Balance Changes in Path of Exile: Betrayal

I feel that current solution to statstick problem is very shortsighted. Not only it's partially addressing the problem, but it also removes interesting interactions. Statsticks and the interactions that they allowed was not an issue until Shaper items arrived. Simply replacing current mods "# of physical as added X damage" with a multimod that also has a negative side, would have been enough. If you wanted more, you could disable dual wielding bonus when skill does not alternate between weapons. But this? It's hard to image what kind of changes are coming to unique items to justify this.
The Champion now has a strong Impale based way to play, and has had changes to support it.

This sucks, I was really hyped for playing an Impale based Gladiator.
I feel like Champion already supports a variety of character archetypes. And even though the most common one (crit stat stick dual wield with generic melee skill) is getting nerfed I can see Champion used in a number of other builds, especially with the new Banners.

Gladiator on the other hand would fit the pure pysical damage playstyle perfectly. I think, compressing the block support into 2 Notables and then adding 2 options for damage (bleed or pure physical dmg on hit) would not only fit thematically but also add a lot of depth for creating builds.

Depending on the numerics of the Champion buffs for Impale it might be impossible to justify block on an Impale based build, which would have been really cool since using a shield in the off hand might be more common now.
ninonetto033 wrote:

Really dude? How much content have you been able to do in this game because of stat sticks? Nice crutch eh? If you know how to play the game anyways and have the skill required to do endgame content without relying on an OP stat stick or build then all this means is you will have to spend 10 exalts instead of 1 exalt on a decent offhand and do a little less damage. You will still 1 shot packs, your clear speed wont be affected. You aren't going to notice the 10% difference in damage on bosses either.

Learn to play the game instead of relying on OP things to carry you.

More than anything this brings 1h builds closer in line with 2h builds, and it forces GGG to improve the skills themselves instead of doing like Blizzard did with diablo 3 and band-aid the huge issues with the skill system with items specifically designed for that skill.

Patch notes arent even out yet. It's entirely likely you are going to see a massive amount of changes to skills damage and other such in order to make up for the loss of stat sticks.

Chill out it's literally not the end of PoE or melee builds. If paying alot more for an offhand weapon bothers you then play a 2H melee build. They are quite successful at doing content they just require 1 weapon instead of 2. I played 2h EQ during incursion and was able to do all content with it. Then again...I had more currency in that character than most players have, or ever will have.
Last edited by KuraiArashi on Dec 4, 2018, 4:22:38 AM
RIP melee. phys spells are gonna be unaffected by the stat stick changes, and melee, that didnt have much love, is made even worse....this change is not well thought out, they should have reduced the "gain as" mods to a maximum of 30 or 25, but changing it like this is a poor choice.
not happy with it.

i think i ll hold off on buying a supporter pack until i see some changes to melee that is actually well thought out.
Last edited by Fracture333 on Dec 4, 2018, 5:17:56 AM
Lord_Izanagi wrote:

In the long run I think it actually improves build flexibility a ton, because now builds that would normally just use a stat stick in 99% of cases, will actually have to be more creative and find other options, and also makes more "classical" build styles like Dual wielding and Sword & Boarding much better choices again.

saragart wrote:

Yes it was a very bad nerf.

I believe these backwards build breaking moves are a tool to push people to new skills which will have new scaling mechanic so stat sticks are not needed there anyway and it will make new skills look great (oh look new skill adoption is fantastic, well yeah .... you killed 20% of strong builds so no shit people switched)

I'll go with Izanagi's optimism. Should be interesting change...Just need to find a good accuracy/crit combo between the sword and daggar
Bad time for melee yet again, but thank god the kids can still RF through content.
Still failing to solve "The Riddle of Melee" 4.0 HYPE!!!
THE EAGLES!!! (bleeds out from a wound to the gut)
the eagles...are...coming...(coughs)...the eagles...
This is path of exile, dont limit thing, so many adjustments will change poe to diablo :(

More limitations.. rip vaal righterious fire 1 hit builds. Rip lightning warp and now rip mele.

Anyway will see the patch notes...
Amazing changes, gg ggg
Nah - tomorrow you will see that all the salt will be wasted.

Tomorrow we will see physical spells and casters somehow not able to utalise stat sticks like melee.

GGG would not fuck up stat sticks for melee and then leave it wide open for casters, they are not that stupid.

I am sure they will change the tags on stuff like BV or GC to make it fall inline with the current nerf to stat sticks.

- watch this space!
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