[3.3, Build-of-the-week] Stored Lightning Bolt - CantripN's Lightning Trapper.

Surprised you are using ele focus on arc, I really hated losing the shock. Although I'm also using it in a 6L (tabula) and it still occasionally feels week against some yellows or magic packs. Though my gear isn't the best as you can see: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Kuram/characters?characterName=Alteraimes

Also conc effect on lightning spire might be counter productive, if some of the AOEs start missing the boss unless you're perfectly centered?

I'm also surprised at the gear you already have, going by how much youve played (based on your gem levels). Do you have a trick? I can't even afford a shimmeron yet and I've purchased nothing this league yet (dropped a tinker, trying to 5/6l it right now)
Last edited by Kuram on Jun 5, 2018, 1:00:33 PM
Conc might not be perfect, hard to say. It works alright even as a 2L, so...

And I just have RNG on my side. Or RMT - it feels like buying boxes from GGG boosts my drops :)

= 30 boxes?
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
Last edited by CantripN on Jun 5, 2018, 5:17:50 PM
Bought 1 box and my RNG is crap.
Been running inc aoe instead of conc on 6L spire trap today, doing white/yellow maps. So far it seems to be consistently doing noticeably more damage.

That being said, I got lucky with 6Ling my tinker, and 6L arc seems to be at least as fast, so I'm going to use that and just get some random rare boots for now.
Build works great, already did a few elders, red maps, reg atziri, uber lab with no trouble. No shimmerons yet, just replaced brightbeak with the below and it's enough damage to instakill everything so far.

Possible guide to leveling and gems priorized?

What kind of helmet enchantment do we use best for ARC or single target damage?
i desperately need an alternative to my current weapon right now. I'm using the new staff from the temple;

i'm going pure arc so i'm wondering how would increased trap damage vs increased lightning damage fair against each other?

I'm also using MoM + Battery which is a great combo with tinker but what do you suggest for the second aura? I'm currently using grace.

thanks again for the great build.
Anyone is using lightning trap instead of arc ? Better clear speed, single Target and damage overall.
I don't like arc trap
Darkness Enthroned is the best belt in the game for a crit caster. Period.

Let me tell you about our lord and saviour Headhunter

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