Been using this skill a bit since last night (I was literally RIGHT at the Crematorium quest when the patch came out, so I had the gem right away), and I have to say I'm disappointed.
PROS - Looks and sounds amazing. - Covers a reasonable area of effect even at base. - The movement speed penalty isn't too bad. - For sure a different flavor compared to Sweep and Cleave. CONS - Low damage. - High mana cost. - Cannot change dirction while spinning, which is a huge liability. - Cannot remain stationary while spinning, thus making you spin past smaller groups of mobs and miss hits. It's a constant game of ping ponging yourself to try to hit things, and you always waste hits and thus mana. This is probably my biggest problem with it, it's just so much wasted time overshooting everything because of the fixed and forced amount of movement while using it. Alteration Orb Union Local #7
"Alts are 16:1 Chaos. You got that tough guy? |
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" Yeah, I'm using it with Facebreakers on my current character. Alteration Orb Union Local #7
"Alts are 16:1 Chaos. You got that tough guy? |
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" Finally we have 3 skill to use lawl Ing: ExElite / Xilenze
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I should love this skill and I was planning to use it in hc Marauder.
But after reading some feedback, I am personally done until it changes a bit. One of the most rewarding and satisfying moments of play I have in my gaming life have benn while whirlwind in diablo2. I didint found any close to that skill fun in ANY game. I even sometimes play d2 just to do it and have fun. So when I read about cyclone I was so excited. But if you cant do little spins and control them like in d2, I think it doesn't work for me. I even tried whirlwind in d3 and I didnt like it, because it is so different than d2 WW. So I think I will use and have fun with this skill (well, me and many people I guess) if you can fix the movement aspect and let us do short spins, redirects, come backs and things like that to compensate for the low damage. Im fine with the little damage, the problem for me is the fix movement long spin and dont having the capability to control that. Anyway the skill looks awesome and I was planning on taking skill effects, they're really cool, but... Also I was planning on 2 hander marauder for this, just not sure if its viable with that dangerous fixed movement. D2 fun short moves are excellent, both in playability and fun factor. PS: for clarification I love you CANT spinning while stop. I just want it to let us change direction while holding right button, and make short spins (aka defensive spins) while retreat or a little triangle against a mob or so, like in d2 days. IGN: Gonorreitor Last edited by Valmar#3550 on Mar 13, 2013, 7:51:27 AM
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" So there is no real pros , and cons in all ways, you know? :D Hope it would be fixed. Im tired with all this cleave stuff. |
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I think the skill is decent, and will be great if they buff damage effectiveness to 40%.
To those who say it has low damage - the tooltip DPS for it currently shows half of the real DPS (at least for dual wielding, not sure about single weapon). To have better control over the movement while spinning you need to reduce the minimum distance it travels per cast. To reduce the minimum distance you need to stack movement speed. Immortal King WW Marauder build: ign: Peresvet |
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Yes! Finally a new movement ability! Oh, wait, it actually hiders your movement and locks you in a path for a little while. Awesome...
They seem to be going the same route as incinerate with this, by which I mean they release the skill and will probably tune it up later (like Incinerate got 12.5% dmg), rather than releasing an OP skill and down tuning it later. I prefer it this way, to be honest. |
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animations and audio are awesome, but 30 mana for 35% damage effectiveness at level one?
Most melee skills start off at 7-10 mana cost, and most have a 75%ish effectiveness witch can be counteracted by leveling and support gems, but adding 2-3 even 4-5 support gems on cyclone could have the mana cost at 100-300 by lvl 31 and it would still hit like garbage. now since the gem is melee, this means that only Templars and shadows will be able to use it effectively simply because they can reach edlritch battery and get there mana regen to skyrocket. but there aint no way in hell a duelist or murader would be able to counter act its mana consumption easily until at least level 50 and that would be lvl 1 cyclone with 1 support gem. I guess it would be a nice skill for face-breakers, but not everyone can easily obtain a pair on demand. ALL THE CAKE. ALL THE CAKE. ALL THE CAKE. ALL THE CAKE. ALL THE CAKE. ALL THE CAKE. ALL THE CAKE.
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" this would be so much better than whats in the game now. What we have now just feels clunky and useless IGN:Berserk_Button
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Oh boy! Another melee AOE to not take proper advantage of dual wielding.
They said they were going to make melee viable in end game. So far it looks like they aren't really trying.
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