Betrayal as a Core Game Mechanic

this is such utter shit. there should be an option to permanently lock them in the research lab or some shit.

this shit should be optional, not forced on you. if you dont want to delve, you dont pick up sulphite or enter the mine. if you dont want to do the temple, you ignore alva and dont open the temple. if you dont to fight a whole swarm of beasts you dont go to the menagerie

but what do you do if you dont give a shit about syndicate and dont care much to be ambushed by their bullshit mechanics?

portal out and start a new map? make a hard right turn and just try to avoid the nonsense? have to waste your time fighting them for shitty loot and wasted clear speed of maps? i'd really like to know the most practical answer to this.
Last edited by idrankyourbeer on Feb 22, 2019, 6:53:07 AM
Added benefit of these changes is the fact that most of our crafting recipes are gated behind an already amazingly feeling RNG wall, now add that to the ever reduced rate at which you can Delve and in general interact with older league mechanics, good luck trying to find those socket recipes and lets not forget the boss battle encounters..

Why is our Path in exile being forced upon us from the developers?
Some people still, to this day absolutely LOVE delving, why can't that be their main focus in a league?, this goes for Incursion as well.

I have an eerie feeling about a potentially revamped enchanting system coming soon, that forces you to do tens of things just to run uber lab.

Also, perhaps unpopular opinion.. why are the unique system turning more and more into Diablo 3's? I love that trash uniques exist... yes there may be too many, but still. having build defining uniques and or game mechanics locked behind ascendancies :/

i hear ya. ive got 63 and a half thousand or so sulphite. i delve at 65k. i think it must be an ocd thing waiting until its topped before i delve, but i think today just might be the day i go on another long delving run as long as the rng and niko are good to me when i do my mastere missions

even though outside of city outposts i never get any loot after they took all the fun away from delving, i still enjoy it for some odd reason. but if i didnt, at least i have the option of avoiding it. i dont have that option with syndicate. instead i get a pie to the face and im forced to deal with that shit in every other map now.

i didnt care for that nonsense before, so i skipped the entire league. all i did was start a guy up until i got a bunch of chaos orbs to get a cinderswallow with to bring into standard next month, and i had about enough annoyment out of the syndicate as i could get. that is, after i locked them in the research lab and never had to bother with them after that.
Last edited by idrankyourbeer on Feb 22, 2019, 7:03:12 AM
[Removed by Support]

to make the game fun again you need like an 80%+ chance of one of the masters to show up in a map
generally dangerous
Last edited by Natasha on Feb 22, 2019, 3:58:06 PM
gandhar0 wrote:
Sometimes less is better than more.

This is someting I wholeheartly agree.
I absolutely welcome the changes to the masters, as it allows me to skip the ones I don't want to focus on my limited time on and focus on delving etc.

I want to avoid scenarios I don't like, I want to skip betrayal mechanics.

I would love to see Legacy league stones and Legacy mechanics come back so there is more choice, as well as a more personal, customizable, experience, and focus.
my comment deleted

GGG SoBayed?
What about bringing back monster slaying, dungeon crawling, item hunting and fun game as a core game mechanic???
Last edited by arkolyno on Feb 22, 2019, 7:08:32 AM
Gondalen wrote:
so , from now on we have to find every league the recipes again and again...

this was never different.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Not sure what I think about all this, guess my problem is same for most content and the way they nerf and/or restrict/gate stuff.

The way I see it is that they really want to punish players that enjoy parts or certain aspects of the game more than other areas. No matter what league or core feature it is.

I come to accept it as is, else i would just become bitter playing. Now I start each gaming session with "lets see what GGG (rng) wants me todo today" and at the end of the league I hopefully seen/experienced most content. Trading ofc boosts this and is often required.

All in all, think GGG is happy, more players than ever, all is working as designed.
Last edited by phir on Feb 22, 2019, 7:16:28 AM

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