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kayella wrote:

For TV, I think it was just Dyadus nerf (no more 200% more burning damage taken). TV didn't change... maybe?

Wickerman's nerf is actually interesting because GGG nerfed all RF spectres. They all have the same dot/s damage.

Lanternbearer got nerfed in 2.0 closed beta? I think GGG said the damage was too high as spectre so they have a separate spectre damage value.

As alwayys, looking forward to new spectres! But am ready for disapppointment ^^

Can we get this thing somewhere?

kayella wrote:
Prevy wrote:
I did like a few dozen practice runs the last few days, and I can't rly tell.

Pob says cleary skeletons, but SRS just performes better, on average ~22 mins for act 1 while skellies are closer to 28 for me.

I also like the the idea to skip zombie gem early aswell as srs (if you go skellie) and pick zombies up from act 1 once I have Sacrifice in Act 2 and obviously more than enough scrolls to buy gems. Makes act 1 currency management just smoother.

Act 4 we can pick up Gorgol Alpha/Turong in the mine, so thats a thing, both fire so works well with hatred + srs/skellie + lightning EE.

madspaz wrote:
i think rushing sacrifice in A1 is a must if you are using zombies. Havent timed it but that felt the most fluid.

muramiri wrote:
I am testing SRS with minon damage and melee splash plus skellies with minion damage and infernal legion for early acts, mid act2, feels smooth.

I think i will spec into minion intabillity so that i can spam both SRS and Skellies that will pop.

Skellies with burning legion are good, cuz you can deply them right into the pack, and minion instability is right next to main path, so unspecing it later will be no problem at all

So the new erly lvling strat i am testing is basically 2x3L for:
Skellie + Infernal Leegion + Minion DMG
SRS + Minim DMG + Melee Splah

a 1x2L for Flame Totem + Phantasms (mainlty cuz consecrated ground)

and 1B 1G socket for Flame Dash and Smoke Mine.

with a 3rd 3L (BBB) you can also socket Skitterbots with Infernal and Minion DMG, but this is quite a pressure on sockets early on

I tested skeleton + infernal and SRS + infernal.

I thought SRS was better because they move quickly and can move to another target after they kill something. because they move a lot, the burn effect is spread easily.

I thought skeletons do more damage without infernal legion because they move like snails and burn to death before they can attack other monsters. So they are only good for attacking monsters if you drop them directly on top.

Is it OK with both SRS and Skeleton? you need to self cast both of them. It's easier to just spam one, I think?

Interesting idea with Minion Instability. It adds a little extra pop with infernal. But is the pop more DPS than extra attack before the minion dies?

15 passives to rush Sacrifice. So you can only get it at the end of Act 1 or start of Act 2. Sacrifice + HFT should be ennough to keepp them alive or refresh them between fights. So definitely usablee in Act 2+

I totally forgot about delve monsters! Did you test them for Act 4?

Ok, so i finished testing the infernal and minion instability shenanigans.

I figured out a lvling pattern that i go back to every time:
1) 4L Skellies
2) Infernal Skitterbots
3) Flame Totem + Zombies + Phantasms

so i thought, what would be the best transition to this setup?

and here is my lvling walk-through, from Act 1 to end of Act 3

Act 1:
Looking for 1 BBR and 1 BBB wands, movement boot, 1B and 1G sockets and eventually 2-3L RBB.
Targeted Setup is:
SRS with Minion Damage + Melee Splash (wand 1)
Skellies + Infernal + Minion damage (wand 2)
Holly Flame Totem + Phantasms + Minin Damage (just anywhere where it does fit, sometimes i use only 2L Totem with Phantasms)
Flame Dash and Smoke mine in 1B and 1G socket anywhere on the other gear.

Passive tree goes to Enduring Bond then Lord of the Dead

This setup kills Marveil easy and safe, you spam SRS and use skellies/totem for extra DPS.

Act 2:
After getting skitterbots i use them instead of skellies that will go in of-hand for exp gain. No other changes to skill gems.

For passives i pick Heart and Soul, Quick Recovery, eventually the +30dex/str nodes (Agility and Might) and then start pathing for Death Attunement.

Act 3:
Looking for a 4L Chest piece (BBRG/BRRG) for skellies and 4L (BBBB) helmet for spectres, i change a bit the gem setup when i get my skellies in a 4L and lvl31:
Body: Skellie+Impale+Melee Splash+Minion Damage or Melee Phys
Wand 1 (BBB) Infernal Skitterbots with Minion DMG
Wand 2 (BBR that hosted SRS) Zombies + Phantasms + Holly Flame Totem
Helmet (BBBB, crafted with +1 to minion gems and a resist from bench) is getting ready for spectres.
In the gloves and boost i get my Flamde Dash, Smoke Mine, i add Dread Banner and Stone Golem.

I start pathing to Discipline and Training then to Indomitable Army (through phys reduction node). I have the node right before Dominus kill, so my zombies will have an easier time. they still die to the first 3 mini-bosses, but because of all those skellies and Phantasms you can safely resummon the zombies. Dominus and the miscreation bosses cant kill zombies.


Going for Indomitable Army before Discipline and Training may be the key to early spectres, but it means you will have lower life for a while
If you go For Indomitable Army (before Discipline and Training) you will get it by lvl28, with a +1 helmet spectres will get decently tanky, tho, i am still not sure they will survive Dominus

Once i get Indomitable Army and kill Dominus i Raise my Spectres: Flame Sentinels with Minion Damage, Ele Focus and Deathmark.

So the final setup is:
4L Body with Skellies
4L Helmet with Spectres
3L wand with Zombies Phantasms and Holy Flame Totem
3L wand with Infenal Skitterbots
Standalone Smoke Mine, Flame Dash, Convocation, Dread Banner and Stone Golem

Mid Act 4 (lvl32-33) i go for Izaro kill, picking Mindless Agression

This Setup will carry up to maps. Do not forget to change to Slave Drivers in Act 5.

I also change melee splash with melee phys in the skellie setup when my zombies and spectres get good enough clear, so skellies are pusre single target that obliterate any bosses

Ofc there can be some minor changes along the way, like getting Spell Echo instead of Deathmark after killing Kaaom and Dareso, or using 1b2r1g for skellis that in single target will have Skellie+Impale+melee phys+multistrike, just do as situation asks.
Also, i have to mention that this setup is huge gear pressure, 2x4L that early are hard to get, the good part is that you really need only the 4L for skellies, and if the luck is bad, forego spectres until you get both 4Ls
Last edited by muramiri#3426 on Jun 12, 2020, 3:57:25 AM
Prevy wrote:
Can we get this thing somewhere?


demon tag and no area, so I think it is a beyond monster?

I did quick test Gorgol and Turong in act 5.

Gorgol mostly does basic melee attack and sometimes the special spinny thing that takes a long time to spin up. Usually all the monsters are already dead from zombies and infernal skitters. Not sure if it is useful against bosses. There is also the flame thing but also on long cooldown.

Turong isn't bad. It's not good for clearing because it shoots one fireball at 1.2s. Hits really hard though. The big fireball usually just flies across screen and hits nothing. I thought CFE felt better because their DPS is constant.

Both of them are only available at act 4 though. But might be good for act 4 piety because they are tanky.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
kayella wrote:

I totally forgot about delve monsters! Did you test them for Act 4?

Tell me more about those Delve monsters. Do you know any particular good ones?
So far, for act 4 i am verry hapy with Stygian Revenants, tanky, good clear, boss dps does not matter cuz skellies take care of it
muramiri wrote:
kayella wrote:

I totally forgot about delve monsters! Did you test them for Act 4?

Tell me more about those Delve monsters. Do you know any particular good ones?
So far, for act 4 i am verry hapy with Stygian Revenants, tanky, good clear, boss dps does not matter cuz skellies take care of it

Turong is the one that shoots blue fireballs and the giant blue fireball. It's not bad. You can get it from the starting depth in delve.


I didn't like Gorgol because it mostly uses basic attack.


Other delve monsters are not good They just use basic melee attack.

Revi is old school. I like to use spectre for single and other minion for helper. So I don't really like Revi because it shoots an arc instead of focus fire. But you use skele for single target so it works well for you!


I just tested rushing to Sacrifice and using zombies against Merveil. Even with HFT they all died anyway.

So I think stick to SRS for Act 1 because all minions have low HP and die easily but SRS can be spammed.

Also sell the fireball + iron ring to get sapphire ring. Can also do this with freezing pulse to get 2 sapphire rings. It's about 45% cold res and will make Merveil fight much easier. I'll add that to guide.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
looks like i am rly slow, reached act 8 in 4h 50 min, lvl55, second lab done.

i used the setup i described earlier but i did not do any delirum, so i was dirt poor and got my 4L (BBBB) in mid-act 4.

For Marveil SRS with minion damage and skellies with infernal work wonders, smoothest kills i had

Zombies i start to use after i get Indomitable Army, not sooner, cuz they die super fast.
muramiri wrote:
looks like i am rly slow, reached act 8 in 4h 50 min, lvl55, second lab done.

i used the setup i described earlier but i did not do any delirum, so i was dirt poor and got my 4L (BBBB) in mid-act 4.

For Marveil SRS with minion damage and skellies with infernal work wonders, smoothest kills i had

By the way did you try Spell Totem + SRS + Infernal?

Monsters don't attack the spell totem so it just spams out SRS.

I also had Skele + Min damage + phantasm.

Can't use HFT because 1 totem limit.

Bossing is a bit easier because you just drop the SRS totem. Cast skele which gives 2 skelies. then just run around.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Last edited by kayella#0845 on Jun 12, 2020, 11:59:15 AM
kayella wrote:

By the way did you try Spell Totem + SRS + Infernal?

Monsters don't attack the spell totem so it just spams out SRS.

I also had Skele + Min damage + phantasm.

Can't use HFT because 1 totem limit.

Bossing is a bit easier because you just drop the SRS totem. Cast skele which gives 2 skelies. then just run around.

Nope, but it looks interesting. How is the clear tho?


The only problem is to get as easy as possible to x2 4Links (1 for spectres and 1 for skellies) after the 4Ls the build is a walking simulator.

I stick to SRS and Infernal Skitterbots as they are good on 3L, infernal skellies are just a transition to Skitterbots (from after brutus to lvl16).
HFT + Phantasms provides sustain and extra minions, so it is very safe to play around it.
Last edited by muramiri#3426 on Jun 12, 2020, 12:09:02 PM
muramiri wrote:
Nope, but it looks interesting. How is the clear tho?

Actually Spell Totem + Skele + Infernal is better. It casts the skelies on top of monsters. When skele dies it will cast more skele on top of monsters again. Much better for clearing. For SRS it will start from the totem so it must travel first.

Totem + skele is old technique, but I think HFT + phantasm is better because of regen.

So back to:

Act 1: HFT + phantasm & SRS (+ skele)
Act 2: infernal skitter & HFT + phantasm & SRS/skele
Act 3: specs & infernal skitter & HFT + phantasm & SRS/skele
Act 4: zombies & specs & infernal skitter & HFT + phantasm & SRS/skele

Act 5: continue minion army.

I think it might be better to keep the big army and don't use EE until later.

EDIT: 3 spectres and 5L? So it might actually be better to use fire spectre: Fire-Eater, Prayer Guard, Turong, Flame Sentinel.

(Prayer Guard uses same fireball as Solar Guard).
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Last edited by kayella#0845 on Jun 12, 2020, 12:54:40 PM
kayella wrote:

So back to:

Act 1: HFT + phantasm & SRS (+ skele)
Act 2: infernal skitter & HFT + phantasm + SRS (+skele)
Act 3: specs + infernal skitter & HFT + phantasm + SRS (+skele)
Act 4: zombies + specs + infernal skitter & HFT + phantasm + SRS (+skele)

Act 5: continue minion army.

I think it might be better to keep the big army and don't use EE until later (3 spectres?).

I do not really understand the flowchart, except for the Act 1 part

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