After discussing this with another player that was very much looking forward to this skill coming out, I have decided to post a suggestion: Cut the min. distance and duration to 1/4 what it is now, and make it cost about 7 mana per cast or tick. I think that this could solve the movement issue, because you could stop or change direction at any time; and it could solve the issue of it being so low damage, because the low damage seems to be because of hitting each thing only once or twice before you've passed it. This way, you could circle around it and hit the same thing over and over, or you could go in a straight line and hit a series of enemies, depending on how the enemy was situated. Just a suggestion. Thank you for considering it!
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After getting this to a decent level, supporting it with melee phys, faster attacks and concentrated effect: I still think it's too weak. For 2 reasons.
1 - I'm more often than not spiralling right past my target due to the minimum range. All other mechanics I'm fine with but this makes it take way too long to kill. 2 - Unlike cleave, this skill is no better when dual wieling. It's a big disappointment after being told "the AOE for claws is coming!" for months. Overall it's lacking, but I think that if it used the same dual wield bonus as cleave does and if I could sit still while hacking at an enemy I'd be happy with it. I'd be VERY happy with it if its damage effectiveness was brought up to 40%, but that isn't 100% necessary. IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
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The skill is not interesting enough... It feels like i m using WB, only slower and does more(maybe?) damage. Whats the point?
We need to move freely, because the possibility to spin AROUND the mobs is what makes this kind of skills so fun. Spinning forward/backward feels wrong for something thats called wind, cyclone, tornado, tzunami etc. | |
" That won't happen, because two reasons: 1) Game design decisions (which I agree with anyway). 2) Technical issues with the way movement works in the game (the reason we can't have real channelled skills, and the movement does not feel 'smooth' compared to 'other' games). The skill can be powerful and good without being stupid OP like D3 bullshit. For startes they should allow it to be casted without moving if you don't click to move or add some support gems which changes the trace of the movement (circles instead of lines lol). Besides that, unfortunately the game movement and hit detection works in the game is a deeper issue which will take time to be reworked (the reason behind the lack of 'smoothness' and all the desync etc.). I hope it's on their agenda and high in the backlog, because this game won't survive for years otherwise with such outdated tech. |
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Why don't you just make the mechanics like the Default Movement? (You can hold down Cyclone and it would go where ever you're mouse is, and makes you stop when you let go)
Also, (I don't think you have the ability to do this) but an Auto /OOS for melee skills would be appreciated. |
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Can you at least allow claw and dagger users to use cleave?this is embarrassing already
Last edited by Maybe#4327 on Mar 13, 2013, 11:54:31 PM
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I'm liking cyclone for my level 28 facebreaker dualist. Does about 300 dps unsupported. Frenzy in comparison does about 1100 dps with an added fire support.
Can run it perpetually with the extra mana nodes at the beginning of the dualest tree. Cleans up pretty well in pvp as well. It pisses off a lot of people cause they think it's OP. :) IGN: _Firebitch
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Pretty sure this skill is broken. Says unsupported with marohi erqi that it does 440 dps. Main hand does 300-464 damage with 1.16 attacks per second but then it displays off hand damage of like 2-4 damage. So dunno if it thinks I am dual wielding and it is alternating between the two hander and my fist or what. But if it's bugged maybe it makes sense why this is so pathetic. I mean if a lvl 28 facebreaker character does almost as much as a weapon like mine at lvl 61 sounds a bit messed up. Pretty sure it's bugged minimum obviously the tooltip, but the skill should be performing better.
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" You must be lieing about the pvp. Unless those guys are morons and stand still for cyclone I don't see you doing anything in pvp with that skill. The aoe is abysmal and the skill is predictable, also anyone with armor will laugh at that sht. I also tried a lvl 39 with facebreakers and the tooltip said 100ish dps. "FullyBlownDaddy"-FullBlownDaddy™
"FillBlownDaddy"-GGG "FullBlownMommy"-Casual_Ascent |
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" Why would I lie? Facebreakers scale very well at lower levels with the proper gear. With your facebreakers did you also use a Meginord's belt, Foxshade chest, and two iron rings with extra phys damage as mods? Those additions bring my dps on frenzy from 129 to 1099. Cyclone is great against flicker builds, and preventing getting stuck in bear traps. It rolls right through them. Also if the guy is right beside you hacking away, it's pretty much unavoidable to get hit by it. IGN: _Firebitch Last edited by Firebrand76#1731 on Mar 14, 2013, 1:09:30 AM
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