
Mune wrote:

is doing nothing since AFAIK the puncture effects do not stack and it won't matter so long as hitting the same target(s), the DoT just resets.

puncture does stack but in a way you might not expect, the strongest damage is working at all its duration then weaker reapplications follow on thier own timer and finish themselves wherever the strongest ends.

i sware i explained this somewhere but if there were two hits at same time on foe of different damage values, say 7 damage per second for 5 seconds and 4 damage per second for 8 seconds. the 7 dmg/sec works for all 5 seconds then the 5 damage one does the 3 seconds left over. same happens for burning.
Hmm, that doesn't sound like true stacking to me.
i.e. when you hammer a champ or boss with say 2 APS there's hardly any overlap between individual hits' DoT effects.
Do you hint at using 2 different combos for Puncture?
Like setting up 2 skill gem linkages?
My idea of stacking is this:
Shoot a mob a couple times, every hit adds another application of the DoT.
They all drain life in a parallel fashion, not like strongest first on top of all other DoTs.
Another suggestion to help Puncture:
Add a slow/movement speed debuff if a mob is hit in the lower body zone and an Accuracy debuff for upper parts (Called Shot: Legs/Arms, NWN).
If that doesn't make sense, add a defense debuff.

And I don't get why i.e. Burning Arrow gets a dramatic increase in Phys damage and Puncture doesn't.
atm Puncture feels lacking to me and could get some love/creative mechanic tacked on.
Or make the DoT effect a support gem.
my 2cents
If you're leaving PoE, chances are I'll rezz you as my minion! MWHAHAHAH
Last edited by Mune on Dec 17, 2012, 6:31:10 AM
then sorry guess i misunderstood via older terminology. only strongest effect works at a given time of same type of damage over time. its just that the weaker ones are not ignored if they happen after. also that .5 seconds if in case of 2 attacks per second, will still work in the example you provided.
Generally, Dot skills are meant as DoTs.
You use them on a target and then ignore it for a while, or attack it with something else.
There's incendiary builds out there doing just that, and Poison arrow lives by it as well.
It might not be as efficient as late D2, but it's a valid tactic.
Puncture is in no way a dps skill, though it can nicely prolong the effect of a diamond flask.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
Doing a bow ranger lvl 34 I use Puncture/Fork/LesserMultipleProjectiles.
Works like a charm, but somehow I have a feeling no experience is gained by enemies 'bleeding to death'. It's very hard to tell without feedback on damage/experience. Watching the experience bar I have the impression a normal shot/kill gives a slight but clear 'gain' of experience. Not so for a bleed/kill? Not sure though...
Can anybody give some feedback on this please?

Awesome game btw!!! Thumbs up for the team & community.

--- update: took some high level monsters: think I visually saw rhe experience gain :-)
Last edited by Vazkor on Jan 4, 2013, 1:45:21 PM
Little question about Puncture:

as seen here, on the patch notes (Added a new skill - Puncture: Punctures the target, causing them to bleed. While bleeding, they take damage over time based on how much damage was dealt in the initial hit. The bleeding deals more damage while they move. Puncture works with bows, daggers, claws or swords.)

Question remains, do they take more dot damage from elemental damage as well, or only the physical part of the attack? I think it should work with both, given that description, but someone on this thread said it works only with physical. Is this true?
the entire hit doens't convert/add to a DoT, just the physical. the DoT itself is physical also.
Last edited by soul4hdwn on Jan 11, 2013, 3:06:00 AM
soul4hdwn wrote:
the entire hit doens't convert/add to a DoT, just the physical. the DoT itself is physical also.

To add; this is also how it is literally described in the skill description, by the way. For reference:
"Bleeding targets take 10.0% of the Physical damage dealt per second"
Question in parts:
1) does temporal chains extend the bleed effect?

2) if culling strike is linked to puncture, will monster expire when bleed reduces life to <=10%?

3) can i ignite a creature with puncture if i use anger aura, and support puncture with increase ignite?

Thanks in advance for help.
1) yes
2) no, culling strike applies when you hit the enemy, not at any other time
3) yes

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