[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide

blackdeath101 wrote:
How much life do you have after your blood magics? I had 26 life just now and felt weird about it but does it really matter? Same w mana, as long as I have enough to drop all 23 mines, do I really need more?

The enchant alone adds like 10% damage. Depending on your crit chance, the crit chance one was pretty nice for me and getting more consistent crits. Ended up being the highest PoB DPS increase for me out of the options.
Sin Trek is slightly higher for miners in general, Dory's just happens to be higher for Arc for some reason, not sure why. Minimal difference in grand scheme, probably shines more when you are not restricted by Dex. But if you're having to spend passives just to get Dex, it ruins the damage gained.
Life remaining doesn't matter as long as it is under 30%. I just go for the lower possible by leveling Clarity.
I would avoid full mana reserve with 23 mines.. I usually leave at least 100 or so just so I can cast Flame Dash or other skills as needed. Just depends on your mana regen. Like I played a little bit of LL self-cast Divine Ire and my mana regen far exceeded my mana spent, so I could reserve my mana down to like 100 mana unreserved if I wanted to.

Also just noticed.. your weapon is not that great. I just noticed the multi-mod is for Attacks ele pen, so does nothing for Arc. So you have a 3 damage mod scepter with low crafted spell damage. 20% chance to annul it off to craft something better, 60% chance to brick it though.

Okay, time for another update lol. I have ES pieces in place for every slot. My damage output problem was definitely mostly based on my sequence(and I didn’t have Vaal arc). It took a number of tries to get it to where I would comfortably drop all my mines, flask/flame dash/RF and then detonate but I’m much better at that now. I understand the general idea behind it all a bit better now. I dropped Herald of Ice for Purity of Lightning from Dory, not sure if that’s the right move but I hate to have it unused and it made my res balancing a lot easier. Probably swap between heralds if needed. Also, Sin Trek has a higher dex requirement than anything in my build by like 40 so the +dex on the boots is useless for me (us?) since we would still need more dex from another source and all we really gain is a little more es and the leech block as opposed to the flat damage and Purity skill on Dory’s. I could be absolutely wrong but I’m just laying out my thought process here.

Understand the mana balance a lot better also. I need at the very least 300 mana to function, sitting at 349 rn. Also I was trying to keep my hp pool as close to 35% as possible but I had to blood magic my clarity to have enough mana after Purity of Lightning since I couldn’t link it to enlighten. Currently at 68 hp and 7252 ES.

As far as my weapon goes, LOL. Weeks of looking at this thing and I never realized that pen affix was for attacks. I think it’s obvious I need to focus all my resources into making a new weapon, I just want to make sure I have the right idea of what I would be looking for when rolling since the trade market is slim.
So +1 level to all spell/lightning gems & 90%+ chance for spells would be my optimal alt roll? Then regal would hopefully be Crit multi or flat? Then I’d multimod on either crit multi or flat & hybrid spell damage and non-chaos or %lightning as non chaos? Thanks again, you truly are a huge help.

Edit: which pantheons are you running/are recommended? Just realized I’ve never changed them or upgraded them.

Edit2: I just hit +1 level to lightning gems and tier 1 30% increased lightning damage suffix(not great but not bad), regaled and hit tier 5 flat lightning (sigh). Wondering if this is good enough to multimod the decent Crit chance roll and either hybrid spell/non chaos or lightning as non chaos? Or scour and keep going lol.
Last edited by Al Kharid Guard on Jan 25, 2020, 7:16:52 PM
Updates from me:
Ball Lightning actually slaps harder than I was expecting with LL for bosses.
Trigger socket on weapon can add a lot of interesting combos if you can afford the suffix craft. I was playing around with curses, Cold Snap (frenzy generation), and a few other things.

Edit: which pantheons are you running/are recommended? Just realized I’ve never changed them or upgraded them.

If you're using Hypothermia for freezing or Slower Projectiles for Ball Lightning, they will need like 111 dex. Sin isn't that much more.
You'll need to put different weapons in PoB to see what comes out to more damage. The most important for Arc is 21 and 26 when you get the extra chains, but everything in between is essentially like another flat lightning to spells mod plus a bit on the other lightning spells you use. But if you manage to find a high lightning/mine %, flat to spells, crit chance, crit multi, and ele as chaos or penetration (not attacks), it will add quite a bit. Even 4 of those 5 is pretty good starting base due to your lacking market.. but which 4-5 is best depends on your set-up and comparing in PoB. You may play around with your searches to find something worth just adding a single craft too.
Lunaris fully allocated for defenses and Garukhan for evade and movement speed. Probably not the best, just what I ended up with.
Is this build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2687854
good start to make a swap to LL miner?
Have like 11ex so i guess i should save more until swap?

My current build, maybe there is something i can do in the meantime to improve my survi and dmg?
Domen122 wrote:
Is this build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2687854
good start to make a swap to LL miner?
Have like 11ex so i guess i should save more until swap?

My current build, maybe there is something i can do in the meantime to improve my survi and dmg?

Prices on stuff are getting weird half way into league. I spot checked some of my gear that I bought for less than 2 ex like my helm and belt and cheapest for similar now is like 5 ex. LL should be pretty doable for 11 ex and I've had at least 4 people tell me they are happy with the damage and tankiness increase once they get over the ES and LL learning curve. It is just taking those steps into committing to the build. I'm finishing up my 36 challenges in the next few days and have done quite a lot of content as LL.. Uber Elder, Sirus 7 (messed up my watchstone rotation and had 2 level 7's, probably not going to spawn another), 200+ Delve and could easily push to 300-400's, tons of red Blighted maps, 4-way Legion 3+ rows, etc.

I saw that build, but ended up making my own variation using Prism Guardian for extra auras and a handful of other changes.

For current build:
Wands are multi exalt, so hard to recommend switching to Tremor and Kaom's which is the tankier version of life mines with over 6k life and high regen. Here are just a few things I see:
Essence Worm is bad for mana reserve - Switch to life, res, and damage ring. Drop the Wrath altogether, need to keep MoM for eHP. Keep the Watcher's if you go LL. You can even work in Haste to the build for the Temp Chain immunity.
Enchant on boots for ele pen or flat ele adds like 8-10% damage.
Get freeze removal on enduring mana flask (or curses if cheaper and get a freeze removal Diamond), and then get a quicker Quicksilver with increased effect or additional movement speed.
Missing a passive from quests. Do /passives in-game.
Not a fan of Elemental Focus or Saboteur, saves 5 points.
With 6 points you can finish bridge from Successful Detonations to Prodigal Perfection, remove the 3-bridge below it, remove a mana next to Prodigal, and finish Throatseeker and Doom Cast.
Life on passive jewel. Either now with 10% HP sacrifice or at 92 with a 5% HP sacrifice, can add a third jewel socket. Lose some HP, gain a bit of HP back plus 2-3 damage mods. Compare in PoB the damage increase before buying.

For LL build:
Save a copy of my mine build, remove all the gear, and put in all of your ES gear and fill in the holes as you can like res and attribute requirements. Once you can reach 7k ES or so with gear you own, then make the switch and push for 8-9k (hit 95 today, I'm at 9.7k ES now or over 11k with ES shield). You can also use your alt weapon slots to level-up all the auras and stuff you will need in the meantime.
I was a bit OCD when I switched, so I had like 8 tabs open with different searches trying to figure out the optimal gear within budget.
I switched to Ball Lightning over Arc over the weekend, but both are doable with just some support changes. Arc is faster and safer clear speed, but Ball Lightning leads to even more satisfying Metamorph and Conqueror nukes.
Feel free to ask questions if you have them. I probably won't be in-game as much after hitting 36 unless I decide to make another build (picked up a Starforge, Vuln Impresence, and some decent frenzy gloves so I think game wants me to try Impale Flicker or Cyclone).

I'm quite a noob here, Just want someone to look at my build
( https://pastebin.com/LpFhq5Yy ), I keep on getting one-shotted in higher maps T-10 onwards and some metamorphs. I was wondering where to go with my build. I tried following this build but found out the gear was not up to Date, and where I would go LL from here on, but not sure. I have around 2 Ex as of now and want to max my damage and or improve my defense from getting one-shotted. I was looking forward to 6 link my shavronnes wrappings, wondering if that will help me out.

- Focused on Arc damage here, and with the call of the brotherhood getting my lightning damage to convert to cold was kinda cool.. anybody can help me out here :p - THanks
ChambaMastah wrote:

I'm quite a noob here, Just want someone to look at my build
( https://pastebin.com/LpFhq5Yy ), I keep on getting one-shotted in higher maps T-10 onwards and some metamorphs. I was wondering where to go with my build. I tried following this build but found out the gear was not up to Date, and where I would go LL from here on, but not sure. I have around 2 Ex as of now and want to max my damage and or improve my defense from getting one-shotted. I was looking forward to 6 link my shavronnes wrappings, wondering if that will help me out.

- Focused on Arc damage here, and with the call of the brotherhood getting my lightning damage to convert to cold was kinda cool.. anybody can help me out here :p - THanks

LL is really good but 2 ex is not enough to make it feel good just yet
Loving all of the tips in this thread!

Ive been playing Tremor Rod / Kaom's Heart with Arc, and my clear speed is amazing, probably the most fun I've ever had clearing maps (especially legion). My issue is, my single target dps feels really low. It could be the way I fight bosses, but I dont think thats the case - dropping all my mines and then detonating them twice does about a third of a t12-13 boss. Reapplying all the mines takes time so I mostly drop a few and then detonate detonate, repeat. Bosses are taking about a minute to kill if not more.

Thanks for any tips!
Last edited by BreyaFisher on Jan 29, 2020, 5:36:24 PM
BreyaFisher wrote:
Loving all of the tips in this thread!

Ive been playing Tremor Rod / Kaom's Heart with Arc, and my clear speed is amazing, probably the most fun I've ever had clearing maps (especially legion). My issue is, my single target dps feels really low. It could be the way I fight bosses, but I dont think thats the case - dropping all my mines and then detonating them twice does about a third of a t12-13 boss. Reapplying all the mines takes time so I mostly drop a few and then detonate detonate, repeat. Bosses are taking about a minute to kill if not more.

Thanks for any tips!

You need to use pyroclast mine for single target. Arc is just for clear
mrdandandan wrote:
Pandaroux wrote:
Any idea of where to go from there ?

(Appart from boots enchants).

I have something like 3ex to invest.
Just made the switch to helm + dual wands, playing with what I can for now.

I die too much, i'm 91 and my XP is stuck at 0.

Gear (but character is visible on my profile) :

I'm playing with the mana flask to regen faster after big hits.

Looking at what you have - you've definitely got a good start going, but at the same time still have a lot of room to improve!

I've played this build for most of this season, though it is my first time playing it. That said, after having some good feedback here myself, and putting a lot of time/effort into getting my gear together I can share some of my experience.

Looking at your gear, you have room to improve on almost every item:

Wands (More Expensive): Ideally you'll want some crit to spells/crit multi to go with the main stats you have already
Hat: Your hat seems really good. You can get # to # to spells on one, but I'd probably be trying to uprade your hat last
Diamond Ring: # to # damage to spells AND Spell Damage % is available on shaper rings
Amulet: Spell Damage %, Crit, Crit Multi, Life are a good place to start here if you can find one.
Boots: You mentioned an enchant - # to # lightning damage when you haven't hit lately (since your mines do the damage, that enchant will always be up) or 10% Ele Penetration.
Belt: You can get fossil crafted belts with Increased Elemental Damage
Gloves: You have a lot of life on yours, but I'd recommend looking into some Fingerless Silk Gloves - You may be able to hit a lucky essence on a pair or just pick some up. They come with a free spell damage boost!
Chest: I really like your loreweave but I'm sure 6-link would be better.

Overall though it seems like you're on the right track!

Some general thoughts I've had and just wanted to share:
Something I have found that I haven't seen mentioned here is in the enchants/jewels though. I've added % mine throwing speed to my hat and amulet, and I have two jewels with it. It makes a HUGE difference for me being able to start a detonation chain then keep throwing mines while they continue to detonate as part of that chain. My damage output feels smoother, and things melt....

And on the topic of chains, it was non-intuitive to realize that I need to just press "Detonate" once and let all my mines detonate, otherwise I was resetting my chain and losing out on a lot of damage!

And now ?

Still having trouble in some T16, and could not take down sirus lvl 4...
Planning on transforming my amulet to a talisman soon, but don't know which tier to go for for the best risk/reward ratio.
Last edited by Pandaroux on Jan 30, 2020, 8:17:38 AM
AnActualHorn wrote:
BreyaFisher wrote:
Loving all of the tips in this thread!

Ive been playing Tremor Rod / Kaom's Heart with Arc, and my clear speed is amazing, probably the most fun I've ever had clearing maps (especially legion). My issue is, my single target dps feels really low. It could be the way I fight bosses, but I dont think thats the case - dropping all my mines and then detonating them twice does about a third of a t12-13 boss. Reapplying all the mines takes time so I mostly drop a few and then detonate detonate, repeat. Bosses are taking about a minute to kill if not more.

Thanks for any tips!

You need to use pyroclast mine for single target. Arc is just for clear

There are plenty of people running just arc.

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