Delve Costing Changes

Update is sucks. No sulfite no delve. Delve 5-7 min = farm 20-30 min on maps.
Still broken and unreasonable amounts needed to delve imho, unless you are the top 1% of the game or the streamers they seem to care about more than they rest of the player base.
In all seriousness though, I saw delving as an alternative for people who don't like running/trying to sustain maps.

You're now tying the new system, directly to the old system, so now delving is like an add on to the map system.

Which doesn't really make much sense to me.

Sustaining maps can be pretty infuriating sometimes. Running a T15 map, and seeing a T7 map drop is just one of the worst things in the game.

But I get it.

Delving before wasn't grindy enough, and was more rewarding than maps since sulphite was pretty easy to get and you didn't need to invest currency into acquiring sulphite like you do to acquire high tier maps...

Can't have that.

Can't have fun.
Last edited by TheDudeOfGaming on Sep 21, 2018, 5:18:41 AM
TrinityTrick wrote:
Still broken and unreasonable amounts needed to delve imho, unless you are the top 1% of the game or the streamers they seem to care about more than they rest of the player base.

I'm very tired of this dumb narrative.
It's simply not true. Every league people complain about not being able to sustain maps, meanwhile plenty of us are doing it with no problems whatsoever. Hmm I wonder.

I mean, does that mean that maybe maps are an issue of sorts? Potentially, but I would challenge anyone to come up with a better endgame system that still functions within an economy.
The problem is that delves are supposed to be a "how deep your build can go", wherease actually it's more like "how hard you can farm maps to get an exponentially short delve break".

Making an unlimited system dependant on a limited sytem turns it into a limited system too. And the first limitation was supposed to be the strenght of our character. To make it truly happen you should keep the exponential sulfite reward on maps. Plus multiply it by the total % of a map (for example 70 quantity, 30 rarity and 30 pack size = 130% more sulfite on each deposit). Plus consider a more stable and rewarding minimum deposit number like at least 2 in white maps, 3 in yellow, and 4 in red, with an equal possibility to get between +0 and + 3 deposits in addition to that minimum number in each map you run. Plus lower drastically the sulfite cost of deep delve combined with a linear curve, to make the ratio more and more interesting as we get sulfite from higher maps.

Then we'll be able to consider this infinite dungeon as a "how far you can get" and not "how far can the farming limits you" :)
Last edited by Dedisdead on Sep 21, 2018, 5:27:53 AM
LOL when they said reduce sulphite... They meant how much it was worth. It is even worse after the patch. GGG either strait up lied. Or don't have a fucking clue what they are doing.
Keptas69 wrote:
GGG wants you to play(grind) as long as possible. If you quit after a month who will buy new cosmetics? Guys it's a business and not charity. All "free to play games" have a similar mechanics and you can whine as long as you want, but this never gonna change.

By making this crap they are making us leave much earlier.
TheLockedGuy wrote:
LOL when they said reduce sulphite... They meant how much it was worth. It is even worse after the patch. GGG either strait up lied. Or don't have a fucking clue what they are doing.

At this point I think it is both.
Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
the exact thing I wanted. GG GGGG
Your decision making sometimes defies all common logic.
Galadedrid wrote:
So, the actual cost of my delves has increased slightly at level 200, but the acquisition has been cut by around 33%, and the stockpile has been reduced by over 60%.

What the heck?

This is Bestiary Version 2.

Fantastic core concept, utterly execrable implementation linked to stupid secondary resource that absolutely no one asked for.

+ This.

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