenzy effect on the quiver lets you have frenzy charges when there are no extra enemies.

thank you, in that case, should i get rid of blood rage when i have my frenzy quiver? or we need both for mapping and bossing?
kowalenko wrote:

Can you tell me if that bow is good enough in your opinion guys ?:)

btw. great build

It's certainly a keeper - hits all of the rolls the build asks for in the first page.

If we had to split hairs it would be the Chaos DoT Multiplier, and that that be rolled again for 40%.

In other words, 6L it or sell it for several Exalts.
does pob calculates Poisons you inflict deal Damage faster?
isnt that a damage boost? or am I wrong on thinking it is a damage boost?

is this good to go? or I should try to craft again?
Just wondering how you would fossil craft a quiver with new hunter mods. Like what fossils are best to use and mod prios-thx

I've found the 15% physical damage taken as chaos from hunter mod synergizes well with darkscorn and divine flesh.

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