Delve Costing Changes

Why do you say community feedback is important and then do the opposite?
around 600 sulphite from 1 t11 niko (alch and go map)

around 550 sulphite to do one delve at delve lvl 250. (1 square)

combined with the change to reduce the cost of longer delves this seems prty strong. If you do a delve of length of 5 you get a 1 square delve for free.
Dont know if this is already to good.

Looks like you just have to mine straight down until you are in the 200+ and you will start profiting from the now linear scaling.
Sqrlmonger wrote:
Lily_LeFay wrote:
I guess someone entered their numbers wrong, unless I am reading wrong long delves are supposed to be 25% less in sulphite cost yet mine seem to have gone up by 25%. Frustrating as hell now I cant afford to go anywhere will have to backtrack to a lower level and farm to up my sulphite capacity. GRRRR.

I don't think they said 25% cheaper delve costs did they? If I remember correctly they said 25% more delving which indicates to me they thought the sulphite income rate compared to the sulphite expenditure rate was improved, rather than the delve cost being reduced.

Unfortunately, I am willing to bet they based this calculation on the idea that all Niko nodes are equal in how long they take to find and click. Which is of course absurd.

Don't get me wrong, I think the new system is about as stupid as anyone, but I don't think they made this specific claim.

This copied directly from their post:
"Reduced the Sulphite cost of longer Delves (starting at length 2) slightly, with a larger discount for longer lengths. At length 6, the discount is 25%."

So I did read it wrong its "up to 25%" not flat rate. I see from the graph posted though why we are seeing increased costs its just really unfair for mid tier players. Going to make the grind to higher even harder.
Luxunce wrote:
around 600 sulphite from 1 t11 niko (alch and go map)

around 550 sulphite to do one delve at delve lvl 250. (1 square)

combined with the change to reduce the cost of longer delves this seems prty strong. If you do a delve of length of 5 you get a 1 square delve for free.
Dont know if this is already to good.

Looks like you just have to mine straight down until you are in the 200+ and you will start profiting from the now linear scaling.

Yes, but with increased costs and reduced sulphite capacity on the way there, getting there from scratch or lower will be extremely tedious.
Lily_LeFay wrote:

I see from the graph posted though why we are seeing increased costs its just really unfair for mid tier players. Going to make the grind to higher even harder.

I completely agree with that for sure. And I knew immediately when they said they switched from exponential to linear that this was going to be a problem (my background is in math and computer science so I am intimately familiar with growth rates).

I doubt they didn't know as well, I am just severely disappointed they had no plan to account for this.
nskLantash wrote:
Okay i still don't get it. My costs (~330 depth) have been lowered significantly, 1290 per shortest node -> 730.
My friend's costs (~240 depth) have been lowered less significantly, but still, 760 for the shortest node prior, 585 now.
What exactly am i missing here? Which depths suffer an increase in costs?

Probably ones most players do - 150 and beyound.
Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
Plz dont cave to reddit and the vocal minority. If you want to incentivise the highest maps to be the best to do you got to stick to it and cant lower it so the IIQ bois can just do their usual mid tier map and get everything as well just because.
Fix 4 sockets resonator drop chance plz it really sucks.
So, the actual cost of my delves has increased slightly at level 200, but the acquisition has been cut by around 33%, and the stockpile has been reduced by over 60%.

What the heck?

This is Bestiary Version 2.

Fantastic core concept, utterly execrable implementation linked to stupid secondary resource that absolutely no one asked for.
Last edited by Galadedrid on Sep 21, 2018, 4:28:52 AM
Oblitus wrote:

Probably ones most players do - 150 and beyound.

Yeah i asked around some more and seems like 100-200 depth costs are fucked.
Welp :D Guess i was too optimistic for this update after all.

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