
Scully wrote:
Scully wrote:
Remove the minimum distance "cap".

At least make it shorter. It would make it less annoying to kill individual mobs and it would be balanced because of the high mana cost.
distance is equal to where you point...
officially this gem need a buff

today i watched cyclone vs whirling blades
and the difference is quite notable
WB does a better job at killing things more faster too
First of, like many already mentioned. You need to be able to do this without moving, or atleast lower the minimum travel distance greatly.

Secondly and most importantly. The damage is just god awful, its so pathetic compared to any other skill avalible. And consdering the low damage effectiveness, you can not use Life Leech or Life On Hit with this skill.

Also, the mana cost is ridicilously high. Who can afford this skill properly suppoeredt? Blood Magic only?

Last edited by Snowflakesz#7105 on Mar 14, 2013, 2:27:55 PM
Dracobane wrote:
KevZh wrote:
Well am I the only one who is satisfied with the skill?

I am a lvl 84 Ground Slam (6800+ DPS) Marauder doing solo a lot and I made the gem lvl 13 (3500+ DPS) then farmed 66 Map Dungeon twice, and killed Brutus within 10s safely. There seems to be no problem for me at all using this as my aoe as well as single target skill except for the dsynch problem. I will farm more maps and test it tmr

For survivability, I am using this

the life regen is locked at 1200+, which is the cap for me

And my weapon is

Will also try knockback tmr

An interesting thing is that the skill shows mainhand dmg as well as offhand dmg even though I am using 2HM, the offhand dmg is unarmed dmg....

Is this for real roflmao? This has to be a troll lol. I can't help but read this like the Slingblade character. It can be summed up with this:

"I used to kill things easy with my godly items and I still kill things easy that are 18 levels lower than me with cyclone."

You even state that the DPS goes from 6800 down to 3500. Sure, you might get it up to 4000 from gem levels, but it's the weapon that adds the most damage to attack skills, while spells get their damage from the gem level. So it won't get much higher.

I don't mean to be disrespectful if you are serious, but this has to be sarcasm.

For end game you should have some valuable stuff, that is why it is called end game, 5L Marohi is not really expensive, compare with others. And for maps,don't tell me you can farm 80+ maps lol. Brutus can deal huge amount of dmg in a very short period, so I farmed it for testing. And spin to win, that's it

My build focuses on survivability, and I'm not those amazing 15k elemental cleave users, so I just stated my feeling as a melee physical marauder, though the elemental part takes more advantage from the low dmg effectiveness and high attack speed and hits per spin

I am ok with the dmg and LL efficiency, 1200 regen while hitting anything is quite enough

'This has to be a troll'? Whatsoever ROTFLMFAO
IGN: MarauderK

AFK since Jun 2013, playing EARTH online atm
Last edited by KevZh#3230 on Mar 14, 2013, 2:35:57 PM
I do have to agree with the sentiment that GGG is actively releasing skills underpowered. I imagine this is to have more control over what people do in their game and prevent uber-broken specs to arise and force them into hasty fixes.

While this is better from a designer standpoint and I can see why GGG would do such a thing, from a player standpoint it's not very good. Players want to be excited with the shiny new skills they'll receive every week, they want to spend their time theorycrafting amazing builds for those new shiny skills. And when they arrive they want to feel at least some level of satisfaction. It doesn't need to feel OP, it just needs to feel good.

If it becomes OP because the values are too high, tone them down a bit. By then players will have seen what's possible with the skill and probably heard of 'that streamer that can do double Piety on maps with new broken skill easy OP pls nerf', so it doesn't feel as crappy.

I'd like to see new skills arrive with values just a little bit higher than what GGG considers balanced internally. No offense meant but with the current new skills it seems like what's balanced internally is underwhelming to the general population.
Feels a bit weak to me.
GGG Was suppose to be making an ability better than Whirling Blades, yet WB does more damage with cleave doing 4x that. Hah!
Last edited by Jeremyz0r#4629 on Mar 14, 2013, 2:57:20 PM
Melly_me wrote:
I do have to agree with the sentiment that GGG is actively releasing skills underpowered. I imagine this is to have more control over what people do in their game and prevent uber-broken specs to arise and force them into hasty fixes.

While this is better from a designer standpoint and I can see why GGG would do such a thing, from a player standpoint it's not very good. Players want to be excited with the shiny new skills they'll receive every week, they want to spend their time theorycrafting amazing builds for those new shiny skills. And when they arrive they want to feel at least some level of satisfaction. It doesn't need to feel OP, it just needs to feel good.

If it becomes OP because the values are too high, tone them down a bit. By then players will have seen what's possible with the skill and probably heard of 'that streamer that can do double Piety on maps with new broken skill easy OP pls nerf', so it doesn't feel as crappy.

I'd like to see new skills arrive with values just a little bit higher than what GGG considers balanced internally. No offense meant but with the current new skills it seems like what's balanced internally is underwhelming to the general population.

Unfortunately we can't have nice things on the internet due to the way people act and react to changes (most of the time completely out of context) in any game. I believe it would be even worse to give "them" something and then taking it back.

It'd be like giving a kid ice cream, then going "oh hang on, i gave you too much ice cream, give me back some" and then the kid bursting out in tears, screaming, kicking and telling everyone what a bad person you are.
My Supporter Pack list compensates for my small penis.
Last edited by Relidar#4309 on Mar 14, 2013, 3:01:35 PM
As has been stated many times, the mechanics behind this build means

1. its more suitable for elemental builds than physical
2. DW does not have enough improvement over 1h/s
3. 2h Physical is still doable (they are less impacted by armor than 1h physical)
4. 1h physical will suffer.

So the question is,

was this skill meant to be created for fast 1h physical weapons in mind or not?

If not, then no problem.

If yes then we need to change some of the mechanics

EG.. increase dmg effectiveness and reduce attack speed

IF they want this skill to be for physical damage dealers they should do something like: instead of 80% inceased physical make it 160% or make it added 80% so it works better since now this skill is way better for elemental damage.

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