Garagre sales are worst income I ever made but wasnt about that

ScrotieMcB wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:
Never again. Unless they ask me too again :P
It's not everyday that you can watch a person's resolve form and then completely evaporate in less than 5 seconds.

Family is most important thing in the world. Actually health then family. Speaking of my grandparents - my granddad once told me when business was sucky "aim you have your health you're a millionaire compared to me" he aint broke.

Kinda gave me prospective. Instead of whining about being in debt and such I had so much time and ability to git er dun. Unlike him. I'm so gonna miss them when pass to the other side.

PS I used to not like my grandad he charged me 33% interest on my first loan. He said well develope your credit - go to a bank if you don't like it. I was 13.

- Man I'm getting so emotional.

I'll stomp that out by morning.

Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Apr 28, 2019, 3:08:57 AM
Aim_Deep wrote:
Family is most important thing in the world.
I won't argue with that. Just thought the juxtaposition was funny; didn't mean to imply you finished on the wrong conclusion.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
I mean, just think about who the customers are on garage sales. People who want to spend as little money as possible.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion on Apr 28, 2019, 8:24:49 AM
So.. what does this mean again.. right.. screw your $50.00 tv. That thing isn't worth anything to you.
$5.00 is more than the nothing that it's worth.
That's not true.

If I ever did a garage sale, I'd take everything of significant value to a pawn shop first. Unless it's ancient or a weird brand, they'd definitely offer something on a 40" TV. I'd make note of the price they want to buy it for AND the price they sell similar items for. Then I'd set my garage sale price somewhere in the middle, and perhaps be open to a bit of downward haggling — but I'd never go below, or even at, the pawn shop buy price. If you're going to offer the same price as the pawn shop, fuck you, I'll just sell it to them instead.

Now stuff the pawn shop won't take, I agree with you. You want that for a dollar? Sold!

But I'd need to be pretty bored to even do a garage sale. More likely, I'd just take everything to the pawn shop, sell what they'll buy, and dumpster the rest.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Apr 28, 2019, 9:46:44 PM
Yo homies I had two of my guys load everythng in a 24 foot trailer i have to haul landscaaping materials and dropped it all off at charities - we got er done - finally.

Now thats over I gotta help them move in new place. Hang pictures/set up furniture/etc.

Fuck ferangie i'd rather give shit away or throw it away.


We have an extra dumpster at our house because I dont collect shit.

I have a "6 month rule" if i dont use something in 6 months it goes in garbage i dont care how much it costs or is worth. I threw away an omega watch I got for HS graduation once. Dad said it costed $2500. $150cell phone has watch, doh dad.

There will never be a garage sale at my house. Especially after this weekend. But I already knew that - is what it is.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Apr 28, 2019, 11:52:28 PM
Garage sales are more about getting rid of stuff than making money
I dont see any any key!
Aim_Deep wrote:
PS I used to not like my grandad he charged me 33% interest on my first loan. He said well develope your credit - go to a bank if you don't like it. I was 13.

Hahaha what a hard ass. Your granddad sounds like a good guy; hopefully he'll enjoy the new place.
Aim_Deep wrote:
se because I dont collect shit.

I have a "6 month rule" if i dont use something in 6 months it goes in garbage i dont care how much it costs or is worth. I threw away an omega watch I got for HS graduation once. Dad said it costed $2500. $150cell phone has watch, doh dad.

Your life, your rules, your right but I am confused. You are complaining that old stuff worth 50 bucks didn't sell well and yet you threw away my 6 months worth of salary into the dumpster just because you could? Omegas go up in price over time as well. I'm glad that you are well off enough to act out your inner mr. Burns but in that case why not just throw all the rest of it into the landfill?

Unless it's a joke or a reference I don't get then disregard.
Be ready. You're not paranoid, you're PREPARED.

I quit this game every few months and so should you to continue playing it in the future.

The device is believed to have been dropped
ScrotieMcB wrote:
So.. what does this mean again.. right.. screw your $50.00 tv. That thing isn't worth anything to you.
$5.00 is more than the nothing that it's worth.
That's not true.

If I ever did a garage sale, I'd take everything of significant value to a pawn shop first. Unless it's ancient or a weird brand, they'd definitely offer something on a 40" TV. I'd make note of the price they want to buy it for AND the price they sell similar items for. Then I'd set my garage sale price somewhere in the middle, and perhaps be open to a bit of downward haggling — but I'd never go below, or even at, the pawn shop buy price. If you're going to offer the same price as the pawn shop, fuck you, I'll just sell it to them instead.

Now stuff the pawn shop won't take, I agree with you. You want that for a dollar? Sold!

But I'd need to be pretty bored to even do a garage sale. More likely, I'd just take everything to the pawn shop, sell what they'll buy, and dumpster the rest.

that sounds like so much extra for a few bucks

I value my time more than that lol
I dont see any any key!
Aim_Deep wrote:
se because I dont collect shit.

I have a "6 month rule" if i dont use something in 6 months it goes in garbage i dont care how much it costs or is worth. I threw away an omega watch I got for HS graduation once. Dad said it costed $2500. $150cell phone has watch, doh dad.

Your life, your rules, your right but I am confused. You are complaining that old stuff worth 50 bucks didn't sell well and yet you threw away my 6 months worth of salary into the dumpster just because you could? Omegas go up in price over time as well. I'm glad that you are well off enough to act out your inner mr. Burns but in that case why not just throw all the rest of it into the landfill?

Unless it's a joke or a reference I don't get then disregard.

in what universe is 2500$ six months salary?

thats a month maybe
I dont see any any key!

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