Code of Conduct Changes - Do better at least for optics

There are a number of moving parts here and quite a bit a subtle context.

From the appearance of Tencent tightening the vice, to the very sly inclusion of "inflammatory" topics, and virtue signaling that the "mental health" of GGG moderators was at the heart of the decision.

Those of us that are dubious on the change will have nothing to do but smirk, when this CoC spreads to include criticism of design and development.

If you think this isnt possible, just remember how sensitive Chris got about the 1000 hours comment, or how defensive they got about Synthesis (we wont crunch so you got shit) which is hilarious.

When people started praising Chris (and the dev team) for avoiding a crunch, by putting out an underdeveloped, uninspired, buggy league, I knew we had jumped the shark.

I see where this is going, and frankly I told you so wont even feel good when it happens (and its coming)
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Jun 6, 2019, 11:13:46 AM
Politics and religion should not be discussed in this forum. Discussion about them will only lead to unproductive debate and verbal abuse. They belong in youtube, facebook, and forums that cater to these kind of topics.
Politics and religion should not be discussed in this forum. Discussion about them will only lead to unproductive debate and verbal abuse. They belong in youtube, facebook, and forums that cater to these kind of topics.

Again that's not what it says. Its says any inflammatory topic (whatever that means) such as politics or religion.

They have left open the door to moderate or delete ANYTHING they deem "inflammatory".
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Jun 6, 2019, 11:33:10 AM
DarthSki44 wrote:
Politics and religion should not be discussed in this forum. Discussion about them will only lead to unproductive debate and verbal abuse. They belong in youtube, facebook, and forums that cater to these kind of topics.

Again that's not what it says. Its says any inflammatory topic (whatever that means) such as politics or religion.

They have left open the door to moderate or delete ANYTHING they deem "inflammatory".

politics and religion topics are path to inflammation. It's ggg mistake not to include this in their forum rules since the beginning.
I find it highly curious and interesting that people support the base-line notion that discussions about politics and religion inadvertendly lead to inpolite behavior or communication.

We had a whole debate on the abortion thing going for over nine pages i think(i assume this is also a contentious subject for a lot of people) and as far as i can recollect nobody crossed the line on that subject though obviously very varying opinions were being put forth from all participants.

I don't see how people caring for a subject makes the subject volatile intrinsically.

I would say that off-topic on these boards generally has an abundance of good faith actors in comparison to bad faith actors.

Not talking about personality traits here, just civility in discussion.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
politics and religion topics are more potent than abortion.
politics and religion topics are more potent than abortion.

Des goûts et des couleurs on ne discute pas.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Knock it off, Oasis. We know your opinion on P&R, you don't need to relentlessly hammer it.

The objection, and the one I was poking at with my other thread you decided to poo in, is that without the ability to discuss "Potentially Inflammatory Subjects", pretty much every single possible potential subject of discussion is banned.

Want to talk about a really cool history book you just read concerning a contentious event in world history? NOPE

Want to talk about a current news event of any sort? NOPE

Want to talk about a more philosophical subject, such as the treatment of women in modern society or the role of government in everyday life (independent of political stance)? NOOOOOPE

You can no longer talk about fuggoff anything of any note, importance, or interest in here, which sucks because Path of Exile had an oddly mature and interesting-to-converse-with Off-Topic userbase compared to most online-game shitholes. Now we can't have those talks, because any time someone's feathers get remotely rustled, Thred Ded.

A true shame.
Boem wrote:
I find it highly curious and interesting that people support the base-line notion that discussions about politics and religion inadvertendly lead to inpolite behavior or communication.

We had a whole debate on the abortion thing going for over nine pages i think(i assume this is also a contentious subject for a lot of people) and as far as i can recollect nobody crossed the line on that subject though obviously very varying opinions were being put forth from all participants.

I don't see how people caring for a subject makes the subject volatile intrinsically.

I would say that off-topic on these boards generally has an abundance of good faith actors in comparison to bad faith actors.

Not talking about personality traits here, just civility in discussion.



On that abortion thread, it's very clear now that some(or a few) at GGG were personally upset at the discussion. While some moderators didnt feel the thread was violating any rules (and it wasnt), it went on for 9 pages or so. The next shift or collection of support staff wasn't happy about it and nuked it.

It wasn't long after, that the the CoC changed with mental health of staffers as a significant reason. It's not cool, but here we are.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:
On that abortion thread, it's very clear now that some(or a few) at GGG were personally upset at the discussion.

They should really try a customer service job if they get upset at stuff they see on this forum.

I worked customer service (like many after college) and some of the folks were brutal though back then we didn't need safe spaces for all these sensitive little people.

GGG should build little igloos for them. With cuddly toys (Winne the Pooh) and crayons.

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