[3.20] A.B. Molten Tank easy mapping and bossing

Hey ! I just wanted to thank you for the awesome build/guide.
This is the most fun char I've played sofar.

I've never killed Uber Elder nor Uber Atziri before.Usually my chars are not tanky enough or when they are the dps is not so high, and the fight would be too long.
This time the char felt so all around perfect that I had to give it a shot and killed them last weekend. :)
Uber Atziri went down first try and it was my 3rd ever attempt.
I bricked my first set vs Uber Elder, don't know what was wrong, because my ping was 40ish, but every skill I avoided still hit me as if I was lagging. On the next try everything was ok, no lag so he went down with only 1 death. Considering that was also a 3rd ever attempt it was alright.

Mapping and running delve is fast and fun. I only die nowdays when I encounter glitches or when a wild martyr appears lol.

Picked the dual Grel Jugg tho. I sacraficed 2 x 5% life nodes and "path of the warrior" so I can have "whispers of doom". Running with 2 curses helps a lot. I picked enfeeble and flammability. Still have 8069 hp. 2 levels to go, if i don't give up it will be my first lvl 100 char.
I also use lvl 1 clarity because of my Watcher's Eye.

Thanks to this I don't have any mana problems not even on no regen maps.

Anyways thanks again. :)
Hey ! I just wanted to thank you for the awesome build/guide.
This is the most fun char I've played sofar.

I've never killed Uber Elder nor Uber Atziri before.Usually my chars are not tanky enough or when they are the dps is not so high, and the fight would be too long.
This time the char felt so all around perfect that I had to give it a shot and killed them last weekend. :)
Uber Atziri went down first try and it was my 3rd ever attempt.
I bricked my first set vs Uber Elder, don't know what was wrong, because my ping was 40ish, but every skill I avoided still hit me as if I was lagging. On the next try everything was ok, no lag so he went down with only 1 death. Considering that was also a 3rd ever attempt it was alright.

Mapping and running delve is fast and fun. I only die nowdays when I encounter glitches or when a wild martyr appears lol.

Picked the dual Grel Jugg tho. I sacraficed 2 x 5% life nodes and "path of the warrior" so I can have "whispers of doom". Running with 2 curses helps a lot. I picked enfeeble and flammability. Still have 8069 hp. 2 levels to go, if i don't give up it will be my first lvl 100 char.
I also use lvl 1 clarity because of my Watcher's Eye.

Thanks to this I don't have any mana problems not even on no regen maps.

Anyways thanks again. :)

Ty for you update !!

let us know when u get 100 :D

Hey there !

Im really enjoying the build for the moment ! But i only have 6k2 life and i still get one shot times to times, by Tora, or randomly in big pack of mobs.

I was wondering what i could do to improve the gear / or my skill tree, maybe i should get other nodes in priority

Im duelist gladiator btw.

Thanks for your help !!

U can get Divine Life Flask with instant recovery mod ...u dont need Rumi Concoction...its 100% better choice
And for more life get more life on your items... and loreweave with >>>80%<<< max resist !!!!
Last edited by sK1LL3Rqo on Jan 26, 2019, 12:05:43 AM
sK1LL3Rqo wrote:

Hey there !

Im really enjoying the build for the moment ! But i only have 6k2 life and i still get one shot times to times, by Tora, or randomly in big pack of mobs.

I was wondering what i could do to improve the gear / or my skill tree, maybe i should get other nodes in priority

Im duelist gladiator btw.

Thanks for your help !!

U can get Divine Life Flask with instant recovery mod ...u dont need Rumi Concoction...its 100% better choice
And for more life get more life on your items... and loreweave with >>>80%<<< max resist !!!!

Ok so i actually switched flask good idea !

I'm farming some currency too try and get a 80% loreweave yes !

I also made a few change on the skill tree, i removed the Elemental Overload node along with the 3 +10 intel node on the way, and i took some more life nodes instead. so i'm now at 6905 life which is a bit more confortable and the damage is still great 75k without any buff.

I also took the node "sanctify" which grand extra armor and +1% life regen so it helps sustain life.

I will continue to run T15 maps until i got another try on the guardians, otherwise what do you think about those change ?

Ty for the help !
1 question, are we supposed to gain endurance charges for the Inmortal call duration? and if we do, how we do it? Forgot to say with the champion class :D
Last edited by RoNy4 on Jan 26, 2019, 4:55:12 PM
RoNy4 wrote:
1 question, are we supposed to gain endurance charges for the Inmortal call duration? and if we do, how we do it? Forgot to say with the champion class :D

Endurance isnt mandatory. we are using immortal call only for trigger arakaali pantheon for more life regen

if u wanna gain endurance u can use enduring cry, or endurance charge on stun linked on ur movement skill, btw i think is a waste of time u dont need endurance

hello there.....anal.....bleeding.....Wanted to thank you for an awesome build guide, its by far my favorite. However, I would like to get more damage...I have high life, 7.8k, and pob SAYS 5mil dps, but I think im calculating it wrong, because it doesn't feel like its that high. I would link my gear in this post, but I have no idea how, so if you could take the time to either go to my account and view my characters (my ms is called "D_D_Duel"(theres a bit more d's but you can find it)) OR tell me how to link my gear. thanks for the time!
ps. don't want to switch from belly to lorweave I like being tanky as well.
hello there.....anal.....bleeding.....Wanted to thank you for an awesome build guide, its by far my favorite. However, I would like to get more damage...I have high life, 7.8k, and pob SAYS 5mil dps, but I think im calculating it wrong, because it doesn't feel like its that high. I would link my gear in this post, but I have no idea how, so if you could take the time to either go to my account and view my characters (my ms is called "D_D_Duel"(theres a bit more d's but you can find it)) OR tell me how to link my gear. thanks for the time!
ps. don't want to switch from belly to lorweave I like being tanky as well.

Hey mate !

ur gear its very very good.

for more dps for sure loreweave is awasome. u loose some hp point but u get 80% max res that is a good boost to tankyness...

instead of life flask u can use silver flask

can u link ur pob i will take a look...

for link item here u must click on ur char in top left of the page and "click+X" to link the items.
i didnt see PoB link ;(
Any ideas where to put extra 3 points if someoen levels to 100 compared to your lvl 97 build?
Last edited by Mejker on Jan 28, 2019, 1:48:57 PM

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