What are people most interested in?

This is my current view on the existing format options. Stressing that this is my thoughts, nothing more or less. This is also with the perspective of growing PvP not personal preference of the formats.

Temp LLD

Leo is a great tool for rapid character creation
Temp Leagues have THE MOST PLAYERS
Players; especially new to the game, do not need a high level character
Cheap Build Defining Uniques (GG rares will always be expensive in any format)
Desired PvP items will allow PvE players to have more items they can sell making PvP a benefit to PvEers.
Not having to deal with Lab Enchants or Ascendances
Can begin competitive PvP early in league

Limited Passive trees
Some can't be used at 28
Temp Leagues prevent players from making "perfect" characters

Temp HLD

Temp Leagues have THE MOST PLAYERS
Desired PvP items will allow PvE players to have more items they can sell making PvP a benefit to PvEers.
More skill options
More passive tree options

Need a 85+ char
Regardless of actual impact, players feel punished for not being 100 (even if 98 to 100 is minimal to meaningless)
Huge time investment to TRY PvP when a player doesn't know if they like it. The more investment the more reward needed for a player to justify time.
Having to reaquire potentially expensive items early in the league.
Cannot start tournaments early in new league when most new players are around

Perm LLD

Leo is a great tool for rapid character creation
Players; especially new to the game, do not need a high level character
Cheap Build Defining Uniques (GG rares will always be expensive in any format)
Not having to deal with Lab Enchants or Ascendances
Can do PvP events early in leagues or out of leagues
Can fully min/max

Limited players actively play Perm
Limited Passive trees
Some can't be used at 28
New players will find certain items impossible to obtain (legacy and legacy corrupted)
Trading is more difficult
New players are so far behind in currency they can give up

Perm HLD

More skill options
More passive tree options
Can do PvP events early in leagues or out of leagues
Can fully min/max

Limited players actively play Perm
New players will find certain items impossible to obtain (legacy and legacy corrupted)
Trading is more difficult
New players are so far behind in currency they can give up
Players will feel not having a 100 makes it not worth trying
Tons of work for a new player to commit to try. Especially leveling in Perm league outside of their first active Temp League

Temp Sarn (40)

Just some dumb fun bewteen LLD and HLD that allows limited ascendances. Just have free for all fun without being limited to LLD or needing a high level character either.

Perm Sarn (40)

Just some dumb fun bewteen LLD and HLD that allows limited ascendances. Just have free for all fun without being limited to LLD or needing a high level character either.

Let me know what you disagree with or think I missed out.
i find it hilarious and baffling that someone who quit playing comes back when the game is at a much worse state... to do pvp, when pvp is in such an amazingly bad state.

there's a reason why forum pvp was mentioned and that half+ of us in this subforum haven't even been playing (i haven't since harb, for instance).

i get walking away from poe and i get keeping a foot in the door in case it gets fixed/returns to a better state (it's what i'm basically doing, for instance), but returning in this shit state for hellacious pvp (enjoy the zerphi's vd) just seems ridiculous. but hilarious, so i'll be sure to check this subforum for the results.
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...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
I love how all the HLD players here constantly shit on their own PvP balance yet somehow find it STILL a better alternative to LLD. Like come the fuck on all of you already scream about how OP and unbalanced shit is now with one shots, you honestly think the general population will appreciate spending 10-30 ex just to one shot each other?
Because all the stuff us HLD'ers are complaining about could easily have been prevented from happening if GGG had thought, even for a second, about how skill gems and items could affect PVP, and if they'd kept on implementing TValues for skills. We aren't the PVE community: we have valid complaints, and we have reasons for complaining.
Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016
You'd better run.
“EA is fine” -relith
There's no point in thinking about what could have been. Even during the LLD season GGG fucked up in balancing. My point now is the best thing we can do for PvP to actually get any attention from GGG is if we can increase the playerbase, and the best way to increase playerbase is through limited temp league LLD.

PT's old temp league events had the lowest barrier of entry in both currency and time. If we get more traction in those events and get more players, that will help us convince GGG that PvP is worth investing in. Standard LLD and even HLD balance will come with more players.
Most of the votes are for perm league, which is downright retarded. I love trying to perfect a build, but there's no way in hell PvP can grow if we focus there. I don't care LLD or HLD at this point, but it has to be temp league for any meaningful growth.
I feel like it might be worth asking a more general population the same question. Every single person who actives in this forum is biased, asking a more general group of people would probably give significantly different results. Though, asking reddit anything regarding PvP is basically asking for brain damage.

If you want to please the players who are already playing PvP then a focus on high level would definitely be better. But I genuinely think low level, especially with the restrictions PT had in place last time, is the best way to engage people who aren't already playing. Low level is also significantly easier to restrict, as there's less shit to deal with. And most of the people agree on what should and shouldn't be banned. I imagine you'd have a hard time getting everyone in high level to agree to a specific rule-set.
save us PT..im a belieber
Last edited by noobsmashery2k on Apr 25, 2018, 11:33:12 PM
People... Please stop suggesting temp leagues, or to ask/poll the borader audiences... They've already proven they don't play pvp even when GGG caters to them. Let us enjoy what we actually enjoy, FFS.
IGN - Xukai

Mirror Service - /1046531
just sayin' - but pvp is/can be cross league.
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...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz!

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