Lol aaron, ur the worstest noob i've ever seen. L2 mechanics of cleave while dualwielding, than compare it with cyclone.
Cleave has %70 dmg effectify and its reduce your ** phyiscal dmg ** %40 for each weapon this means = %42+%42 physcal dmg + %70+%70 elemental dmg multiplier for 1h weapon dmg. Total %82 physcal dmg + %140 elemental dmg. (For both 1h weapons at total) Cyclone %70(%35x2) physcal %70 elemental dmg of 1h weapons stats. Also 2x%35 physical dmg <<< than %70 physical dmg becouse of armor dmg reduction calculate system. Thats why cyclone toooooo much sux when u compare it with cleave as a dualwielder. Last edited by solidhammer#6432 on Mar 16, 2013, 4:42:02 AM
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" LMAO and you're the greatest ******* I've seen on POE forums. Exaggerate much? Take a look around before you throw an insult at me that's going to roll right off. KMA " I'm not using elemental damage of any significance right now. HTH. HAND. Here I edited it so as not to hurt anyone's sensitive eyes. Last edited by aaronsan#5490 on Mar 16, 2013, 7:46:36 AM
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I'm building a 2h templar which will use this with mostly elemental/crit passives. I'll let you know how it goes.
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" Be aware that with Cyclone, either all hits crit or all normal attack. When you click once. This is also a big issue, since crit is pretty much worthless by then. |
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Thank you Devs for this skill.
I tested it on my regular Marauder and then moved it to my Facebreaker Cassius__Clay. Two things I have noticed so far. The DPS is usable but the gems is really reliant on support gems and ramps well when leveled. The downsides are that in a ninja party your are simply screwed. It's just one more reason I hate the loot system in this game. Though it says your travel to a point you click on I have noticed some seemingly random movement issues and that in order to get it started you have to point at a target unlike Leap Slam or Whirling Blades, so it is only usable when in combat. Michael --- Neroon "Love is a form of Insanity"
IGN Standard: Caernavon, Cassius__Clay, Lictor_Severian IGN Anarchy: I_Think_Were_Alone_Now, CrystalBluePersuasion, Citizen_Gkar |
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" Cite? I've seen several players say that now, but I don't see it in the description of this thread. I believe I've seen it critting on and off (going by screen shake) as I go through a mob, but I could be mistaken. I wasn't paying attention to this aspect before. Oh and GGG, you know what would help with all of this? A training dummy. I don't know where you can put it, since unlike in T2, in this game skills can't be used in town (at ALL, auras should, again maybe fix that?). But at any rate, if this training dummy could be at your level and a set armor amount etc. per level, and then it could report back the sort of damage you are dealing, that would be totally awesome. And I know it's totally doable because T2 does it. Not that I have played T2 for one minute since POE came out =D -Aaron |
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" Have you even tried dual-wield ele cleave? It's way better than regular cleave, and (supposedly) way better than Cyclone. It seems to me that you've been comparing phys Cyclone to either phys Cleave and other weak builds, or to how fast you can clear monsters right now. If you tried out ele Cleave you might think differently. |
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" I just haven't needed to, TBH. Maybe I will need to later on in the game (late merciless I guess?). But if I cleared monsters any faster than now, I'd drop the game because it's too easy. Now if I were playing hardcore I would read builds and try to figure out what the uberest of the uber is, and probably build that way, but I'm trying to learn this game using my own head and my own experiences, not open up the builds of others and copy those. When you say "ele cleave", do you mean weapons with elemental damage and boosts, or are we talking support gems? Because with weapons themselves I typically do DPS comparison first, then other stats, but I don't pay too much mind to where the damage comes from, at least so far. -Aaron |
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Do people really have to write essays about how awesome Cyclone is at level 40?
I could make a build with no survivability whatsoever, make a video of me playing level 40 with no problems, does that mean that this is a good build? Should I then start recommending this build on the forums? |
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Cyclone seems like it excels at refilling potions. I mean, get a crit with cyclone and any surgeon's flasks you have are refilled pretty much instantly. That would probably make for a good build. Dual Daggers with high crit chance and attack speed that survives through the effects of one or two Surgeon's Granite Flask of Iron Skin or Reflexes. It probably wouldn't work as well as I think it would, but there's nothing better than a build where the offense and defense synergize so well. Like cold crit characters.
Last edited by StarlightGamer#6805 on Mar 16, 2013, 7:16:17 AM
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