
Mark_GGG wrote:
Puncture's quality bonus was using an incorrect stat. This will be fixed for 0.9.12

Ya saying i've been using 15% puncture for nothing? Oh well, it still oneshots map bosses.
I confirmed that I am still in HC league. Then I died.
i really couldnt manage to incoorporate this skillgem into a working build.
its just... too few situations where its not too much crap compared to the alternatives.
maybe a pvp bow build?

i'm really interested in the statistics you have about how much people use what skills, and how you try to change that....

Oh well, it still oneshots map bosses.

so you onehit with your autoattack?
i mean instead of shooting and walking away you could shoot twice with your auto attack??!?!
(Stupid comment removed: mea culpa... actually I seem to read the skill description incorrectly!)
Last edited by Kasom on Aug 21, 2012, 7:26:23 PM
correction 100% + (5 * 25%) or a total of 225% damage; 5 sec base, the first hit, both %'s of DoT together. lv 1 puncture

lv 10 puncture is 8.1% of damage delt over time, 40.4% extra while foe is moving. ok a total of 48.5% of damage delt over time while foe is moving. my puncture lasts 11 seconds. so 100% (the actual hit) + (11 * 48.5%) = 633.5% total possible damage mind you my character doesn't hit that hard. 47-130 with my melee weapon and 51- 128 for my bow. i have vulnerability so that can rocket due to physical damage boost and damage over time boost. and also phase run. i can't count crits because i don't have that much boosts for that.

i cannot one (long) hit kill rare or unique mobs. but i can take out a good chunk of hp from rares while they are chasing.
I guess some people do not understand the "damage while moving per second" part. Even if they experienced it as victim.

With 5 seconds of base duration and 20% increased initial hit damage it will do 5*120% of the base damage if the victim moves the whole time. Which is 600% of the base damage with the level 1 gem.

great math *rolleyes*...
and where is 20% increased damage connected to the puncture gem? do you mean the faster projectile supportgem?`i think you should compare the autoattack with the unsupported lvl1 gem. because you can add your supportgem to any other attackskill too.

lets use the slowest bow available, and lets assume we dont have any increased attackspeed (so 1.1 attacks per second correct me if im wrong), and lets assume we only deal physical damage, and lets assume we attack a monster that is so far away and moving so slow and has not a ranged attack, that it will move the whole time.
this is the best scenario for puncture. and btw: this scenario is totally an utopia

and now lets compare autoattack to your "600%-lvl1-gem"...

the autoattack-damage per hit is now " X ".

in T-sec skillduration we deal 1.1*T*X damage with autoattack
and compared to this we deal T* (1.1*X + 0.25*X) = 1.35*T*X damage with puncture.

thats about 23% more damage.
you can say now: hey great - whats your problem, thats what a burning arrow does. and burning arrow is fine.

the problem is: realistic attackspeed and not 100%physicaldmg will lower these 23% drastically. (yes not 100%physicaldmg will also lower the "more-damage" that burning arrow for example gives - but here you have an increased elementaldmg gem anyway - so this is more a pro than a con for burning arrow!)
and there is no "incresed dot-dmg gem" (compared to increased element.dmg from weapons)

now one could say: hey its made for meleeattacks: use phaserun and moremeleedmg and maybe even more meleedmg at full life and it works fine.
here the problem is... heavy strike scales very good. no chance against this. and with flickerstrike you have an even better alternatve for "attack and away" playstyle

the gem itself is not that bad.
the problem are the not fitting supportgems compared to other attacks
Last edited by Khastro on Aug 20, 2012, 1:06:56 PM

+400 str iron grip+point blank

As I said, I oneshot map bosses with it.
I confirmed that I am still in HC league. Then I died.
Last edited by Targuil on Aug 24, 2012, 3:35:12 AM
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Is there a reason, why this skill works with arrows, but not with wand projectiles? We need more wand-usable skills!
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu
To answer the utopia situation someone said:

They will never reach u
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Is this skill useful for a rapier shadow?
As far as i can see, that it is not as effective as viper strike for my rapier shadow, because the wounds do not staack,
any thoughts?
This skill does not feel right to me.

I think this skill would feel much more better as a dexterity-based support gem which added bleeding over time to arrow skills.
Underrated stats: Basic human decency, small quantum of respect, microportion of compassion

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