[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

oh, ok thank bro, i read the item, but i don't see it maybe time to change my glasses ^^.
someone could post amulet and belt perfect for build
someone could post amulet and belt perfect for build
If anyone isn't using it: Vaal Discipline is very good for us. It's like being able to use an occasional life flask, albeit you have to wait a fraction of a second for, as you have to stop channelling to be able to cast it.

I can't afford ES on hit watcher's eye yet, so it's saved me quite often when I walk into an incursion and am surrounded by enemies right from the start.
Anyone have the bandwidth and funds to try the Incinerate/Combustion alternative?
how is this build in incursions? currently lvl 34 and it feels like firestorms blows serious ass in there.just dont have the burst to keep up with the timer at *all*, not sure if i am doing something wrong. hopefully this is just temporary and the whispering ice will make everythign butter in a few levels. right now this just feels horrible.

lvling with dual axiom maces and firestorm/flameblast totems like i did in previous builds was just so so much easier and faster.
I'm 86 at the moment and incursions are easy in the ~77 maps I'm in at the moment. There's no point doing them until you have WI, and I'd say three of the Labs. You'll want to do the CI switch first, so we're talking level 69 at the very earliest.

The fact we're slow to start dealing damage isn't ideal, but it isn't a huge problem because we're dealing damage to everything on the screen at once. You'll want a quicksilver of adrenaline and ideally movespeed 35, but it's fine at 30 too.

As you can see, my gear isn't exactly endgame quality yet. I'm 9200 DPS in PoB and 5k ES before discipline.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jun 4, 2018, 5:48:42 PM
going to be lvl 80 soon.
I ignored incursions till i had 2 labs done, and was lvl 70.
now they are peace of cake for WI. ( btw still don't have 6S on WI ).
I started doing incursions as soon as I got my staff at 39 -- why not, they are what the league is about. I got better and better at them as I levelled and improved my dps. I had my first room clear achievement at around level 60. Now the fights are almost too easy...
Hey guys any suggestion for boosting survivability before switch to CI?

I am at act 8 level 58-ish with around 1.3k life and 600 ES with disciple, AA and chaos golem. Resists are all capped. However I have died way more than I should along the way. Apparently the HP pool and leech are not enough to save me at this stage.

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