Delve Balance Changes

Rakiii wrote:
zixav wrote:
Looking at manifesto it seems that Molten Shell is not gonna have cooldown?

Probably not

Great then my idea around it may actually work :D
I'm glad you're finally looking at movement skills, but you haven't gone nearly far enough.

Builds that use slow weapons, or god forbid, 2h weapons, are severely penalized in movement - and they don't get more DPS or anything like that to compensate. If anything high attack speed builds often have better damage too (taking advantage of flat +damage modifiers on abyssal jewels, jewelry, etc).

There's lots of cool weapons sitting around that are just functionally unusable, because in a clearspeed meta, slow is garbage. Tidebreaker, brain rattler, nebuloch and many more. All weapons that would be pretty sweet to build around, except that your clearspeed will be garbage, because they nerf the hell out of your movement abilities. Even starforge - it is so powerful people try to use it anyway, making boss killers for it or whatnot, but starforge builds still have garbage clearspeed compared to builds that use 2.0+ speed claws/swords.

Yes, quicksilver flask of adrenaline is a bit of an equalizer, but only on maps that have a nice clean route, no long distance backtracking. Otherwise you run out of flask charges and are walking like an idiot snail. Mind you those are the maps most people hate anyway, but they're SO much worse if you don't have a good movement ability.
Smear wrote:
Welp, F**K this game and the nerf brigade.

I'm out, sick and tired of builds being crushed. Again and again.


See ya later, enjoy fortnite!
My livestream -
Nishrek wrote:
AnubixcZ wrote:
The Gladiator passive skill now uses your attack block as your spell block.

Actually I don't understand this. Until now Gladiator had this passive - Versatile Combatant - 100% of Block Chance applied to Spells . Isn't it the same effect?

From Reddit

The new Gladiator stat sets your chance to block spell damage to be equal to your chance to block attack damage. This is significantly functionally different. No modifiers that specifically apply to your chance to block spell damage will have any effect, because it will always be equal to your chance to block attack damage.

The old mechanic, which made a percentage of your chance to block attack damage to also apply to spell damage has been removed from the game entirely

Thanks for explanation. Then it's a quite low nerf.
zixav wrote:
Rakiii wrote:
zixav wrote:
Looking at manifesto it seems that Molten Shell is not gonna have cooldown?

Probably not

Great then my idea around it may actually work :D
Look at the instant skill video again and you'll see all of them having 1 second cooldown (if the skill doesn't already have a higher one), including Molten Shell.
My opinion to all these nerf's:
1.) shield_charge on brightbeak? C'mon! I think that's fair, since BB as a low_level_item has still 2 benefits (resis) all over that.
2.) Nerfing the Sunder range is NOT really important for endgame. But it makes the leveling process a bit more adequate.
3.) TRAPS: well well well. Watching all the youtube videos concerning Traps (especially the fire ones), makes me feel that Traps really deserve a nerf. Hello? That damage was far OP. And so far Arc was/is not nerfed...
4.) The Buff to flameDash and lightningWarp is NOT useless; scince lightningWarp could only used as a 4link with many cast_speed on the tree to make it work properly.

So far I am a harsh Critic on GGG's policy; but as far as I notice this manifest, I can live with that one.
My InGameName: Aui
Solar Spectres, New Spectre effect, Spectre nerf (echo no longer works)

It does work.
GG traps. It was good to have you as a viable choice for a grand total of one league. But apparently Arc Trap cleared too fast, disregarding the fact that righteous fire, death's oath, minion builds, just to mention a few clear at least 3x as fast, but GGG is only happy with traps being memes.

Good thing I was going to play something far more powerful than traps this league anyway, the only thing that is sad is that I'll not be going back to trap at any point in the near future.
"The heavens burned
The stars cried out
And under the ashes of infinity
Hope, scarred and bleeding breathed it's last."
Aui wrote:
My opinion to all these nerf's:
1.) shield_charge on brightbeak? C'mon! I think that's fair, since BB as a low_level_item has still 2 benefits (resis) all over that.
2.) Nerfing the Sunder range is NOT really important for endgame. But it makes the leveling process a bit more adequate.
3.) TRAPS: well well well. Watching all the youtube videos concerning Traps (especially the fire ones), makes me feel that Traps really deserve a nerf. Hello? That damage was far OP. And so far Arc was/is not nerfed...
4.) The Buff to flameDash and lightningWarp is NOT useless; scince lightningWarp could only used as a 4link with many cast_speed on the tree to make it work properly.

So far I am a harsh Critic on GGG's policy; but as far as I notice this manifest, I can live with that one.

^ THIS! But I'm pretty sure the brightbeak nerf will cause a LOT of tears! ^^
"Yes, it is perfectly fair. It just sucks ass."
posted by Thaelyn on 12. August 2013 17:33
Bex_GGG wrote:
Delve Balance Changes

Shield Charge
The movement portion of Shield Charge is no longer affected by local weapon speed modifiers on weapons. The total weapon attack time will still affect the build up and end animations of the skill but your travel time will only be impacted by movement speed and global attack speed. This makes using certain weapons (called Brightbeak) far less powerful with the skill, flattening the playing field when it comes to what weapons to use. We'll be further reviewing the effect of attack speed on the skill in future, but for now we're just adjusting this one aspect of the skill.

Noone seems to mention why they have changed it?
Yeah, for general purpose (mapping, leveling) it is really no fun! But if you think about the Delve mines and the darkness, it seems to be one of the OP skill+item to escape from darkness. Every build that can do Shield Charge and use Brightbeak would be in an insane advantage, so nerving this is just a good way to balance delve.

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