[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

skrecu wrote:
this is 2nd league when I use this build
In betrayal I hit endgame (uber, delve 450+, syndicate t16 etc) with basic gear, this is my std char
any issues noticed
Recently I do the same, with this character, with even better gear
, and I experience serious issues with hitting with cyclone, sometimes I need 5 sec wading through packs to hit for the 1st time and prc CoC or frostbolt
Can You explain that??I know I need come lvl up and 4th ascension, but this can not explain everything

From what I understand, this is an issue regarding how cyclone actually works.

As far as I can tell, even though cyclone *appears* to hit many different times while spinning through a pack of mobs, I believe that the crit is rolled once per "click" of cyclone. So, if you spin from one point to another, and that distance is far (you spin to a point far away instead of right next to you, for example), you will just, as you say, wade through mobs without critting because the crit chance was rolled and it failed.

To solve this, instead of spinning to a point far away, spin to a point very close to your character. In this case, if the spin doesn't proc crit, the spin will only last a short duration and you can then start a "fresh" spin into the pack again to try and proc the crit.

I can't formally say whether or not this analysis is 100% true, but from my experience I think this is what happens in the case you describe. Spinning to points close to you, though, is typically good practice with cyclone anyway as it let's you remain more mobile than if you spin to points further away (spinning only stops when you reach the point you clicked to spin toward, sometimes forcing movement that you don't want).

Hope this helps!
Looks like there are two schools of thought on this build. Move toward the 8 node life wheel or go to Phase acrobatics.

Any thoughts on what is better and why?

I get the thought process to having a bunch of life, currently sitting at a little over 6k. Looks like going Phase Acrobatics would net me some more crit chance as well.

I am currently using the mid grade gear for the build and getting close to level 90. Just heading into level 5-10 tier maps and looking for a bit of advice on what direction to head.

Azdingo wrote:
For the watcher's eye using Zealotry, which mod is the most important one? Penetrate 10% or Linger? Or I should get both...?

At this point, I don't know what to upgrade as I have pretty good gear:

The penetration. You attack so fast that the linger is useless, as you are going to proc the ground effect constantly.

Get a 6% health, and if you can, 10% penetration Watchers Eye if you go this route for more deeps. The penetration is effectively a *more* multiplier so its worth getting a 10% if you can afford (they go for 70c to 1 ex).
ratmeister wrote:
Looks like there are two schools of thought on this build. Move toward the 8 node life wheel or go to Phase acrobatics.

Any thoughts on what is better and why?

I get the thought process to having a bunch of life, currently sitting at a little over 6k. Looks like going Phase Acrobatics would net me some more crit chance as well.

I am currently using the mid grade gear for the build and getting close to level 90. Just heading into level 5-10 tier maps and looking for a bit of advice on what direction to head.


It more depends if you use discipline and the watchers eye for discipline, since going acrobatics halves your ES and hurts that 'buffer' substantially. If you go acrobatics you stick with Zealotry for the most part. You do more max deeps and have better ability to avoid one shots but worse sustain.

Discipline route has much better sustain since it can refill its shields, but (despite extra EHP) is more susceptible to one shots (since the extra EHP is not really all that much, and you have fewer chances of negating the attack out right).

Both have a benefit and a cost.
skrecu wrote:
this is 2nd league when I use this build
In betrayal I hit endgame (uber, delve 450+, syndicate t16 etc) with basic gear, this is my std char
any issues noticed
Recently I do the same, with this character, with even better gear
, and I experience serious issues with hitting with cyclone, sometimes I need 5 sec wading through packs to hit for the 1st time and prc CoC or frostbolt
Can You explain that??I know I need come lvl up and 4th ascension, but this can not explain everything
Your Cyclone crit chance is to low. Get a lvl 20/20 crit gem and take the Power Charge node called Infused and the Annihilation nodes instead of Doom Cast, it will help a lot on the overall crit rate.
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Last edited by Dkodr on Apr 2, 2019, 4:10:37 PM
did i miss something or why we dont take the 2 spellcrit cluster or atleast 1 @the endgame?
Dkodr wrote:
skrecu wrote:
this is 2nd league when I use this build
In betrayal I hit endgame (uber, delve 450+, syndicate t16 etc) with basic gear, this is my std char
any issues noticed
Recently I do the same, with this character, with even better gear
, and I experience serious issues with hitting with cyclone, sometimes I need 5 sec wading through packs to hit for the 1st time and prc CoC or frostbolt
Can You explain that??I know I need come lvl up and 4th ascension, but this can not explain everything
Your Cyclone crit chance is to low. Get a lvl 20/20 crit gem and take the Power Charge node called Infused and the Annihilation nodes instead of Doom Cast, it will help a lot on the overall crit rate.

The annihilation nodes are spell crit chance only, which won't help proc CoC anymore than normal since its based off the crit of cyclone (not a spell). For the same reason, you want to avoid doom cast. This is not helping you proc CoC any more than normal, though the multiplier is nice, not worth taking the nodes.

How to boost your crit chance:

Not having ambush and assassinate (your last ascendancy) is huge, especially when clearing. +100% crit chance means you wade into packs chain critting.

Other thoughts: when your crit gem hits 20/20 that is 108% increased chance, but more importantly, 1.9% to the base (which gets multiplied by everything). That is huge--however, the biggest thing is maybe you are not hitting your diamond flask enough? I pop this every pack, when i start on the boss, every 6 seconds effectively this is being hit. Diamond flask is the biggest boost to your crit chance, taking even a 75% crit chance and making it effectively over 97%.
faytte wrote:

The annihilation nodes are spell crit chance only, which won't help proc CoC anymore than normal since its based off the crit of cyclone (not a spell). For the same reason, you want to avoid doom cast. This is not helping you proc CoC any more than normal, though the multiplier is nice, not worth taking the nodes.

Those nodes in combo with the Power Charge is what yields the highest Ice Nova damage output combined with a boost to Cyclones crit chance.
According to PoB. That is what I am interested in. Not sure what your game is about.

Best option would be to take a jewel slot if he had a really good jewel though.

Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Last edited by Dkodr on Apr 2, 2019, 4:41:29 PM
Dkodr wrote:
faytte wrote:

The annihilation nodes are spell crit chance only, which won't help proc CoC anymore than normal since its based off the crit of cyclone (not a spell). For the same reason, you want to avoid doom cast. This is not helping you proc CoC any more than normal, though the multiplier is nice, not worth taking the nodes.

Those nodes in combo with the Power Charge is what yields the highest Ice Nova damage output combined with a boost to Cyclones crit chance.
According to PoB. That is what I am interested in. Not sure what your game is about.

Best option would be to take a jewel slot if he had a really good jewel though.

But those nodes don't boost the crit rate of Cyclone. All of their crit chance and crit multiplier are to spells (which cyclone is not).

The poster said he was having trouble getting CoC to proc when he was cycloning through a pack, so those nodes arn't going to help get his Cyclone crit rate up.

Also I do not know about your PoB, but with a crit flask up (which should always be up) I'm already between 96-97% effective crit chance depending on what gear setup I'm using, and most of the annhilation tree only gives crit chance--it should not effect your damage all that much (where Crit Multiplier will, but Annihilation only gives you +15% crit multi with spells. Not much for 3 pts). Would rather have those 3 points anywhere else I think. Since your set up seems pretty different from the norm though maybe it helps a lot.

There is no point in repeating yourself, it just makes it look even more awkward. We are talking about OP's build, not yours. When I give a sound advice you can't just go and negate it, then say the same thing.

Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Last edited by Dkodr on Apr 2, 2019, 5:48:58 PM

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