Summon Skeletons

i wish for alberons warpath unique effects to summoned skeletons to apply to skeleton mages and skeleton archers aswell and not only the regular skeleton warriors.
bazzyl87 wrote:
To be honest. For me it would be enough if GGG would undo that huge (40%) nerf to skellies dmg. I would understand 15% of dmg or 15% attack speed, but 40% that's not normal.

Convert all their phys to chaos, with wither and poison... easy 20m dps
This build is easier now as you're not reliant on 4x white socket triads as it's available now as necromancer ascendency
P0P218 wrote:
i wish for alberons warpath unique effects to summoned skeletons to apply to skeleton mages and skeleton archers aswell and not only the regular skeleton warriors.

I completely agree, i was theory building mages / skeletons until I realised Alberons only work with warriors. I'd love an army of skeletal mages / archers following me, it would be such a better experience than summoning them each time a pack appeared and investing in their defenses would add value.
When using "Unnatural Strength" all physical damage minons deal is made into chaos damage. skeleton mages deal elemental damage which may or may not be beneficial for some variety in damage types. at least i do recall some chaos resistant enemies that were tough to crack where having some minions that deal elemental damage could have been nice. problem is i don't want to keep summoning new skeletons hence alberons warpath.
i suppose for now the summon skeletal mages is gathering dust.
also been using predator support on vaal skeletons rather than my zombies simply so i can command "the horde" to focus down one enemy. pretty fun
I would like if "Summon Skeletons", "Summon Skeletons of Archers", "Vaal Summon Skeletons" and "Vaal Summon Skeletons of Archers" get the Tag "Physical" so you can get +2 Amuletts for Skeleton Builds.

I would like if "Summon Skeletons of Archers" get increased Damage because in the last 5-10 Leagues not many players played it.

I would like if "Packed with Energy" would say "You and your Minions gain ...".

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