[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

DarkAvenger2279 wrote:
After waiting for 10 days for the seller to come online, I have managed to snatch this beauty for just 3ex. Perfect increased elemental damage and max. resists. Life is OK, other stats medium, but not that crucial.

Wow, should have waited for this seller too XD..

Dammit, you're so lucky.
Last edited by mic01851165#0058 on Feb 24, 2019, 4:42:51 AM
I can´t fit shock enemies for 4 seconds on my elder ring. Is it worth it to annul it and try to get rid of a suffix?

Or is it not worth to worry about this at all?
It was a lot of fun to do all the content with this build, even with some personal modifications and could improve some things, it was very easy. Thanks Cheequ and I hope this one stays strong at 3.6 because I hope I can do it again.



Last edited by Toshizin#3611 on Feb 24, 2019, 4:48:26 PM
VinciDarkfire wrote:
I know the league is pretty much over, but wanted to try this build.
I'm only lvl 75, but has pretty much all the tier1 gear.
Using Maligaro's Virtuosity gloves still for the crit chance.
My question is, how in the world do you guys have such high crit chance??
I'm using gifts from above, good roll Cospri, Starkonja's, 6L Loreweave with good rools, Pandemonium... Still my crit chance is only 38%.
Sometimes I can whirl through enemies 3-4 times before crit triggers.
I hope I'm missing something obvious here?? Or do you constantly have to use diamond flask while mapping? But I see guys mention having 65ish% crit in HO, but I'm soo far away from that, I must have done something wrong.

Build looks crazy good in your vids!

It is always hard to judge a character w/o even seeing the actual gear & tree.

Moreover: Maligaros is a really bad choice, it has 5% ias and, therefore, will push your cyclone APS to the exceed the recommended value.

Here is my gear:



My crit chance is 68% with power charges up. Moreover, you need to count in the ascendacy nodes of the assassin grating crit vs. full life and stuff like that.

All blue / white / rare mobs die with one hit, and for uniques you have your diamond flask
◈ Gloves: 1. Commandment of Flames on Hit, 2. Commandment of Tempest on Hit, 3. Commandment of Blades on Hit, 4. Commandment of Winter when Hit.

how important are the glove enchants? should i get out of my way to get one of those?

i have the good boots and helm enchants already
Insanely fun build, thanks so much for posting and I've downed uber elder a few times with it now since it's so fun :) ty!!

Here's my gear for anyone interested. Pretty easy and fairly low cost?
I just yolo with the corruption alter and got this...

Bought the base for 1 ex, self bench it 28% quality and 1 white, self link to 6 link with 340 fuse , and then tossed directly in the corruption alter since I got it from Alva.

The single most expensive gear I've ever got in POE I think.
Anyone wanna estimate how much this worth?

Last edited by mic01851165#0058 on Feb 26, 2019, 4:20:38 AM
keefyxo wrote:
Insanely fun build, thanks so much for posting and I've downed uber elder a few times with it now since it's so fun :) ty!!

Here's my gear for anyone interested. Pretty easy and fairly low cost?

Carcass Jack is a very interesting choice for mapping, since Loreweave's 80% may not be necessary , provided with enough defensive layers/ dodge/ spell dodge/ enfeeble.

Also this build is arguably the most enjoyable/ fluid build you can use in Delve. Just spin forward non-stop, freeze/ kill/ and shatter everything in the path. As long as you don't stop spinning forward, you won't die :)
(Only exception is in deep delve high mod Vaal Outpost. Sometimes some disgusting mod like hexproof + penetration + accuracy up + more dm + unlucky can make Outpost's rares one-shot you regardless of how well you geared)
Last edited by mic01851165#0058 on Feb 26, 2019, 4:26:13 AM
This build is fun, I give that. However, I felt it lack some defensive layers and even though it does dish out a lot of dps (single and non) I felt like the initial hit of cyclone aspect of the melee was kind a, Meh. I've done a multitude of test w/ 2 curses( using enfeeble and warlords mark), perma fortify Life with rare elder armor, full blown es build (10kish es), plane loreweave life, all eva with attk and spell dodge, elder full armor and with 40/30 dodge, full armor with 40/40 dodge, exc....
But I found for the best survivability with damage it was best with Life, perma fortify w/ the current armor (80% loreweave w/ corruption) w/ warlords mark on hit, with all the stage 3 goodies. I know this toon is only 95, but didn't feel as if it was necessary to take it to 100, just to get more life nodes. I felt that the 8.5k EHP was good enough not to get one shot. The damage was good enough that I didn't need any more, thanks to assassin ascendancy, cospri and all those juicy coc skills.
After a multitude of Uber elder and Uber atziri fights, it was great with that set up. Uber elder did take sometime getting use to, but I found just a hit and run mechanic would be the go to route to simplify the entire fight. Spin, and move spin and move. At the beginning of the fight just hit, and keep up Power charges, and you are golden. I've gotten it down to where it became a deathless fight.(-1 or 2 portals if I mess up)
I know this toon I made is not in league, I thought why not go all out in standard where I had everything lying around from like years ago. Taking this build guide to above and beyond heights where no one will take it.
The Op sure did his home work on this, and I just threw in my little flavor to it in so many unaspiring way. It was really fun and I enjoyed it very much. Probably my favorite build guide to follow, and probably be my league starter for may more leagues to come. I would recommend everyone to try this build out, even for the non/experience player.

My Tree:

This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

Last edited by TheRoyalShu#0791 on Feb 27, 2019, 11:59:48 AM
TheRoyalShu wrote:
This build is fun, I give that. However, I felt it lack some defensive layers and even though it does dish out a lot of dps (single and non) I felt like the initial hit of cyclone aspect of the melee was kind a, Meh. I've done a multitude of test w/ 2 curses( using enfeeble and warlords mark), perma fortify Life with rare elder armor, full blown es build (10kish es), plane loreweave life, all eva with attk and spell dodge, elder full armor and with 40/30 dodge, full armor with 40/40 dodge, exc....
But I found for the best survivability with damage it was best with Life, perma fortify w/ the current armor (80% loreweave w/ corruption) w/ warlords mark on hit, with all the stage 3 goodies. I know this toon is only 95, but didn't feel as if it was necessary to take it to 100, just to get more life nodes. I felt that the 8.5k EHP was good enough not to get one shot. The damage was good enough that I didn't need any more, thanks to assassin ascendancy, cospri and all those juicy coc skills.
After a multitude of Uber elder and Uber atziri fights, it was great with that set up. Uber elder did take sometime getting use to, but I found just a hit and run mechanic would be the go to route to simplify the entire fight. Spin, and move spin and move. At the beginning of the fight just hit, and keep up Power charges, and you are golden. I've gotten it down to where it became a deathless fight.(-1 or 2 portals if I mess up)
I know this toon I made is not in league, I thought why not go all out in standard where I had everything lying around from like years ago. Taking this build guide to above and beyond heights where no one will take it.
The Op sure did his home work on this, and I just threw in my little flavor to it in so many unaspiring way. It was really fun and I enjoyed it very much. Probably my favorite build guide to follow, and probably be my league starter for may more leagues to come. I would recommend everyone to try this build out, even for the non/experience player.


I don't feel like this build "lack defensive option" honestly with the setup I use. I'm using phase acrobatic setup, with rares mostly focus on evasion too.
With so many layers of evasion, dodge, enfeeble, blind, leech, on hit heal, perma fortify you pretty much never dies as long as you don't get one shot. You can even add Vaal Grace as your final defensive layer and reach near 100% dodge.

This build also leech really really fast while spinning , as fast as MS with on hit heal and some life leech. I pretty much can facetank most bosses , mobs, and t16 syndicates x 5 if I never stop spinning. I pretty much just use this build to "quickly" spin through 600+ delve with ease without feeling any pressure/ need to stop, thus why this is my favourite build in Delve.

It may not be as defensive as some ridiculous builds like HotW ES Jugg, ES Occultist, but it is still very defensive compare to most of the other builds I played. It all depend on how you gear I guess. Those little stuffs/ choices count too. Also I do agree fortify is the best 6l choice in high end contents.
Last edited by mic01851165#0058 on Feb 26, 2019, 1:49:07 PM

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