Balance in Path of Exile: Legion

Honestly, The more I think about it the more I think the change to warlord's mark makes sense. Especially considering how many other options there are for managing mana.

"But what about life based Spellcasters!?"

I hear you and to that I have 2 things to say.

1)Lets wait for the full patch notes

2)Those new Jewels might end up solving both the Mana and the life problems for all we know.
So, they constantly nerfing cool builds, to have ppl make new one or play another game?
saragart wrote:
This is hopeless, same shit every 3 months.

I'm sick of this nerf cycle GGG.

Ps. Fu&*k Legion. I'll play in standard or take a break from poe. I'm seriously over the nerfs.

Am also tired of this shit, nerfing some ascendancies to the ground so that others may shine for 3 months and then they die too next patch. When are we going have a game in which all ascendancies are equally viable? When caster/ melee/ranged/totems/minions/mines/traps are equally good? i get meta shift amd agree that change is needed, what i dont agree is nerfing to a point where stuff isnt viable anymore. Elementalist is dead now and this isnt a rant or anything, it is a fact. It will be the less used class until u guys at ggg decide what to do with it bcs she doesnt have anything decent in her anymore to compete with other ascedancies.
Last edited by Raxefal#4755 on Jun 4, 2019, 6:49:32 AM
rofl - energy shield, we hardly knew ye... again.

Gotta be honest, you have ONCE again pushed me further away from this game. Last league sucked.

And your CONSTANT nerfing, over powering, nerfing, over powering cycle is not fun. GET IT THE FUCK RIGHT.
Last edited by Deliverme#3978 on Jun 4, 2019, 6:52:59 AM
Deliverme wrote:
rofl - energy shield, we hardly knew ye... again.

Gotta be honest, you have ONCE again pushed me further away from this game. Last league sucked.

And your CONSTANT nerfing, over powering, nerfing, over powering cycle is not fun. GET IT THE FUCK RIGHT.
I agree with people being pissed about the constant cycle of promoting certain ascendancies only to shit on them 1 or 2 leagues later.

Ya know GGG, some people actually enjoy playing certain characters for more than 2 leagues. Was hyped for melee, not so much anymore, regret spending money again. Eh, I never learn. Standard.
zipitzip wrote:
I agree with people being pissed about the constant cycle of promoting certain ascendancies only to shit on them 1 or 2 leagues later.

Ya know GGG, some people actually enjoy playing certain characters for more than 2 leagues. Was hyped for melee, not so much anymore, regret spending money again. Eh, I never learn. Standard.
again i agree
Other games that force a meta are viewed as "terrible" within the greater ARPG communities. A Forced Meta (which basically translates to having Set Items and clearly "better" classes) is what killed Diablo 3 and other ARPGs, not so much the "power creep" meme. (although it's still a factor for sure)

This update may be "balancing things" or whatever (and I can see and agree with lots of good arguments for most of these changes, especially within the greater scope of GGGs future plans for the game) but I have to be honest here: this looks frighteningly similar to a D3-styled forced meta (geared towards melee obviously) - which is the philosophy that kills a lot of other ARPGs.

I'm looking forward to any more explanations or updates from GGG about why they just removed Elementalist from the game. I'm sure there's a very good reason for it...
Oh... Being an Aurabot was the only thing I truly liked to play... Why a nerf like that?
It really isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

This is the nature of an ever evolving game. It forces you out of your comfort zone and into new territory. No one likes all change. All do not like no change. Your attitude determines your altitude. We don't have patch notes. PoB has not been updated with the new skill tree. There is absolutely NO reason to jump to conclusions until all of the information is out there. At face value, there are some pretty tough restrictions happening to classes that had an higher percentage of the player base. There are some changes that didn't make it into 3.7.

It is time to theory out what you want to do in 3.7 not wallow in self pity.

The Aurabot will survive - albeit with a totally different skill progression around the tree than in the past year.
Last edited by tru2dgame#7774 on Jun 4, 2019, 7:02:31 AM

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