Summon Skeletons

Silenoz wrote:
krifFinn wrote:
Summoning skeletons causes the game to freeze for 1-2 seconds. What's that all about and does this happen on Windows side too?

For me I get the stutter the first time I summon skeletons in a new zone. They then summon with no stutter until I enter another zone, then I will get the 1 second freeze again. I am playing the game off a SSD also so that does not seem to help.

I haven't used this skill after Closed Beta ended. I'll have to see if there are any differences...

For the record, I have an SSD too. I am playing with the Wine wrapper, though.

EDIT Well for me Summon skeletons works now quite well. Occasional stutter, but nothing too serious. Much better than what it used to be :)
Last edited by krifFinn on Jan 28, 2013, 11:05:12 AM
The first time I cast skeletons they will lag for 1-2 seconds, I guess loading the models. They don't do it afterwards, unless I run a long time without skeletons.
Hope someone can answer this question. In some videos, I noticed that the skeletons get summoned in 4s per cast. May I know at which gem level does it happen? Or is it something only in the closed beta?
IGN: Boxyou
Dibilo wrote:
Hope someone can answer this question. In some videos, I noticed that the skeletons get summoned in 4s per cast. May I know at which gem level does it happen? Or is it something only in the closed beta?

It was a Closed Beta thing, yes. :) Was perhaps a little too easy to get a fat wall up.
Perhaps 2nd useless skill next to Raise Zombie.
I just put on Extra Health support gem for my Zombies. Against mobs they do okay. But against yellow eiltes/bosses still pretty much useless as Skeletons.

Are skeletons supposed to follow you?
Because they just... stand there.. and do nothing.
skeletons are not supposed to follow, they stay where you cast them or thier last attacked foe for thier duration.
Last edited by soul4hdwn on Jan 31, 2013, 11:28:17 AM
Skellys deffo need to be more aggressive. I have extra damage and increase crit chance on them and they pack a punch but due to the time it takes them to aquire a target, think about hitting it, notice some flap of skin then wonder who they were when alive... they are dead by that time. Too many times I have summoned them up next to an enemy and they take about 1 second to actually attack, that is AFTER the summon animation is complete. When I summon MY skellys, Im a slave driver, they are death machines, one purpose, to kill enemies who dont appreciate me (all of them).

Im ok with the lack of life and time and the fact that they dont follow because they can be placed which is awesome.

But again, please make them AGRESSIVE!!!! They are, more than any of the other summons, an attack summon. You want these guys to engage the enemy, not stand around looking for a nose to pick that they lost long ago. Make them rawrl!
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I've been testing Faster Attack support gem with minions and I noticed the tool-tip for Summon Skeletons is the only one that doesn't say it has increased attack. It'll show in the tool-tip for any other support gem I use, but not Faster Attack. Is this a bug or intentional?
Jazriel wrote:
I've been testing Faster Attack support gem with minions and I noticed the tool-tip for Summon Skeletons is the only one that doesn't say it has increased attack. It'll show in the tool-tip for any other support gem I use, but not Faster Attack. Is this a bug or intentional?
Bug, but only a display one - they'll get the bonus, but something must be missing from the stat filters for that skill. I'm going to be going over all of those when I have time to fix up cases like that.
I upgraded my skeletons with the Shop-Skin.

Whenever i summn them the first time in a map the game lags for about 1-2 sec. for me and everyone else on this map.

Another "bug" i think is the agression. When i summon 7 skeletons maybe 4 attack the target and 3 stand around, this happens often in within large enemy groups. Same for zombies btw
Wand's don't kill people, i kill people, with Wand's

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