What are people most interested in?

Fuck temp league and fuck lld. Because of those two design and balance choices we're in the situation we're in now. Only a bunch of complete dipshit's would balance PvP around lld in the first place and only an even dumber bunch of dipshit's would think it was a good idea. Temp leagues and fresh starts are great, I can appreciate that angle but you can't just fuck something up and ignore it. It's like a hit and run or taking a shit and not wiping or flushing.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Apr 24, 2018, 9:22:22 PM
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MullaXul wrote:
Fuck temp league and fuck lld. Because of those two design and balance choices we're in the situation we're in now. Only a bunch of complete dipshit's would balance PvP around lld in the first place and only an even dumber bunch of dipshit's would think it was a good idea. Temp leagues and fresh starts are great, I can appreciate that angle but you can't just fuck something up and ignore it. It's like a hit and run or taking a shit and not wiping or flushing.

I like LLD
It would have been interesting to see such poll 5 years ago as I bet the LLD influence Crew would have gathered and biased the result.

Most of them left the game tho, make you think how much they really cared in the first place (greenpoop in particular)

In the end I am not against LLD if they don t try to push their shit. Everyone should play his own favorite mod, I Voted HLD.

Most people play HLD but I suspect on the forum it will be 60/40 for hld perm and lld perm.

I do think however you ll have hard time choosing the rules for HLD PT. Melee hld only? no multiple proj for ranged? Forum pvp will start.

Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Apr 25, 2018, 12:49:00 AM
Head_Less wrote:
It would have been interesting to see such poll 5 years ago as I bet the LLD influence Crew would have gathered and biased the result.

Most of them left the game tho, make you think how much they really cared in the first place (greenpoop in particular)

In the end I am not against LLD if they don t try to push their shit. Everyone should play his own favorite mod, I Voted HLD.

Most people play HLD but I suspect on the forum it will be 60/40 for hld perm and lld perm.

I do think however you ll have hard time choosing the rules for HLD PT. Melee hld only? no multiple proj for ranged? Forum pvp will start.

I agree, it would be interesting to know what the community wanted when PvP was in the spotlight. But this wasn't meant for figuring out what the community wants, as much as to figure out of the SUPER dedicated PvP hopefuls what they are wanting. Because I have to work with these guys to slowly build PvP. I've got some work to do to make things work but I like challenges.
Can confirm LLD blows.

Little known fact, LLD was an idea created by Russia to influence our polls and hurt the game. Anyone claiming to enjoy LLD are Russian spies.
IGN - Xukai

Mirror Service - /1046531
I voted LLD Temp for a few reasons:
- Low entry barrier for people who have never pvp'd and/or don't have 10's, 100's of exalts to spare
- Free level 28 characters = infinite respecs
- Quite balanced (barring a few skills like VD) and not very 1-shotty

That being said I'm not opposed to trying my hand at HLD (perm or otherwise) if that's really what most people here want..

Suggestion for PT: PVP Discord channel
Event organisation, build sharing, overall sense of community that seems to be far gone on these forums, ...

Hello hello,
PT it's nice to see you here again :)

Here is my personal and subjective opinion on the activity on all 4
I play almost each temp league, level Leo to 6-7 each time, I play each league LLD and HLD (first half of the league: LLD, second half: HLD).
On each "popular" Leo mission days I go and check what is going on temp/standard and HLD/LLD.

Temp > Standard
Standard is deserted, empty, not much point to stay there longer then 5 min. Usally you can meet there well known broken builds. Standard HLD is best place to make pvp unpopular. 90% are elitist and maybe 10% runner ups.
In the temp leagues I can see much more runner up's then elitist/well min-maxed builds.

HLD Sarn Arena > LLD Sarn Arena popularity.
However "well known as broken skills/items" builds make a HLD arena a disgusting place.
Those broken skills/items builds running in cricles and doing hundreds or even 1k+ kills (yes) in Sarn are the reason why pvp's general opinion is so bad. I highly doubt you can break that scenario and UNpopularity.

Temp LLD 1v1 > Temp HLD 1v1 popularity.
That is an interesting thing, those HLD broken builds players are usually interested only in mass murder kills in Sarn Arena and are not likely to join 1v1. I can spend 15min in Sarn queing and not get a single 1v1 duel :(

I personally have had some of the most fun in high level PvP, but also find low level more consistently fun. High level is good for sarn or CTF, or if you impose some sort of rules for 1v1. Though, if you try and make anyone play a specific way by limiting what they can use, people will always bitch about it. Hence forum PvP ensues. High level 1v1 in standard has and probably will never be enjoyable to me, and I'd expect the same for a lot of people, but I expect the contrary as well since I know it's the most popular. Especially since you're posting this poll in the PvP forum, where pretty much everyone is either a nobody or has many hundreds of exalts invested into high level.

While I would be fine playing either, I feel like I would rather play low level mostly because there's a lot less bullshit people can pull; there aren't many builds that can one-shot for seemingly no reason. Pretty much the closest thing to a bullshit spam build is poet's pen VD, which can still be beat despite how annoying it can be. High level has a lot more examples of builds that are completely boring to play against, and always will because of how the game is designed. Though I don't think GGG focusing on high level over low level in the past would have made a difference to what we have now, I think if power creep wasn't as badly handled it might have worked out well.

From my personal experience, temp league low level is what I find the most enjoyable to play, even if I don't get into it all the time due to whatever reasons. It's also a lot easier to regulate, but has a lot less potential in how smart you can be when it comes to building. The community in this game is very split, I would be extremely surprised if you could get any of the big name high level players to even consider touching low level. I feel like high level would please the existing community more, and low level would please the people not playing PvP yet.
Monstacookie wrote:
I voted LLD Temp for a few reasons:
- Low entry barrier for people who have never pvp'd and/or don't have 10's, 100's of exalts to spare

How is LLD in temp having low barrier about currency?
I get that you can slap few uniques and give it a go but most pro LLDERS even in temps are using +1 op chest and crafted items that a pleb will never ever dream to get.

The thing is while in HLD you can also get +1-+2 chest and op crafted items, the difference in combats during an hld fight is way lower because of skill 1 shot potential.

While in LLD having top gear can define a win in 90% of the cases, in HLD top gear (mirrors/legacy) don t mean that much. The level of currency a top LLDER will need to spend is way higher than in HLD too if he want to achieve top places.

hence, the match in LLD are more one sided than in HLD when the LLD pros who invested xxx ex are playing vs amateurs.

In hld, amateurs and pro can pretty much be at same level thanks to how broken the balance is.

DedeX wrote:
Hello hello,
PT it's nice to see you here again :)

Temp > Standard
Standard is deserted, empty, not much point to stay there longer then 5 min. Usally you can meet there well known broken builds. Standard HLD is best place to make pvp unpopular. 90% are elitist and maybe 10% runner ups.
In the temp leagues I can see much more runner up's then elitist/well min-maxed builds.


1: I disagree on that,

We all know in temp league you can get way better gear than in std for much cheaper cost expect of course old legacy.

In the middle of temp league season , a temp league players will have amassed more currency than a std player would get.

In the end temp league players also get the new broken items like this league farrul s chest or like past league abyss jewels.

In the end of the day while you don t have legacy kaom/aegis in temp, you do get new broken shit that will define a meta in pvp for months.

There is not much difference in power from std players and temp players. The top pvpers in temp will amass the same amount of currency a standard player could get and his build will be on pare compared to standard players expect like mentioned before the case of legacy aegis and kaom legs.

I do not understand why this lie about temp league being more balanced keep being spread by few temp players when every league you can see the new temp league items being so powerful.

it is the same thing about people complaining about mirrors in pvp hld.

Look at Rupenus builds, his mirrored 2000+ex build deal the dame dps as his other build a temp league players could create.

Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Apr 25, 2018, 5:37:53 AM

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