Betrayal as a Core Game Mechanic

I was so excited for this next league until that Sulphite Scarab nerf.

Goddamn what a weird decision to make, unless they've failed to mention a significant increase in Sulphite per node (nevermind the ever obnoxious single node maps).
Fluffylife wrote:
I think betrayal is one league i would have been happy with not going core..


Amen brother! Me and my kids wanted to play HC in Betrayal league, but the one-shot mechanics and poor rewards of Syndicate just ruined it. Syndicate should not be harder than map bosses. But oh...They're buffing all the spells, this should help us kill the Syndicate faster/safer? When is melee going to get some love? May as well just remove all melee skills and Delve too. Remove everything that people like to do. Just make sure to keep the fancy MTX right?

I seriously hope Syndicate doesn't interfere with my/our Synthesis experience, or we'll be playing something else during Synthesis league, and probably leagues to come. I just feel Syndicate should be something we "choose" to do, not something we "have" to "watch out for" while trying to do the regular league mechanics. Countless hours of unveiling or wait....We have the option to trade instead? What about SSF?
Last edited by BlizMare on Feb 21, 2019, 10:19:00 PM
With changes to the ranks of unveiled mods, will the current crafting recipe that we have unlocked be reset or changed? A lot of effort has been spent this league getting them and it would be a bummer having to redo old league mechanics in a new different league. Changes are fine but resetting what we have already unlocked would be ridiculous as I would prefer to concentrate on stuff introduced in Synthesis and not Betrayal-introduced stuff when playing in Synthesis.

frost3sky wrote:
With changes to the ranks of unveiled mods, will the current crafting recipe that we have unlocked be reset or changed? A lot of effort has been spent this league getting them and it would be a bummer having to redo old league mechanics in a new different league. Changes are fine but resetting what we have already unlocked would be ridiculous as I would prefer to concentrate on stuff introduced in Synthesis and not Betrayal-introduced stuff when playing in Synthesis.

Agreed - if we have to re-do all our unveiling, it really needs to be quickened and flattened. I played a significant amount in Betrayal, actively farming the league mechanics, and still didn't unlock many of the veiled mods.

Also, I tried several of the Mastermind Uniques, and they were very underwhelming. We really need a tuning pass if you want people to have any meaningful reason to farm Mastermind, considering most want to focus on Synthesis. Maybe add in something unique like Watcher's Eye to Mastermind that is build enabling?
betrayal is dog shit, you're killing the game
No one cares about standard. It's literally a recycle bin, just press empty.
I was wishing Betrayal didn't go core.
Stupid mechanics, stupid rewards, stupid.

Don't make delving HARDER, make it more accessible! Just lower the rewards if needed.

And I guess I'll not be unveiling a single item in next league, if it isn't streamlined.
I love everything about this! Nice moves GGG <3.
Stop trying to force us to interact with dogshit league mechanics when people just want to Delve. #LetUsDelve
We want t3 burials chambers, Frost Wall like the old days, Push delve and test our builds, Stop with nerfs, Uber Lab Rework, and free action to play our path in this game, even if that implies "dodge" the new content.

Alternalo wrote:

Slightly nerfed: 70-80% reduction
...but we've made some compensations: 0.00001% increased chance for a tp scroll.

Very typical. But it won't affect the pro poe trade-tycoons and flippers much so it's K. Chris Wilson balance pass.

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