[3.5] Ele Thickk - Super Tanky Ele Hit - Uber Elder Deathless -No Xoph's -No Frostferno - Videos Up

Great build, thanks! Any reason why I should prefer an Imperial Bow over a Highborn? Same aps, same implicit.
XxXDominusXxX wrote:

For bossing Chin Sol > All, the double-dipping with Point Blank is just too strong.

No offense here from my side, but thats not correct.

Even a BOW with +2/+1 and 20% more attack dammage paired with a good quiver brings you UP to the same numbers that Chin Sol provides.

If you are able to be lucky and/or rich and have an extra Arrow on Bow and Quiver, you can run your Single Target Setup in your normal BOW for clearing, too (Great for Delves). That means you never have to worry about switching the weapon anymore.

xpldngmn wrote:
Great build, thanks! Any reason why I should prefer an Imperial Bow over a Highborn? Same aps, same implicit.

No difference here, but if you min/max your jewels and items a Thicket Bow will win the DPS calculation slightly in the end.
xpldngmn wrote:
Great build, thanks! Any reason why I should prefer an Imperial Bow over a Highborn? Same aps, same implicit.

I run a taste of hate and it gives you more DPS.
im not sure if im missing anything but i feel like im really squishy if a mob gets to me i also have a kaoms but mainly stick to qotf for mapping

Thinking of playing this for betrayal. Do you recomend creating a scion and play something else until you have the needed items? or should i create any other starter and just make a new character for this?
arkeey92 wrote:
Thinking of playing this for betrayal. Do you recomend creating a scion and play something else until you have the needed items? or should i create any other starter and just make a new character for this?

Just start scion and go arc trapper till you have the currency that is what I will be doing this league
If we would drop Cold Snap, is Frenzy Charge generation the only thing we would lose?
U still get frenzys with raider or bloodrage

Btw iam testing leveling methods but have not done arc traps yet

How would ur tree look until BA in act 9 ? And the 4 link ?

So far my best results was roa
Very easy uber elder, delves aint that easy especially 400+.

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