[3.6] Updated / Ice Nova CoC & Cospri ! / 2 - 3M SHAPER DPS /Clear Speed / Multiple Versions

so i replaced ungil's harmony with The Pandemonius but now i dropd from 42 to 32% thats alot , how much crit chance do u have? tooltip checked with cyclone.
wiht frost nova in my coc setup i have 54% but that will not trigger coc cause cyclone triger coc and coc trigger frost nova , or what happend if frostnova crit will it proc itself again ?
Okay, I did level up a bit and try a T14 and a T15. Build is crazy good. But indeed it lacks some reliable defense for big targets.

Maybe we could trade the Starkonja for a rare helmet with veil mod "25% dodge chance while focus". Since we canno't evade because of the kaom's root. We would need to get some dexterity but that's not a big deal. And that would allow us to get more -% cold res which is always interesting.
I also use shock while focus on ring dunno if that's does increase damage or not, think so.

Edit: I don't have 6L yet, so miss hyporthemia which is a big layer of defense I guess. But endgame bosses canno't be frozen right?

And what pantheon do you advise? Solaris/Tukohama?

If memory serves, I recall any shock that is not caused by a hit, results in a 20% increased damage taken. The "shock while focus" should be the same. This can be a powerful burst damage boost if used correctly.

Dodge chance while Focus is not bad though, but this doesn't include spell dodge right? Then I don't think it's good enough.

Hypothermia is a great defense layer. Sure you can't freeze Shaper or Elder, but you can still apply chill effect which slows them a bit ( but normally you'd like Vortex to apply fixed chill to bosses like Shaper).

The Pantheon really depends and should be adjusted all the time.
For example, if you have all of the gods captured, and you're fighting Uber Elder, then the best combination would be Soul of Lunaris + Soul of Yugul.
And if you're facing Minotaur, then you should use Soul of Solaris + Soul of Gruthkul.

Oh btw, I did this picture to summarize the build:



Still got 2 pb though: from time to time the damage stop I don't know why, I though it was an aiming pb yesterday but don't seems so... (Ok found it it's because of the MoM)

What is the ratio of your Life:Mana? It's better to have your max mana more than 30% of your max life. For example, your max life is 5000, then you'll probably want 2000-ish max mana.
And the other pb is that it's quite hard to know how much dps your currently do and which points on the tree good be better.

Well it sure is very hard to tell how much dps even with PoB. But generally, you should just choose the "Ice Nova" in your chest to decide which point to spend on the tree.
If you have a big crossroad decision to make, you'll probably need to calculate it step by step xD.(the calculation process is written in my pob link)

And at last, I have other thoughts about how to get more toughness, they're in the original post.
I'll just copy paste it here :P
Atziri's gloves + slayer is one good idea.

I'm playing another build in Betrayal so I don't know which kind of master you find difficult to survive.

Maybe the melee physical ones like Haku, Vorici, Vagan?

If this is the case, then you should go for the Jugg node, and use a High level CWDT setup.

CWDT(MAX) - Immortal Call(MAX) - Increased Duration(MAX) - Summon Chaos Golem (at least lvl 12)

And get an "increased Immortal Call duration" enchant.

This way you can have MOST of the time being physical immune.

The next one is the good'ol Loreweave, get 80% max res and you're good to go.

Another option is to enhance the MoM capability. Get Mind of the council for "recover 3% max mana per shock", then use Yoke of Suffering so your cold damage can shock too. You'll have almost infinite mana to spend which means a straight up 30% damage mitigation.
To make up with the damage loss, you'll need at least 1-2 flat fire damage (no matter its attack or spell, to inflict ignite), and if possible, get some "chance to poison/bleed".
With the Assassin node, you automatically can make the enemy take 20-25% more damage (chill/freeze, ignite, poison, shock)
Edit: You should also get flat added chaos damage to be able to poison.

Feel free to use any of these ideas, and maybe combine them. I hope this will help :)
Edit: You should also get flat added chaos damage to be able to poison.

Eww, where I get dex to use cospri? I missed that part, and now I've equiped everything but cospri.
Last edited by Loudstorm on Dec 13, 2018, 6:17:07 AM
xaiyx wrote:
so i replaced ungil's harmony with The Pandemonius but now i dropd from 42 to 32% thats alot , how much crit chance do u have? tooltip checked with cyclone.
wiht frost nova in my coc setup i have 54% but that will not trigger coc cause cyclone triger coc and coc trigger frost nova , or what happend if frostnova crit will it proc itself again ?

32% tooltip crit while standing in your hideout? It's normal, I just checked and I have the same number as yours xD

But while in combat (with diamond flask and power charges), you can reach 80% crit chance and that should be enough.

Frost Nova will not trigger the CoC again, only the Cyclone/BF can.
webas wrote:
What would be good gem combo for vortex. You use it on 3link but those glove cost too much - id rather pick rare gloves.

1. So whats best 4link setup for vortex?

vortex+hypothermia+controled destruction + bonechil/conc effect/inc aoe gem?

2. Vortex isnt main damage dealing skill right? In comparison how much is it 20% while ice nova is 80% of the damage we deal to mob?

Just bought cospri and happy. I put slower projectiles+frostbolt because it feels super nice! Whats your take on slower proj gem?

Since you're not using command of the pit, you should get Arcane Surge for yourself.

If you want a 4 link Vortex, Vortex-Bonechill-Arcane Surge-Culling Strike should be the best option here.

Bonechill and Arcane Surge provides more damage, and Culling strike can be useful for end game boess.
Xely wrote:
Do we need the frostbolt threshold jewel Frozen trail ? Your passive tree had it, but do we need the additionnal proj since we have GMP ?

Oh that one was just for testing purpose. we don't really need it. just get a rare jewel or Clear Mind instead.
Loudstorm wrote:
Eww, where I get dex to use cospri? I missed that part, and now I've equiped everything but cospri.

Starkonja, Pandemonius, a notable passive node (30 dex), Pure Talent, the small dex nodes toward the notable node Blood Drinker and the socket nearby.
diabloyd wrote:
Okay, I did level up a bit and try a T14 and a T15. Build is crazy good. But indeed it lacks some reliable defense for big targets.

Maybe we could trade the Starkonja for a rare helmet with veil mod "25% dodge chance while focus". Since we canno't evade because of the kaom's root. We would need to get some dexterity but that's not a big deal. And that would allow us to get more -% cold res which is always interesting.
I also use shock while focus on ring dunno if that's does increase damage or not, think so.

Edit: I don't have 6L yet, so miss hyporthemia which is a big layer of defense I guess. But endgame bosses canno't be frozen right?

And what pantheon do you advise? Solaris/Tukohama?

If memory serves, I recall any shock that is not caused by a hit, results in a 20% increased damage taken. The "shock while focus" should be the same. This can be a powerful burst damage boost if used correctly.

Yup I use it for a burst on bosses, pretty good.


Dodge chance while Focus is not bad though, but this doesn't include spell dodge right? Then I don't think it's good enough.

Hypothermia is a great defense layer. Sure you can't freeze Shaper or Elder, but you can still apply chill effect which slows them a bit ( but normally you'd like Vortex to apply fixed chill to bosses like Shaper).

I thought it was both attacks and spells but you are right unfortunatly.


What is the ratio of your Life:Mana? It's better to have your max mana more than 30% of your max life. For example, your max life is 5000, then you'll probably want 2000-ish max mana.

35% :/
And for the DPS Yeah, it's just that it's hard to min max on jewels for example. I go for crit chance on attack, crit multi on cold skill and damage. I guess that's the best stats but I'm not sure...


I'll just copy paste it here :P
Atziri's gloves + slayer is one good idea.
I'm playing another build in Betrayal so I don't know which kind of master you find difficult to survive.

Maybe the melee physical ones like Haku, Vorici, Vagan?

If this is the case, then you should go for the Jugg node, and use a High level CWDT setup.

CWDT(MAX) - Immortal Call(MAX) - Increased Duration(MAX) - Summon Chaos Golem (at least lvl 12)

And get an "increased Immortal Call duration" enchant.

This way you can have MOST of the time being physical immune.

The next one is the good'ol Loreweave, get 80% max res and you're good to go.

Another option is to enhance the MoM capability. Get Mind of the council for "recover 3% max mana per shock", then use Yoke of Suffering so your cold damage can shock too. You'll have almost infinite mana to spend which means a straight up 30% damage mitigation.
To make up with the damage loss, you'll need at least 1-2 flat fire damage (no matter its attack or spell, to inflict ignite), and if possible, get some "chance to poison/bleed".
With the Assassin node, you automatically can make the enemy take 20-25% more damage (chill/freeze, ignite, poison, shock)
Edit: You should also get flat added chaos damage to be able to poison.

Feel free to use any of these ideas, and maybe combine them. I hope this will help :)
Edit: You should also get flat added chaos damage to be able to poison.

Yeah yeah I saw thanks, one of my friend is farming uber atziri atm ^^
And for the DPS Yeah, it's just that it's hard to min max on jewels for example. I go for crit chance on attack, crit multi on cold skill and damage. I guess that's the best stats but I'm not sure...

For jewels, besides %life, global crit chance is a solid choice since it applies to both attack and spell. Then you'll just need another random damage for your spells.
are there any reason you arent using unnatural instict at the right side jewel socket at scion start? you could save 3 points and get a bunch more for free.

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