" You are the most annoying supporter I have heard yet. You actually make me cringe when you type...that's hard to do. Anyways, you can go back to Diablo III or Call of Duty if you want a mainstream "follow the formula" approach. GGG will do things their way. They do not want to copy paste abilities, they are pushing things further and further and releasing innovative things rather than remodeling and repainting things just to make a quick buck. They have an amazing game thus far and it had little to do with the wishes of their players and almost everything to do with what they envisioned. "Cyclone moves to where you clicked, at your move speed. This means you'll go further for one skill use (and thus mana cost payment) if you click further - but there's more chance that something goes bad along the way and you can't interrupt it until you finish." ^ This actually adds something you might be afraid of..skill. That's right, you must now think when and where to cast your Cyclone. Believe you me , a lot of others know why you are mad; let's just say it has something to do with Craniom, being dropped, and your mother. You will not get a game for children. IF you want one? You can play the games I stated above. Great job on Cyclone thus far. Increased multiplier for melee damage sounds like something that will make physical dmg viable. Just have to get the numbers right. Maybe add something like 5% total damage reduction while using? This MIGHT make it viable in HC. otherwise I don't see anyone using it >_< IGN: Opburst Last edited by Ryan1755#2833 on Mar 13, 2013, 5:37:39 PM
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What is with the outrageous mana cost? Like it is some OP skill that needs to have a drawback to using? The damage is completely lackluster and on top of it you can only cast 3 times and your mana is gone.
The views and expressed opinions of Dragon are solely those of a drunken redneck and are not necessarily those of a sane person. Any likeness of intelligence is strictly coincidental and should not be taken seriously. His posts should not be read... by anyone. |
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I have been testing out cyclone and many of the issues have been stated, and will probably be addressed in time. I do however have an idea for how to address one of the issues for phys melee to actually be viable with skills like cyclone. Would it be possible to put an elemental damage modifier and a physical damage modifier on skills such as this to better balance the skills?
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" So because my views and opinions are different than yours that makes me an unskilled player who was dropped on their head as a child? They are called opinions for a reason. Had I made a post in all caps demanding that GGG give me exactly what I want I might have been able to understand where your coming from. But I didn't. I stated what I would like to see. If you don't agree with me, I could care less. One voice is not more important than the rest. And see what I did there? I addressed my issues with your post without resorting to elitist assumptions about you. DISCLAIMER!
The views and expressed opinions of Dragon are solely those of a drunken redneck and are not necessarily those of a sane person. Any likeness of intelligence is strictly coincidental and should not be taken seriously. His posts should not be read... by anyone. |
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The desync issue alone is reason enough not to use this skill.
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It's still too soon to comment on damage and viability, it definitely needs a lot more testing.
But i do agree with everyone else on the desyncing issues. Sadly this isn't a Cyclone specific problem, but it does make the skill a lot harder to play with. I feel that not being able to cancel out of a spin adds to this problem even further as well. It's hard not making this very similar to Whirlwind, but compared to other melee, let alone ranged, AoE abilities, Cyclone does feel like it's lacking when it comes to clearing speed and the general pace of the gameplay. My Supporter Pack list compensates for my small penis.
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Here are some suggestions on how to fix cyclone, and make it into a skill that stands apart from cleave and other melee AoE's.
Cyclone: Damage Effectiveness: 75%(x2 -- 150% total) This skill does not benefit from any elemental damage sources. You cannot be stunned while using Cyclone. You take 10% reduced damage from all sources while in Cyclone animation. Fixed range of 10, which can be boosted by AoE passives including the Duelist node. Cyclone has a fixed duration of 2 seconds, but its direction can be controlled by the player. If the skill is held down, the skill will not end, but mana will be subracted every 2 seconds as if you were recasting the skill. The mana cost is also a problem, but I'm not going so far as to do the math on that one. Last edited by Mephasm#3703 on Mar 13, 2013, 5:58:01 PM
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well. i dont like cyclone. tried it on my elemental cleave templer. my cleave does 3.5k damage.
cyc does like nothing 700~dps @ tooltip. it burns mana like hell, i get hit like shit, desync. i mean, i think elemental templer should really be one of the most suitable builds with cyc. but well. maybe gonne try a 2hander but it seems weak |
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This is just a modified whirling blades that inherited all of it's desync issues. I really don't see why GGG feels the need to pump out a new skill every week. It takes players at least a month just to adapt to new skills.
I would rather have one quality skill every month that is worked, reworked, tested. I know this game is in "beta" but microtransactions are out and characters are permanent. There should be more testing done before release. Offers may not be honored 24 hours after posting them.
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"I think you have no clue on what open beta feedback is. He gave feedback and you gave a personal attack. If you don't like what he says rent a pair and ignore it. Cyclone is a good ideal, but terrible as is . Mana cost way to high and damage way to low. Is minic a gheibhean beal oscailt diog dunta!
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