[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide

Schejian wrote:
etherel90 wrote:

Consider also getting a Call of the Brotherhood ring to convert some of your lightning damage to cold to freeze enemies.

Call of the Brotherhood can be a good choice, but be aware of downsides that can easily be overlooked:

It will cripple your Shock against tough enemys as you are now only doing 60% Lightning Damage. This leads to weaker shock.

Also the Freeze will be great against low/medium HP Mobs, but won't be enough against bosses. (It will be equal to a pure Ice build doing 40% of your DPS)


You are already running Arc in Tremor which is imho the better choice, i'd say keep that.

If you are feeling comfortable enough with you Arc Damage that you dont need the BallLightning Setup for Bosses anymore consider switching to a Kaoms Heart Asap.

It looks like you are running around at only 4k Life atm, you need the boost to 5-6k more than a second dps setup.

Switch from Goldrim to Three Dragons to fully utilize Freeze.

Your skitterbots are always shocking. The cold damage is there mostly to shatter trash mobs like porcupines. I disagree that tremor rod is going to be better than 2 crafted sceptres. You don't really need the double mine proc if you're 1 shotting everything anyway, and 2 crafted sceptres should add way more damage than tremor. Arc is also never going to be a good choice for bosses, it's just there for clearing. You need a single target damage source to effectively kill beefed up metamorphs. I also don't understand your advice about switching out a 6L loreweave for kaom's heart. You want to trade an addition 3% max resist, 35%+ global crit chance, and 40%+ elemental damage for 500hp and a little additional armor?
etherel90 wrote:

Your skitterbots are always shocking.

Skitterbot shock is only 15%, though. We need to keep that in mind.
There won't be any full lightning 50% shock.

etherel90 wrote:

I disagree that tremor rod is going to be better than 2 crafted sceptres

Tried both, sticked with the Tremor. And my damage is way better now.

Once you get enough Arc damage you can finally let go of the BallLightning Setup and focus on Arc alone. It will become your Bosskilling Skill too.

"Don't half-ass two things. Full-Ass one thing"

Using BoL is the bandaid for beginner equipment that don't have enough Arc DPS for bosses.

Once you are at a stage where you have enough currency for fancy stuff like multimod, you should focus to migrate to Arc-only, imho.

etherel90 wrote:

you need a single target damage source to effectively kill beefed up metamorphs

I'm playing arc only, and a T16 max beefed Meta takes about 1-3seconds. (while also beeing frozen, now).

etherel90 wrote:

I also don't understand your advice about switching out a 6L loreweave for kaom's heart. You want to trade an addition 3% max resist, 35%+ global crit chance, and 40%+ elemental damage for 500hp and a little additional armor

Going Loreweave->Kaoms is around 1,1k-1,2k HP, that's quite substantial. Especially if you are running with <5k HP.

78% Ele Ressist are great, no question. But it won't help much if you are a glasscanon.

And beeing a Glasscanon is the main flaw of this build. (It's a beginner/low cost guide afterall).

My advice to work out this Flaw is going Tremor+Kaoms+Freeze(Three Dragons), once your equipment is good enough.
Last edited by Schejian on Jan 10, 2020, 12:43:21 AM
Hey everyone, I've started following the build 2 days ago and feel like I'm really squishy. Can someone give me some tips or help on gear/skills I should get next?
Hi! I was wondering if anyone could look at my character and give me some feedback on what I should fix. Just swapped to sceptres and 6L'd my loreweave, but I feel a lot weaker. I also think I might have made some poor decisions in my skill tree.
For my current gear I melt all t14 and lower bosses w/ ball lightning. t15+ and conquers take some time to kill. Anything I can do to improve single target DPS? I am really enjoying the build just need some more single target damage for it to be perfect
Why arc on helmet and arc on staff?
Solarblue wrote:
Why arc on helmet and arc on staff?

Arc in helmet is only when you don't use staff but scepters (those are only 3l) like stated in the 1st post.

btw can someone tell me if added cold dmg in arc setup is used because of skitterbots? or is there other reason?
there is no sceptre with gain 20% extra any more. you think Tremor Rod is the item to go with?
Last edited by Zechnix2 on Jan 10, 2020, 10:49:55 AM

Just hit this working on sceptre craft. Should I regal or do I need to look for flat lightning damage instead of percent increased lightning damage?

Minirova wrote:

Just hit this working on sceptre craft. Should I regal or do I need to look for flat lightning damage instead of percent increased lightning damage?

If you are going to spend the 3ex on multimodding that, I would go until you have either a higher % lighting damage as extra chaos (10-13%) or the mod that says 8% of ELEMENTAL damage as extra chaos. Also the suffix there at only 29% doesn't seem like a huge bonus. A Crit Multi suffix or spell damage % or high crit strike % would probably be better. I would keep throwing alts at it for the time being.
For reference:

KepugLeinad wrote:
btw can someone tell me if added cold dmg in arc setup is used because of skitterbots? or is there other reason?

It's there to freeze enemies for shatter on death (avoids explosion from porcupines and the like). You don't need that if you are using a call of the brotherhood ring.

Zechnix2 wrote:
there is no sceptre with gain 20% extra any more. you think Tremor Rod is the item to go with?

See above answer to Minirova for sceptre crafts if you want to go that route instead of tremor rod.
Last edited by etherel90 on Jan 10, 2020, 12:11:49 PM

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