
this seems to work better for STR classes and single target, i was testing incinerate+iron will+knockback.
hybrid caster/melee maybe?
actually have a higher damage than my mace lol

edit: these suport gems dont have mana cost multiplier
Last edited by Coldust on Mar 7, 2013, 10:28:39 PM
PyrosEien wrote:

Skill cost probably 12 or 14 at max level, let's take 14, that's 35mana per cast. Cast speed probably gets it down to .1sec, so 10casts a second, that's 350mana/sec. Easily sustainable in an EB endgame build. It'll be rough at some points though especially if you stack supports early but EB should cover it. Running it with Blood Magic and Life Leech could also be an option, replace Blind and Faster Casting I guess. Obviously if you 5L with 4 supports that are all 150% and one is GMP, you'll have mana issues, tbh you do with pretty much any spell.

Ye no, you need to at least 4 Link your main spell in nearly any build. If you cant do that with this spell its utterly pointless. Especially since they should realize that its impossible to use in HC.

If I cant even reposition myself while using a totem you can forget about any build idea immediately since re positioning is crucial.

It looks like this is supposed to be a SC spell, which is extremely disappointing.
It behaves a bit differently on spell totem.

As long as the totem continues to cast you can reposition yourself and it will still ramp. It ramps while you're stood still but doesn't reset when you move. It only resets if something interrupts the casting.
JonnyMonroe wrote:
It behaves a bit differently on spell totem.

As long as the totem continues to cast you can reposition yourself and it will still ramp. It ramps while you're stood still but doesn't reset when you move. It only resets if something interrupts the casting.

I tested it and it looked like it deals significantly less damage as soon as I moved.
nynyny wrote:
JonnyMonroe wrote:
It behaves a bit differently on spell totem.

As long as the totem continues to cast you can reposition yourself and it will still ramp. It ramps while you're stood still but doesn't reset when you move. It only resets if something interrupts the casting.

I tested it and it looked like it deals significantly less damage as soon as I moved.

It loses the bonus dmg while you're moving, but it doesn't reset the phases so as soon as you stop, it jumps back up to full damage.
i equipped 30% spell damage. it doesn't increase dps of Incinerate why? it increases dps of ice spear.
Last edited by rsthrsdj on Mar 7, 2013, 10:40:35 PM
I think the two big keys to determining how effective this skill is whether its ramp-up is based on time or casts (aka does cast speed help), and if the stage damage increase is 1.8*1.8*1.8 or 1+.8+.8+.8.
I think the two big keys to determining how effective this skill is whether its ramp-up is based on time or casts (aka does cast speed help), and if the stage damage increase is 1.8*1.8*1.8 or 1+.8+.8+.8.

First one was already resolved on page 2, it increases on casts, every 6casts I believe. The multiplier thing would make little sense to stack multiplicatively as it generally doesn't work that way but it's hard to tell without seeing the damage numbers.
350mana/sec. Easily sustainable in an EB endgame build. It'll be rough at some points though especially if you stack supports early but EB should cover it.

350m/sec is nowhere near "easily sustainable," most EB builds sit at about 200m/s. The spell is also virtually useless until that finalized endgame EB build. Until then, it drains a full mana pool in literally a few seconds and can't be sustained even while rolling mana flasks. Any build that scrapes together 3-400m/s is not going to have the raw survivability requried to use a spell that forces you to stand in close range and channel a spell without moving.

Running it with Blood Magic and Life Leech could also be an option,

I think that's a bit optimistic.
I have to pile on with the people wondering how this skill made it out of alpha. I'm sure it's great at high levels, with the right build, supports, etc. but a skill with a minimum level of 10 should be reasonably usable at level 10.

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