[3.5] Hopeshredder Scourge Arrow | Fast beefy Mapper | Deathless Uber Elder (5M+ Shaper DPS)

Hello guys, have a question. So i have unnatural instinct and 13ex, i think to sell ui, and by farruls fur, so its worth it or not?
SI3R2A wrote:
Hello guys, have a question. So i have unnatural instinct and 13ex, i think to sell ui, and by farruls fur, so its worth it or not?

Yes. Farrul's is a MUCH bigger boost to the build than UI. Permanent charges are so important. Aspect of the cat is also massive.
s0mosh wrote:
toddliestew wrote:
Would lightpoacher be an alternative for this build? or is it a waste of helmslot?

Since this build relys on flat dmg stacking to improve deeps, I'd say a Lightpoacher (or even a Hale Negator, if you can afford the enchant) is BiS. 2 Abyssal Sockets can give you so much damage (if you have the right jewels), it doesn't really compare to ohter options.

Not to mention the strong regeneration from the spirit charges.

While jewels will give you a lot of damage, it heavily depends on your setup and preference.
The helmet slot is really flexible on this build, I stick to a Starkonja because whether i do 5.5 or 6 mil shaper doesn't really matter, rather have the extra life and mitigation to avoid the potential for oneshots (along with Phase Acrobatics).

Lightpoacher will be more value on V1 setup with a Kaom's, as we get more life there and Poacher is relatively cheap with 2 Abyss Jewels, making it a good option to stack damage compared to the relatively expensive Bubonics and Tombfists at 2 sockets. The regen from Spirit Charges is pretty irrelevant for us though, the only danger to us are outright oneshots, anything else is covered by Slayer overleech anyway.

A good -cold res fossil-crafted rare can also be a great choice.

Devoto's is imo the most overrated option, as it only gives a tiny bit more attack speed and the tbh pretty irrelevant movespeed over a bunch of life and more mitigation from a Starkonja, for example.

But it's really up to personal preference - and/or whatever head enchant you might be able to get on something.

I don't even run Scourge Arrow on the helmet, Rain of Arrows enchants are *extremely* cheap this league on Starkonjas and are a really nice clear upgrade.
Last edited by Miffy23#7775 on Jan 10, 2019, 5:29:42 AM
This build is the best thing that happened to me since sliced bread.

Breezed through all content.
Melted shaper, melted uber elder, comfortable delving ~300ish depth.
Labruns are smooth, full key runs with no trouble.

Miffy23 wrote:

While jewels will give you a lot of damage, it heavily depends on your setup and preference.
The helmet slot is really flexible on this build, I stick to a Starkonja because whether i do 5.5 or 6 mil shaper doesn't really matter, rather have the extra life and mitigation to avoid the potential for oneshots (along with Phase Acrobatics).

Lightpoacher will be more value on V1 setup with a Kaom's, as we get more life there and Poacher is relatively cheap with 2 Abyss Jewels, making it a good option to stack damage compared to the relatively expensive Bubonics and Tombfists at 2 sockets. The regen from Spirit Charges is pretty irrelevant for us though, the only danger to us are outright oneshots, anything else is covered by Slayer overleech anyway.

A good -cold res fossil-crafted rare can also be a great choice.

Devoto's is imo the most overrated option, as it only gives a tiny bit more attack speed and the tbh pretty irrelevant movespeed over a bunch of life and more mitigation from a Starkonja, for example.

But it's really up to personal preference - and/or whatever head enchant you might be able to get on something.

I don't even run Scourge Arrow on the helmet, Rain of Arrows enchants are *extremely* cheap this league on Starkonjas and are a really nice clear upgrade.

I agree with you that It's a personal preference, but I have to say that nothing compares to a Hale Negator IMO.. You also get 100 life from jewels + increased life + a shitton of dmg.

It is right that this build doesn't rely on the life recovery, but since it is instant and not overtime, I practically have 36% more maximum life with 12 jewels equipped. It saved my ass countless times and I wouldn't go back for anything else now that I've tried it.

Btw..I also cannot understand why so many pepople are playing with a Devoto's...it's so much wasted potential..IMO ;)
Hale Negator is a really nice QoL especially for stuff like delving and gets better the more life you have.
Atm running with 10k life and the 36% instant heal if I drop to low life in e.g. rippy delve citys is really amazing. Saved me quite a few times.
But it's pricey with the enchant so def. not something I would put as a high priority.
Just do my first uber elder deathless :)

i play with loreweave instead of farrur fur as they are expensive
using a lv 21 wrath with some point to Mana reserve!
Last edited by Ending2018#2897 on Jan 10, 2019, 9:21:43 AM
s0mosh wrote:
Miffy23 wrote:

While jewels will give you a lot of damage, it heavily depends on your setup and preference.
The helmet slot is really flexible on this build, I stick to a Starkonja because whether i do 5.5 or 6 mil shaper doesn't really matter, rather have the extra life and mitigation to avoid the potential for oneshots (along with Phase Acrobatics).

Lightpoacher will be more value on V1 setup with a Kaom's, as we get more life there and Poacher is relatively cheap with 2 Abyss Jewels, making it a good option to stack damage compared to the relatively expensive Bubonics and Tombfists at 2 sockets. The regen from Spirit Charges is pretty irrelevant for us though, the only danger to us are outright oneshots, anything else is covered by Slayer overleech anyway.

A good -cold res fossil-crafted rare can also be a great choice.

Devoto's is imo the most overrated option, as it only gives a tiny bit more attack speed and the tbh pretty irrelevant movespeed over a bunch of life and more mitigation from a Starkonja, for example.

But it's really up to personal preference - and/or whatever head enchant you might be able to get on something.

I don't even run Scourge Arrow on the helmet, Rain of Arrows enchants are *extremely* cheap this league on Starkonjas and are a really nice clear upgrade.

I agree with you that It's a personal preference, but I have to say that nothing compares to a Hale Negator IMO.. You also get 100 life from jewels + increased life + a shitton of dmg.

It is right that this build doesn't rely on the life recovery, but since it is instant and not overtime, I practically have 36% more maximum life with 12 jewels equipped. It saved my ass countless times and I wouldn't go back for anything else now that I've tried it.

Btw..I also cannot understand why so many pepople are playing with a Devoto's...it's so much wasted potential..IMO ;)

You do gain life and damage from the jewels ofc, but you also lose skill slots. If using a Bubonic and Tombfist as well you're very short on slots already. Personally I would have to make the choice between abandoning my Immortal Call, dropping War Banner or Blood Rage, and i don't really want to do any of that.

I've yet to encounter a situation in T16+ content where the slayer leech by itself didn't almost instantly pop me up again, but i'm not pushing delves - for deep delving something like a Hale Negator may be good.
Miffy23 wrote:

You do gain life and damage from the jewels ofc, but you also lose skill slots. If using a Bubonic and Tombfist as well you're very short on slots already. Personally I would have to make the choice between abandoning my Immortal Call, dropping War Banner or Blood Rage, and i don't really want to do any of that.

I've yet to encounter a situation in T16+ content where the slayer leech by itself didn't almost instantly pop me up again, but i'm not pushing delves - for deep delving something like a Hale Negator may be good.

You can still use Blood Rage, War Banner, 1x 50% Aura (like Hatred), Blink Arrow and IC / Cwdt
Damn Jagaimo, your gear is really impressive, especially bow and quiver. What depth are you at?

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